Phi or Clover?
Clover's not tsundere. She's just... Clover.nor yandere
999/VLR kind of overrides archetypical traits. Though Clover is probably the one that skews closest to cliche.
I dunno... I just can't think of applying standard behaviour-based labels in a high-stakes death game situation..Clover's dere only comes out really when she's sure that she and her brother are safe, after all, which is a natural reaction to have in a death game, so...
Love the Bleach , Samurai Jack, FMA, Gits, ones and colored Inuyasha and Soul Eater are great.![]()
Time to spend some time before studying reading SAO reactions again.
Seriously, every other Sunday, going back & reading the posts after the show has finished makes them even more hilarious.
Edit: OMG we had a member (Loco4Coco) going in fresh & having THAT be the first ever episode of the series that they saw. Best episode for meltdowns, or bestest episode?!
LICH KING DEMARCO ‏@Clarknova1 1h
(Clears throat) #toonami fans, you are amazing. Thanks so much for working to trend #intruder2 last night. You kicked ass!
LICH KING DEMARCO ‏@Clarknova1 1h
We're gonna go dark on this for a while now, and the next time you hear about #intruder2, we'll be teasing it!
LICH KING DEMARCO ‏@Clarknova1 1h
In the meantime, thanks for your help. You gave us more than enough of a display of your interest, to help us make the story bigger.
So now that the second arc is basically over I reiterate that I enjoyed the second arc over the first arc for several reasons
1- the villain while ridiculous was the perfect antagonist to perfect beater Kirito and was hilariously comical that I wanted to see Kirito punch his lights out more then boring old Heathcliff
2- I like the more story focused plot as opposed to the all over the place story telling approach of S1, I actually get a sense of progression in Fairy dance I never got in SAO
3- fairy dance seems to acknowledge just how insane things are and just continues to try and one up with self with hilarious over the top shit
SAO was a way better game and had a way better set up, but in terms of how this anime handled it I preferred the second arc. Both are god awful though so it's basically like saying I like a kick in the ass over a punch to the gutt
That was pretty hilarious hahaThe line delivery of "OH MY GOD! KAYABA?!" was fucking perfect. The voice actor totally went HAM when playing Sugou lol.
Love the Bleach , Samurai Jack, FMA, Gits, ones and colored Inuyasha and Soul Eater are great.
But I believe the Space Dandy artwork is the best yet.![]()
I'll never get the whole "buu buu too clean" bitching about FMA:B like crap did you pay attention to the themes or story at all or did you just expect more dark angst cause of fma03? What on Earth would you change? Have Mustang not get his eyes back despite it being established earlier about Marcoh's philosopher's stone? Have ed/winry not together despite all the build up to it? Have ed and al not go on another adventure? Its the perfect ending for the way the story was written and the ultimate lesson of
"Nothing can be gained without pain and sacrifice, but if you endure that pain and walk away, you'll become a stronger person" this even ties back to the first chapter of the manga (3rd or 4th episode of brotherhood) the whole "stand on your own two legs" that Ed tells Rose
This too clean crap just needs to stop, it's almost as bad as SAO fans defending SAO as being anything but crap. It makes me feel like you didn't watch the series at all and just read the ending synopsis online without experiencing the journey.
i generally try not to do the whole "Your favourite anime is shiiiiiiit" thing, but if you like Sword Art Online for anything other than how terrible it is there is something wrong with you. I don't just mean you enjoy weird shit or something, hell, I enjoy a lot of weird shit. You've just got to be missing something in your head if you can't see how horrendously flawed it is.
It's the equivalent of humans willingly eating pig shit.
Toonami |Feb14| SAO is done, call an Exorcist
Perfect.Toonami |Feb14| SAO is done, call an Exorcist
It does NOT need to stop just because someone disagrees with you. Personally, I love of lot of what I call the 'structure' of the show. How and when plot points are presented, and how the narrative builds from beginning to end. Nothing is introduced too randomly, and the plot twists and turns are generally paced well. Almost every scene feels important and adds something to the show, it's efficient that way. It's probably my favorite anime (and I've always preferred it to 03 even though I generally liked 2003 /outside/ of the ending). But when the plot gets to the last ten episodes or so, to me, it feels like the narrative starts going through a checklist. Each character gets their moment, the Homunculus start to fall one-by-one, have Mustang get revenge on Envy, have Scar accept his brother's method (and arm), Ling gets 'immortality', Hohenheim gets to be with Trisha in death, finally have Ed/Al get their bodies back. It's just a tad too pro forma, to the extent it feels rigid and a little unbelievable. I wouldn't say any of the individual 'bows' that tie up these things are bad resolutions or anything like that, it's more how things are all wrapped up so....successively.
Let me stress one thing. I don't think the ending in place is poor or unfitting. It just feels too exacting to me.
