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Toonami |Dec14| Watch the reruns, Shinji

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Gives all the fucks
Gonna watch akira later today.

I'm curious: do DVR recordings count for ratings? Obviously not the rewatch, but does whatever system collects the ratings know if someone is actually watching it or not?
Considering the cable or satellite is tuned onto that channel when it's on & is recording the program, I feel like they should.


Gives all the fucks
So whats ToonamiGAF's view on Baka and Test?
I only watched the first season via Funimation's YouTube channel, but I was pleasantly surprised at the fact it was rather funny. Makes me wonder why I originally passed on it when it first aired.

One of these days, I need to watch the second season.
After well over a decade of Naruto filler, what, precisely, leads you to believe this?
Well some of the filler arcs in part 1 were actually pretty good. The one where naruto and hinata and her team go to find that beetle was actually good.
This new filler is gonna have the bug jinchurriki.


I only watched the first season via Funimation's YouTube channel, but I was pleasantly surprised at the fact it was rather funny. Makes me wonder why I originally passed on it when it first aired.

One of these days, I need to watch the second season.
This was pretty much my view, but I watched it all.
The references were good >.>


Sketchbook Picasso
SAB is apparently doing key artwork for the next season of Code Monkeys.

YUP, new season will be out nex~! *AHEM* Weird that I've never watched much of that show...

Everyone fell asleep and left like 3 people were left
Screams more anime names
neat style

My alt to this was going to be every name-screamer (Kagome, Broly, Cunningham, etc) I could fit into a montage of screaming their respective rival / love / pets names, but that didn't seem like it'd work out in time, doh!

I'm glad this take on the idea turned out cool still! Making such tiny sprites (without potential for outlines and more defined features) kinda drives me nuts, lol.

Good morning everyone.
Awesome pixel work SAB

Gonna be honest, Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan is very overrated. It definitely seems like a movie loved out of nostalgia. It's very 90s, a villain that's nothing but rage and muscles.
I think what gets me is that his punches felt like they left very little impact. Compared to Freeza or Cell, where their attacks left marks and it all looked painful. Hell, Android 13 punched Goku in the balls.

Not to mention TWO SEQUELS. Somehow worse than this one.

Looking up when the original FMA was dubbed, it came out a year after this did. Considering FMA was one of those "popular to hate because it's popular" animu, and Broly's role here, it's no wonder people didn't take Vic Mignogna seriously for a long time.

Thanks! Even if it ran me nutz, it was pretty fun to do.

Broly really works better when just watched for "OH COOL, HE'S HELLA STRONG!" factor. Anything more than that and it really seems to fail. Back when this was still fresh (in Japan), I was probably gaga over everything I saw of DBZ in the import news of EGM or something. My few views of anything Super Sayajin were always so hype... I'd reread the previews of the SNES fighters over and over.

By the time I saw this movie, I was well past that, and I still don't think many DBZ movies were as good as something like Dead Zone. But Broly was great to see, because I'd seen this totally unique and over-powered character that didn't fit frame or form of anyone else around, even characters that came after him. As long as I knew "this will make an awesome character when I get to play the games!", I was happy with the movie, ha.

Damn, SAB. I'm always impressed by how awesome your spritework stuff is. Especially given you have to do it as an episode airs. Great art dump this week.

Glad you liked it! I love the fact that Pixel Paint is a nice, efficient program; fills and copy and multi-tier zoom! Makes certain things so much easier to do over Toonami's limited time.

So whats ToonamiGAF's view on Baka and Test?

I've never taken the time to watch it at all, as I feel it'd just be another modern fanservicey show starting characters way too young for said service to feel appropriate with for me. If I was going to put myself through that, I'd just rather go back and watch Negima!

Is there anything actually appealing about the show?


I only stayed up until Akira so that's all I have to review this week. I'm not even sure I'll watch EVA next week but I might DVR those.

