This scene really blew me and my brother's mind when we were kids.
She's made of clay!
How'd that happen
YoYo Urusueway brought her back to life life.
Kikyo realizes too late she still want's the half demon D
Wind Scar three times
So this is the guy is Mike's avatar. His voice is hilarious.
Wind scar to stun, sacred arrow to damage
3x time
Backlash wave to finish
So this is the guy in Mike's avatar. His voice is hilarious.
I remember legitimately not knowing if kikyo was dead or not and the possibility just increased with time until I accepted itFor all his planning, Naraku sucks at actually killing people.
then he turns into beast form
He cares for Jaken! LORD SESSHOMARU is so benevolent.
I remember legitimately not knowing if kikyo was dead or not and the possibility just increased with time until I accepted it
You've never seen InuYasha before?!?! Hahaha.
They really did play it all up well.
Then all of a sudden she washes up alive.
Good news Kagome! No competition!
even though I know she's alive
Well that was fun. Thanks for putting up with my aloofness, InuyashaGAF
No?Hi ToonamiGAF a quick question. Did they keep Tearlicker's plan the same in the SAO dub as they did in the original? From what I remember he plannedto rape Asuna and stream it online to everyone then he proceeded to do the tear licking.
well thanks for that.
By the way Inuyasha will go on an insane don't miss must see episode stretch for about eight weeks after this.