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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Gives all the fucks
database database really grows on you. I never skip the OP anymore
Yeah, I think that might be one of those rare OPs that I actually don't skip.

Maybe if I can convince myself after watching Golden Time, I'll check out the first episode finally.



Dandy ain't having none of that shit, son.



it's [Log Horizon] one of the best anime period i've watched. Can't wait until it ends and I can marathon it to see if it holds up in that form, though in my experience if it's good week to week it's generally decent long-form


Tragic victim of fan death
I want to offer a little more thoughts on Episode 24.

The rape stuff, while... egregious... isn't actually what offends me. At least, contextually, it makes sense. Rapey McRaper is a McRaper Creeper McRaper who Rapes, cardboard cutout or not, so sadistic-ass NTR-triggering sexual assault is at least within his general wheelhouse. And Asuna has been damsel'd for so long at this point I could even forgive that she basically spent the entire episode either comforting Kirito or being sexually assaulted (maybe both at once, who knows). I mean, okay, it's still pretty fucking bad in terms of taste but it's not the worst element of the episode by far.

No, what really pissed me off, like BatDan, is the complete Deus Ex Machina ending. It's a fucking triple doozy. Not only does Kirito not put any effort whatsoever into the ending - he doesn't demonstrate exceptional strength, or some intense measure of courage, or some amazing secret strategem. Not only is he saved through a completely implausible but luckily timed intervention from a third party that was never even mentioned as a possibility beforehand, let alone teased or foreshadowed. But this fucking dumbshit beater, this idiot moron fucking jackass gary sue story-bending dipcrotch, is saved by the fucking mass-murdering douchebag from the first game with no callouts to the fact that he is a mass-murdering douchebag.

And how is he saved? By dramatically logging into an admin account and haxing his way to victory. He basically makes Oberon into a lvl 1 slime and proceeds to stomp on him, to literally cut the jackass to pieces and then fatality his spine. It's about as satisfying as watching a man with a chaingun murder a kindergardener, which is odd, because this is Rapist McRaper we're talking about here. But Kirito does it without a fucking thought - not even a hint of awareness re: "oh maybe I'm losing my human instincts as a person even if this is a virtual world/fantasy" - and, at least in my eyes, it renders false all the bullshit emotional suffering crap he immediately lapses into afterwards.


I'd also like to take this chance to apologise to anybody I insulted yesterday with that post I made. I made it with no malice aforethought, but frankly, I fucked up and put it in anyway, and for that I'd like to apologise. I don't really think you eat pig shit if you like SAO. If you know me, you know I don't attack fans of a thing even if I don't like it, and I'd like to believe that holds true; but what I posted more or less amounts to personal insults and for that I apologise. I'm sorry, I truly am.

What I meant to convey was that liking SAO is beyond my personal comprehension. It is something completely alien to me, the Great Old One of enjoying an animated series. It's like eating a lemon and telling me it's sweet, or perhaps more accurately like squeezing lemon juice into your eyes and telling me you enjoy the sensation. I don't understand it, but if that's your jam, go right ahead.

Some of the mechanics, ideas, visuals, and the songs of SAO are really cool. It has its moments where it really does shine, though it doesn't happen frequently. It's because I take great joy in these moments that I like the show in all honesty. Having cool looking armor/characters, the idea of a 100 floor castle MMO, the racial dynamic in ALO, the awesome flight-based combat, etc etc. It certainly has its appealing aspects.
It helps that the author actually played an MMO. Stuff like party dynamics takes me back to when I played WOW

Also the NPC/ player interaction is pretty intresting


Some of the mechanics, ideas, visuals, and the songs of SAO are really cool. It has its moments where it really does shine, though it doesn't happen frequently. It's because I take great joy in these moments that I like the show in all honesty. Having cool looking armor/characters, the idea of a 100 floor castle MMO, the racial dynamic in ALO, the awesome flight-based combat, etc etc. It certainly has its appealing aspects.

If that's the reason you like bits of SAO, Log Horizon must be like one continuous orgasm to you :p


I don't really care for SAO's animation. It might have raw budget behind it but I find it generally badly directed and the lighting especially in the first half was terrible - everything flaring like crazy.

That mid-air battle midway through Fairy Dance was okay though, from memory.


Tragic victim of fan death
I don't really care for SAO's animation. It might have raw budget behind it but I find it generally badly directed and the lighting especially in the first half was terrible - everything flaring like crazy.

That mid-air battle midway through Fairy Dance was okay though, from memory.

From what I saw of Log Horizon it tends to be very dull in color and rather bland. SAO is infinitely more vibrant.


action is definitely not log horizon's strong suit. But I would disagree that it's less vibrant - SAO kind of goes into neon glitz territory for me, whereas LH goes more varied but more suitable.