Attack on Titan - A decent episode. The vocal track really didn’t fit (as usual) and I can only take so much of Armen’s whining. Thankfully, there’s the first sweet titan vs. titan battle and the animation overall was pretty good.

DBZ: Broly - Get ready for some venom because I’m not holding back. This was terrible. Just terrible in every way. This movie has to be THE WORST FAN FICTION ever put on film. Think about it. A character who was born the exact same day as the show’s main character, looks almost like the main character, but this new guy is like 10,000 times more powerful, a third taller and has way more muscles!! Give me a break. I’m 100% certain the guy who made up Broly was no different than some teen DBZ fan who wrote themselves into the universe as a character so powerful the mains are all afraid of him. It’s the same thing, except it’s a fully sanctioned movie.

Vegeta acting like a puss the entire time what terrible, out of character, and laughable. Goku somehow magically absorbing all of the Z fighter’s powers is a cop-out and still he barely puts a scratch on this dude. But once Vegeta finally gives up his tiny amount of power he had left Goku can instantly one punch this guy and he explodes?! Give me a break. Also, Piccolo can “hear everything in the universe” as an explanation of how he found that planet?! “Good thing Piccolo brought this space ship!” Ugh. Five excruciating minutes of Krillin karaoke comedy, with constant callbacks throughout the movie like it’s supposed to be this really hilarious bit?! And finally, the whole thing just suddenly ends on the worst joke imaginable and Chi-Chi falling over. Oh, that Goku; what a numbskull. This movie was trash and makes me embarrassed to enjoy regular DBZ.

Akira - Not much to say here except that I enjoyed reading live tweets (along with ToonamiGAF’s posts) during the movie and seeing people’s reactions. The amount of painstaking work put into every frame of this movie never fails to impress. However, what often doesn’t get mentioned enough is the incredible way the camera and shot composition was handled. Again, very revolutionary for an animated movie to have so many realistic camera moves, backlighting, motion-blurs and other effects. Truly, a landmark film.


I've never taken the time to watch it at all, as I feel it'd just be another modern fanservicey show starting characters way too young for said service to feel appropriate with for me. If I was going to put myself through that, I'd just rather go back and watch Negima!

Is there anything actually appealing about the show?

Uh...theres a dozen MGS references?
And its funny.
Thats about it.
Its funny generally, with the fanservice being intentionally done/done for humors sake in comparison to "lets awkwardly place the camera here and pretend the viewer isnt pervy"

The movie wastes so much time on a boring setup that can be easily swept away and boiled down to Broly fighting Goku and friends. And it's weird, because that would have been cheaper. This is also some of the most boring ass-beating I've seen from the series (and to be fair, what I've seen of the series that I remember off the top of my head is Kai up to where we've seen and Cooler's Revenge, but still). There's nothing interesting about the choreography whatsoever. Broly doesn't even feel that much more powerful than your average villain; the characters just happen to stay down for the count when he hits them because they just happen to fly through more scenery. It is incredibly boring. Compare this to Raditz beating up Goku and Piccolo, and it's night and day.


A classic, my friend.

Now go watch End of Eva.



Sketchbook Picasso
Uh...theres a dozen MGS references?
And its funny.
Thats about it.
Its funny generally, with the fanservice being intentionally done/done for humors sake in comparison to "lets awkwardly place the camera here and pretend the viewer isnt pervy"

Well, that's better than I would have guessed!

Regiruler: Haha, that's pretty similar to how I felt the first time I saw Akira. The quality of the work that goes into it is amazing and such, but the story did so little for me... I didn't feel nearly as moved or impacted upon seeing it, as I wanted to.

Heck, it's been years since I've seen it, but I think I had more of an emotional impact upon watching Jin-Roh.


Yeah, I was thinking this while reading over all these reviews here, ha. I don't even really mind though. Maybe it's because he's so crappily made that I feel like his creation is equal to his purpose and use.

While I look at One Piece or Bleach characters, and feel like I see fun characters that get wasted left and right.

