Aquarion Evol coming to toonami!!!!
I got scared that for a moment you were being serious >:[
Aquarion Evol coming to toonami!!!!
Rape is such a heavy topic that when it pops up, it derails the proceedings. Everything becomes about how rape is in the story. The only way to offset this is to treat it properly, to focus on it as this heinous crime. Otherwise you just look like a hack.
There is no defense for this episode.
Rape is a serious topic, as is attempted rape and sexual assault. It's unfortunate that a lot of fiction has molestation or characters just generally trying to force themselves onto others as a shortcut to get the audience to hate them, but it's something I've generally come to accept. Hell, InuYasha's even done it. The thing that makes these moments tolerable is that they're usually brief.
In Sword Art Online, it isn't brief. It goes on for a long fucking time as the villain chains Asuna up, rips off her clothes, licks her face, starts touching her, and goes on about what he's going to do to her. If you're going to put rape or attempted rape in a story, you give the topic the serious consideration it deserves. It doesn't matter if this is in character, you don't bring up this subject as just another reason to hate the villain, especially in your little "Trapped In a Video Game!" show that's meant purely for entertainment. It's trashy and in poor taste, to put it lightly. This is not a serious portrayal of rape, this is throwaway hero motivation, and it goddamn shouldn't be. Rape is such a heavy topic that when it pops up, it derails the proceedings. Everything becomes about how rape is in the story. The only way to offset this is to treat it properly, to focus on it as this heinous crime.Otherwise you just look like a hack.
There is no defense for this episode.
Thus is the annoying Nature of entertainment. In order to be constantly "Edgy", the edge has to be pushed closer and close to the immoral and irresponsible. Though the way creators treat it can offset the effects, the fact that some of these things even EXIST in shows should be the focal point, to me.
But if a sin is a sin, why should the exaggeration of rape in SAO be more shunned than the violent mutilation of Oberon at the hands of Kirito? Both situations played with the outer trappings of completely horrific actions, and both were done to get some form of a rise out of audiences who enjoy seeing something that would be reprehensible IRL.
Society really does condition us oddly. We can play games where the heroes commit violence against fairly realistic character models repeat horrors that only war vets had to see in the past. We can play these for HOURS, and never bat an eye at the fact that the developers and artist took absolute joy in rendering exploding heads, undead creatures, mutilation, torture, agony, etc...
...yet 5 min of watching an ultimate bad guy forcing himself on the heroes woman makes a mini outrage.
I often think of how I'd feel to spend hours rendering out certain scenes of violence or sexuality in art, if I were to draw some of the things I've seen in Manga or Anime, or even in movies. It's one of the things that I appreciated in "Perfect Blue", the scene where she was filming the rape moment, only to have them take a break, and the actor who was suppose to be assaulting her starts asking if she's ok, plain as day. I always wondered how people could have such a clear on/off switch for such things, and if it's healthy to be able to detach oneself from their work... while the very fact you've brought it to life admits that THIS IS SOMETHING YOU'VE THOUGHT LONG AND HARD ABOUT. AND WANT TO SHARE WITH OTHERS. It's just... very awkward.
How different entertainment as a whole would be, if creators stopped within their own boundaries. I really wonder what effect that'd have on the world...
You guys are nuts
Aquarion Evol is the best love story with giant robots since G Gundam
You guys are nuts
Aquarion Evol is the best love story with giant robots since G Gundam
I can't put my finger on it but something about the sand ninjas shooting those giant arrows at Deidara looked very off.
I like how among Toonami gaffers for both first time viewers and season vets Shippuden consistently rates at the bottom of the shows each week
I like how among Toonami gaffers for both first time viewers and season vets Shippuden consistently rates at the bottom of the shows each week
But the question is what Linkin Park song works best?Edit: Shippuden fights are only really good when they're cut/paste into fight videos with all the filler and other BS cut out
But the question is what Linkin Park song works best?
EDIT: jim sterlings video on rape vs murder also gives a good perspective of what your talking about SAB CA. EVERYONE dies, no one would legitimately defend murder , there are no "victims of murder" still around to be uncomfortable and traumatized by seeing it. However people do in fact defend rape and molestation, to this day, blame victims, etc, you just have to take a look at the news and recent going ons with certain celebs to see this. There are victims of rape who exist after the act who can be traumatized again, dismissed, and discomforted from seeing a scene of the act of rape or molestation, particularly a extensive and long scene.
there's a certain detachment that comes with the kind of violence you're referring to; it's impersonal. we can distance ourselves from it, and i'm sure desensitization has played a bit of a role in this. graphic torture still gets people up in arms because it doesn't come with that detachment, which is probably the more comparable situation here.