SAO also kind of just... takes place in a bunch of generic locations, from my mind. LH is a lot better about world-building and leaving the viewer with a visual impression of places.


Gives all the fucks
So wait, SAO is now better than Log Horizon in some aspects?

So wait, SAO is now better than Log Horizon in some aspects?


Only kinda and not really, it's like saying McDonalds does some things better then a 4 star restaurant like costing less and having high calorie for little food intake. For anything substantial though Log Horiozn kills SAO


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Log Horizon blows SAO out of the water, and im a fan of it aswell, but im not gonna say its the best thing ever either.
Log horizon is great just from the fact you can tell the creator has played an MMO, and the drama and dynamics of conflict doesn't come about from making an MMO exactly like real life and thus basically "real life but uh with fairies/magic/monsters and dragons" but with how one has to cope with living (as of now) permanently in a MMO like world, and then introduces elements of how one must keep your humanity (and more) in a world like this, and better yet how the world may have more to it than initially thought (i.e how one should treat "NPCs" , etc etc spoilers yadda yadda) . It's nice and doesnt squander the setting it gives itself right off the bat.


Gives all the fucks
That first episode was so infodump it really turned me off watching the rest of it
Not gonna lie, F/Z has one of THE worst first episodes in an otherwise good series. I understand they have to get important stuff out of the way, but the fact it's a freakin' hour long instead of broken up into two episodes makes it harder to take in. You're given so much damn exposition at once for such a long time.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"A New Squad! Two People and a Dog?!"


We open on a brief recap of the last oh, twenty seconds of the Naruto/idiot fights. The punches were 4 itchy tasty. Pakkun doesn't think it went well but Naruto tries it again. It goes about as well as you'd exepct. Cut to Iruka and Mizuki having a Kunai Clash, Iruka wants Naruto out of there.


Naruto tries an aerial assault. Nope, Brother hammer action. Big. Stupid. Indestructable. Mizuki mocks Iruka over Naruto's performance. Iruka cuts a promo about betraying his Leaf comrades again.


Mizuki believes in REAL ULTIMATE POWER given to him from lord Orochimaru. Comradeship is meanigless. It's not too late Mizuki! Naruto is left all alone.
Mizuki runs off.


Pakkun orders Naruto to go after the white haired jobber instead of these two. He agrees...somewhat reluctantly. The thunder bros. are left to run wild! They're it in this game of hide and go seek!


Mizuki is obviously leading Iruka into a trap. Naruto is trailing behind with Pakkun talking about not falling for another trap...only to be plugged in the back by the green idiot, that has got to hurt. Naruto is it! The green one is hungry again. Naruto is going to give them something to chew on.


Iruka is looking for Mizuki in a bamboo field. Mizuki taunts him from the shadows throwing Kunai to distract him.


He's under the ground gonna ankle bite him land shark style.


Ooooh shit. Iruka is dead. Remember the cardinal rules of being a ninja. Always watch you back, DTA! Non comic crow cry. Iruka is down!


Mizuki compliments him on dying. Of course it's a log. They go on about the rules of shinobi again...


Only to have the tides turn! Mizuki is shook! Cut back to Naruto. Smoke Bomb. Multi shadow clone. Out pop 20-30 Naruto+Pakkuns. Extreme Hide and Go Seek. Gotta find 'em all! They ground pound and level the surrounding forest.


"They make Grandma Tsunade look like...an old lady!" "Stupidity is...a powerful thing."


Back to Iruka and Mizuki as the dramatic music starts up. Iruka doesn't want to kill his nakama! They've both got the will of fire! Mizuki is going to enjoy watching him suffer and goes back to hiding.


Pakkun is out of ideas and so is our boy Naruto. Only a matter of time before they get spotted. He's been spotted just as Naruto figures out what to do. More shadow clones, about 12. Pakkun thinks this is geting old. They start running around in circles at hyper speed. They're dizzy (You've seen the gif) and they grab onto him besides the two needed for Rasengan...

Iruka is focusing. Where is that ding dong. Behind you! Mizuki was always better. Oh shit, FLASHBACK: Iruka is also Naruto (we knew that from back in the day) Joekage talking to young Iruka at the war memorial. His parents were heroes god dammit. You are not alone Iruka, Will of Fire, yadda yadda. Unbreakable bonds, family! Do you have the Will of Fire? Iruka does! Someone is spying on them from the trees...


It's an overexposed Mizuki! Why was he hiding? (aren't ninjas supposed to hide) Everyone was worried about Iruka and they run off hand in hand to play. That's the Mizuki he was friends with. Mizuki did forget...what an idiot he is, standing drop kick!

Cut to Naruto. Purple one is getting dizzy, He's gonna fall and get a Rasengan to the gut...until he steps on his packed lunch and goes completely bonkers. He squashed it! They're hulking up! Naruto is going to feed them a Rasengan.