I do kinda like how close defeating Broly mimicked the creation of a Super Saiyan God, however. And everything was worth it to hear Cha-La.


I finally watched the end of Korra. I agree with this statement

as I think the practice helps downplay the importance and relevance of the show and its characters.

I think it was a great ending for the series. I settled the series was going to have a low key ending due to budget cuts but they still managed to put together another great season with a few issues. I'd rank the seasons as follows

TLA Book 2 > LOK Book 3 > LOK Book 4 > TLA Book 3 > TLA Book 1 = LOK Book 1 >>>> LOK Book 2


I think it was a great ending for the series. I settled the series was going to have a low key ending due to budget cuts but they still managed to put together another great season with a few issues. I'd rank the seasons as follows

TLA Book 2 > LOK Book 3 > LOK Book 4 > TLA Book 3 > TLA Book 1 = LOK Book 1 >>>> LOK Book 2

I agree that it was a great ending to the series, even if it was more subdued and less of a true sendoff for the series. I'd need to watch TLA again to get a better sense of my true rankings with where Book 3 sits with the last two seasons of LoK, but TLA Book 2 does stand on top.


Gives all the fucks
why'd you guys have the metal-less soundtrack for Broly? that adds sooooooo much to it for me. Not trying to hate or whine just asking.

Regardless of which version we played, we'd get complaints. Funimation controls which version of Broly we show, that's out of our hands. Sorry for those of you who prefer the "metal" version, but it wasn't an option for us. And as for me? I hate those soundtracks. Regardless, we didn't even have the option to air that version. Sorry!

From DeMarco's ask.fm.


wait....Broly is Vic?


That what I responded when I saw his name in the credits.

Man, no wonder people didn't take Mignogna seriously for years.

I need more powerrrrrr

People actually say this movie is better than Battle of Gods.
People are making comparisons?

I'm done. Can't wait for the Eva-thon next week!
*looks at avy* Of course you are.

Anyone remember them showing this movie on SciFi's Saturday Anime years ago?
That was my first exposure to anime. Saturday mornings I will never forget.


Calling it a night.
Need to watch
Kirby vs. Buu
Hollywood needs to hire Screw Attack.

So whats ToonamiGAF's view on Baka and Test?
Pretty funny from what I've seen of it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I have a sob story with Sci Fi.

Less than a month after they cancelled Saturday Anime my local cable package finally got the stupid channel.

I also worked late nights throughout the entire Animonday period. Well, at least when they showed the good stuff. By the time I got a new job they switched to the same four movies over and over.


Back in early middle school a friend let me borrow a cd full of DBZ amv's which I assume were downloaded from kazaa or something. One of them was this Broly one- set to the Mortal Kombat theme of all things lol. And it wouldn't be in spirit of the potato quality kazaa era without that 144p. (has a tiny clip from a future Broly movie if anyone cares for spoilers)

Obviously, in hindsight it's easy to see how silly things like that were. But in the early days of the internet when not everyone had access to it, stuff like "badass" anime characters spread via word of mouth so it just jumped up the popularity charts, at least in my personal experience.


So is the theme for this month of movies "mind fuckery"? Because between Hellsing, Akira, and Eva that seems to be what they're going for.


I have a sob story with Sci Fi.

Less than a month after they cancelled Saturday Anime my local cable package finally got the stupid channel.

I also worked late nights throughout the entire Animonday period. Well, at least when they showed the good stuff. By the time I got a new job they switched to the same four movies over and over.

While it was pretty awesome to have, their anime block only worked for movies. They would run OVAs, but not have the rights to show all of them (it took me years to see the end of Aria: Zarim The Animation) or just drop them after a few episodes. It ended up being a lot of half-told stories I barely remember now. Still, it helped spark more interest in anime past Sailor Moon, Ronin Warriors, and DBZ back when they aired in the mornings/afternoons on Fox.