Asuna and Leafa were announced for that game before Kirito? I'm not familiar with the game but that seems weird.
Asuna and Leafa were announced for that game before Kirito? I'm not familiar with the game but that seems weird.
Ah. Didn't realize anything about it having a label of "all girl fighting game"
This is exactly how I feel, theres absolutely nothing wrong with that, we need stories that tries to have happy endings for once, but you can see the author made sure everything went exactly as planned for it without throwing a wench in it to give real doubt.It does NOT need to stop just because someone disagrees with you. Personally, I love of lot of what I call the 'structure' of the show. How and when plot points are presented, and how the narrative builds from beginning to end. Nothing is introduced too randomly, and the plot twists and turns are generally paced well. Almost every scene feels important and adds something to the show, it's efficient that way. It's probably my favorite anime (and I've always preferred it to 03 even though I generally liked 2003 /outside/ of the ending). But when the plot gets to the last ten episodes or so, to me, it feels like the narrative starts going through a checklist. Each character gets their moment, the Homunculus start to fall one-by-one, have Mustang get revenge on Envy, have Scar accept his brother's method (and arm), Ling gets 'immortality', Hohenheim gets to be with Trisha in death, finally have Ed/Al get their bodies back. It's just a tad too pro forma, to the extent it feels rigid and a little unbelievable. I wouldn't say any of the individual 'bows' that tie up these things are bad resolutions or anything like that, it's more how things are all wrapped up so....successively.
Let me stress one thing. I don't think the ending in place is poor or unfitting. It just feels too exacting to me.
Ah. Didn't realize anything about it having a label of "all girl fighting game"
Personally I believe in moral hierarchies and other dynamics of morality based on who has power, position, privilege , and the responsibility that comes with those things etc, but yea, this is getting a bit too heavy for this sorta thread.
i honestly didn't know they had enough characters to justify a fighting game.
but then i also know jack shit.
Oh hell no it's not. It's a disgusting piece of shit and drivel that makes fucking SAO look like a masterpiece. I call bullshit good sir!
FYI Gucchi Al was 14-15 during the story and 17 at the end, May was 11-12 though the story and 14 at the end. There is also the assumption that the final shot of Ed/Winry with kids probably takes 5+ years after the story's completion where Al would be 22 and she would be 19
Why are things so heavy in the future is there something wrong with the moons gravitational pull?
That was funnier than I expected.
That video needs more views.
& holy crap, I LOVE the coincidence of Kirito being confirmed playable for Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax after last night's episode. I can use Team Durarara to take down Team SAO in Green Hill Zone.
your point on Steins;Gate hurts me cause I personally think the best parts of SG is when everyone is just fucking around, talking and just being friends and such, I will be the first to admit that the dialogue helps the first 10 episodes alot but its what makes the series as a whole so great is they dont try to rush giving everyone some screentime.As much as I <3333333 Steins Gate I don't think it's actiony enough for the general AS audience, I imagine most people would get bored and quit before we got to the point where it really picks up. I imagine if AoT dub is ready to go from Funi (which they confirmed last year and have been silent on since) I could see that sliding into that slot and being hugely successful.
I like how among Toonami gaffers for both first time viewers and season vets Shippuden consistently rates at the bottom of the shows each week
your point on Steins;Gate hurts me cause I personally think the best parts of SG is when everyone is just fucking around, talking and just being friends and such, I will be the first to admit that the dialogue helps the first 10 episodes alot but its what makes the series as a whole so great is they dont try to rush giving everyone some screentime.
I'm sure Toonami has the rights to this for a while. If they ARE replacing something Funi-related they should totally get Steins;Gate =D
I heard in the One Piece Romance Dawn thread in Gaming that there's going to be a finite number of copies, as in each box is actually numbered.
Yeah, I'm not putting off buying it, I pre-ordered it immediately after I heard that. Even if it sucks, it's a collector's item.
Crap when does it come out again?
This Tuesday.
Yeah, I never made it far in ether Aquarion show. The first one refused to get anywhere (and the bad guys seemed to hover up human victims for thier bizzare tree nonsese at what one would call an "Apocalyptic" rate and everyone seemed to be far too fucking chipper for that and the second one just refused to even try to make sense.