Whoa now. I like SAO. I guess I eat pig shit.
& holy crap, I LOVE the coincidence of Kirito being confirmed playable for Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax after last night's episode. I can use Team Durarara to take down Team SAO in Green Hill Zone.
Someone yesterday asked me to fix a malware issue (bad image host) in a thread I've never visited.
FMA's Ending: I understand that the "Checklist!" ideal feels a bit too perfect, but it's hilarious to complain about a story actually sealing up it's plotholes, and giving each and every character a real resolution.
The only part I had issue with was the curing of Mustang's eyes so quickly. As much as every other character in loss goes through, Mustang gets a cure after just a short amount of time.
Had I saw this series when I was a teenager in high school, I think I would have not noticed more of the flaws & really liked this show, but now that I'm older and have a wider range of reference, I'm more enjoying this in the fact that 1.) the reactions to what happens in the show, because oh my god they're funny at times, & 2.) it's fun analyzing just what exactly doesn't work. It's one of those shows that's fascinating to watch and discuss WHY the execution doesn't work for some people.ToonamiGAF VS outsiders: Really, I feel like a lot of the "THIS SHOW IS CRAP AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD!" stuff gets exaggerated quite often. There's very little I find contemptable enough to go to such lengths of outright insults to the watchers over.
It's EXTREMLY EASY to see why someone could like SAO, just by being a little less cynical on some of it's elements. Most of my dislike for things in the show deal with my dislike at the direction anime in general is moving in now-a-days, rather than anything central to the show itself.
But to take that out on fans who look at the show in a different light is just poor form, and starts to speak to that "out of touch old audience hates everything new, goes to great lengths to prove such" mentality. A lot of objectionable stuff in SAO is pretty much par-the-course for much of it's viewers, and instead of being a bullet point that sticks out and insults their intelligence, it's just an expected show element that is being fulfilled in an author-unique way. Hardly something to flame over and scream about for weeks on end. I'm always happy to see someone join in on the thread that brings a well-presented, nicely worded counter-point to the usual overwhelming opinions. It's those moments, and those people that really get the conversations going, to me.
The point is Seda is trying to make is to attack the show, not the fanbase. Just because you find it morally repugnant doesn't mean that it's okay to go on an abusive tirade against people who enjoy the show overall. It's in bad taste and just plain mean.
To add on to that, "you have an avatar of *whatever* therefore argument invalid!" is also rather tiresome at times. Granted, I think that happens way more outside of this thread/community than it does inside, but it goes with the whole stereotyping/generalization deal.
Sketch ‏@Sketch1984 Jan 19
This is your brain. This is your brain on #SwordArtOnline
Caleb Payne ‏@CalebReidPayne 11h
so #SwordArtOnline is next. It is actually like top 5 of my anime favorites. SO FUCKEN EXITED! but please no incest... #Toonami #Intruder2
Sketch ‏@Sketch1984 11h
It's like a really stupid imitation of Beserk's anime ending - SwordArtOnline #Intruder2
BlackHawkOmega ‏@BlackHawkOmega 11h
MEGATRON is a despicable villain. DR. EGGMAN is a despicable villain. Sugou is a goddamn sex criminal. #SwordArtOnline
LordTerminal ‏@Lordofthesuplex 11h
DigiRanma ‏@DigiRanma 11h
Ok, look, rape happens and yes, there are creeps like the big bad, I get it. This is NOT how to handle the subject! #SwordArtOnline
YAMATO ‏@YAMATO_English 11h
Recording a rape.... unfortunately (or fortunately), there are people this dumb in real life. #intruder2 #SwordArtOnline
The One & Only ‏@Zezlemet 11h
And feminism marches on... #intruder2 #SwordArtOnline #Toonami
Abigail Carvajal ‏@StrawHatPirate9 11h
Shadow(human) ‏@BlackFoxness2 11h
Oh ain't no big shot now huh u basterd kirito gonna shread you basterd #SwordArtOnline
Yajirobe did WHAT?! ‏@DatDamnPR 11h
You let your naked g/f log out but you took that man's SEED?!?!?! YOU FOOL!!! #SwordArtOnline
Brett (ブレット‏@I3rok3n_Sword 11h
Metaking ‏@metaking64x 11h
Matthew McKenzie ‏@NarcissicMe 11h
Kayaba would have fit in Marvel. He is literally a comic book evil genius. Oh, and Deus Ex Machina #SwordArtOnline #Toonami #Intruder2
Ace Trainer Chris ‏@Tsukento 11h
Remember - one episode left of #SwordArtOnline. And you don't die in real life if you died in ALO. Remember that.
To add on to that, "you have an avatar of *whatever* therefore argument invalid!" is also rather tiresome at times. Granted, I think that happens way more outside of this thread/community than it does inside, but it goes with the whole stereotyping/generalization deal.