Back in early middle school a friend let me borrow a cd full of DBZ amv's which I assume were downloaded from kazaa or something. One of them was this Broly one- set to the Mortal Kombat theme of all things lol. And it wouldn't be in spirit of the potato quality kazaa era without that 144p. (has a tiny clip from a future Broly movie if anyone cares for spoilers)

Obviously, in hindsight it's easy to see how silly things like that were. But in the early days of the internet when not everyone had access to it, stuff like "badass" anime characters spread via word of mouth so it just jumped up the popularity charts, at least in my personal experience.

This was how I watched all of GT my first year of college. Most anime too. I had saved the entire show to a few CDs and pulled it out recently. I'm surprised I sat though that show at all, let alone at potato resolution.

Now I can appreciate this gif more having finally beaten Persona 3 FES today woo!

Nice! You going to play through The Answer now or skip the 20-30hrs of horrid dungeon crawling in favor of playing the superior Persona Q?
Nice! You going to play through The Answer now or skip the 20-30hrs of horrid dungeon crawling in favor of playing the superior Persona Q?

I'm sitting between

1- Play the answer/watch the answer
2- Play Persona 4 PS2
3- Play Persona 3 FES The Journey max slink
4- Play Persona 3 Portable girl MC


I'm sitting between

1- Play the answer/watch the answer
2- Play Persona 4 PS2
3- Play Persona 3 FES The Journey max slink
4- Play Persona 3 Portable girl MC

Personally I'd go with just watching/reading The Answer then moving on to P4. I still need to do a max S.Link for both FES and P4G, it just takes a ton of time I don't really have. Also, no P4G? It's easier, but it is also the more complete experience like FES was for P3.

Play the answer once. In some ways its better than regular P3.

In some ways...much worse.

It'd be worth it if the dungeon crawling was, ya know, good.
Personally I'd go with just watching/reading The Answer then moving on to P4. I still need to do a max S.Link for both FES and P4G, it just takes a ton of time I don't really have. Also, no P4G? It's easier, but it is also the more complete experience like FES was for P3.

Due to having to drop $$$ on this planet ticket for the funeral and other life expenses getting a Vita isn't going to happen anytime soon. I'd like to say with my tax refund but it may not be until next Christmas and I really don't want to wait that long to play p4. Plus while I am a bit burned out on p3 where I want to take a bit of a break part of me really wants to go back and do max slink/girl route because of how much I enjoyed the game. I'm not too worried about playing P4 and then having to replay the game a few months later in an enhanced version especially if the game is as good as people have said/is as good as p3.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Personally I'd go with just watching/reading The Answer then moving on to P4. I still need to do a max S.Link for both FES and P4G, it just takes a ton of time I don't really have. Also, no P4G? It's easier, but it is also the more complete experience like FES was for P3.

It'd be worth it if the dungeon crawling was, ya know, good.

I don't disagree. But suggesting P4G, which has even worse dungeons, kinda doesn't make your point either.

P4 is mostly a better experience but its actually less fun to play because they just made it too damn simple.


I don't disagree. But suggesting P4G, which has even worse dungeons, kinda doesn't make your point either.

P4 is mostly a better experience but its actually less fun to play because they just made it too damn simple.

I'm not debating how bad the dungeons are, as they are pretty piss poor in both games. I'm saying that P4G is the more complete experience between 4 and Golden and includes the extra canon character that's in everything going forward. Plus it's great because you can play it on the go. The dungeons in 4 get a small bump only because the art direction for each one is different, while Tartarus has more subtle changes that don't help in downplaying the sameness of every level.

Outside of the dungeons, P3 does win out in pretty much every other way though. S.Links, story, characters.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm the wrong person to ask though as while I've completed P3 FES and P4 I don't really like either nor do I have a horse in the race.
I'm the wrong person to ask though as while I've completed P3 FES and P4 I don't really like either nor do I have a horse in the race.

I can see the problems in P3 FES but I still really enjoyed it despite them. The only thing that really got to me is just how freaking long the game is especially the final boss. No boss should take 30+ minutes in any game that's just ridiculous
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