Effin' love this ending.
We are all Tetsuo.
Wha? No. I'm Schadenfreude.
Sorry, you are now blowing up.
US-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and SecurityI like that the west was super ready to help their bro Japan out. Like, no one messes with Japan.
Sorry, you are now blowing up.
Be one with the universe.
And with that, I'm out. Later ToonamiGAF.
You guys would have no worries with me. I'd use my psychic powers for super mundane shit like being good at bowling and getting stuff from far away so I don't have to stand up.
You don't.Why do I need to know about Sylvester again?
Oooh, it's continuity error episode!
Anyone notice?
Wait what? Why does Batou know his name?