The brothers are enraged though and toss the shadow clones back at Naruto. Foiled again. Kaboom. Pakkun is not impressed.

Back to Mizuki cutting a super heel promo. You thought that was sympathy? Fuck no, he liked watching you suffer! He only wishes you had suffered more, Casshern. Back to FLASHBACK. Mizuki has a sour look on his face while the other kids want to include Iruka. It looks like young Mizuki is a jealous stalker! He wanted all the attention for being a good student. He's going to con the third hokage!

That's a damn lie! Iruka doesn't believe him! Mizuki slashes him in the back and kills a shadow clone. Iruka slips and nearly impales himself on a bamboo stake. Mizuki taunts him about it...


While Iruka ricochets a Kunai off of a stalk and into his shoulder! Geometry!


Naruto wakes up...in a bad place. It's all his fault. Uppercut sends him ten feet in the air. They are going to double fuck crush punch him as he comes down when a distinctive noise sounds out and Naruto hits the ground. Naruto opens his eyes to see the brothers grasping their hands together in a familiar pose. I think you know where this is going...


What a drag...he wasn't even supposed to be here today, it's his day off! Raijin and Fujin want to know who the fuck this guy thinks he is but our boy Shikamaru doesn't think introductions are necessary.


Ino pipes up too, their the backup squad. It's a team ten arc after all!


"The Leaf Village's best, the fearsome threesome" says this smug fuck over here. Ino-Shika-Cho! End of episode.

NEXT EPISODE:"A New Formation: Ino-Shika-Cho!"


The only thing I wish was better in Log Horizon is the animation, but I could forgive that. It's a newish series that was pretty unknown until recently.

Hopefully when/if we get a season 2, it will get an increase in budget.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Log horizon is great just from the fact you can tell the creator has played an MMO, and the drama and dynamics of conflict doesn't come about from making an MMO exactly like real life and thus basically "real life but uh with fairies/magic/monsters and dragons" but with how one has to cope with living (as of now) permanently in a MMO like world, and then introduces elements of how one must keep your humanity (and more) in a world like this, and better yet how the world may have more to it than initially thought (i.e how one should treat "NPCs" , etc etc spoilers yadda yadda) . It's nice and doesnt squander the setting it gives itself right off the bat.

Theres one thing the show doesnt convey though, and idk if this is covered in the light novel, but nobody seem to be too concerned about the real world, you never get the sense that they're scared that something could be happening to their bodies or if they have any loved ones in the outside, I wish it covered that bit more.


Some of the mechanics, ideas, visuals, and the songs of SAO are really cool. It has its moments where it really does shine, though it doesn't happen frequently. It's because I take great joy in these moments that I like the show in all honesty. Having cool looking armor/characters, the idea of a 100 floor castle MMO, the racial dynamic in ALO, the awesome flight-based combat, etc etc. It certainly has its appealing aspects.

Well yeah, SAO isn't devoid of redeeming qualities. I think/hope most people here can agree that SAO has a great OST, even if Kaijura is kind of recycling/phoning it in, and there are definitely spots where I thought the animation was strong (like that midair battle later in the second season). There were more spots where I could see shortcuts and cutaways and such so I don't think the show is particularly notable from that perspective but it is certaily strong relative to a lot of anime. I will also say that the character designs aren't particularly unique or standout across the spectrum of anime but they were still strong enough and distinctive within the scope of the show. I think Leafa's character design in particular is strong, plot and all. It's just a shame the rest of the character is saddled with the whole bro-sis con garbage :/ The show also gets props from me by having a decently prominent Black character who doesn't look or act like a silly caricature :)

I will say that I don't think the racial dynamics of ALO were well executed AT ALL. Given that this was all role play, the seriousness that people took the roles was laughable. It could have been an interesting way to kind of emphasizes the differences between races by really delving into their unique cultures and attributes. Instead it was just played off as an excuse for good old fashioned racism :/

If that's the reason you like bits of SAO, Log Horizon must be like one continuous orgasm to you :p

I'm going to have t agree with Kaoys here. From a STRICTLY audio/visual and character design perspective, SAO blows Log Horizon out of the water.

That first episode was so infodump it really turned me off watching the rest of it

I was told the first episode was a slog to get through and have never watched it. The show takes a while to get going (lots of talking) but the payoff is HUGE.


No Scrubs
I don't really know what bar you're setting the potential at though...

What I mean is that it does somethings very well and does others poorly. LH is just good, not great. It just looks like high art next to SAO. Eventually someone is going to hit one of these stuck in an MMO shows out of the park, no one has yet.

Theres one thing the show doesnt convey though, and idk if this is covered in the light novel, but nobody seem to be too concerned about the real world, you never get the sense that they're scared that something could be happening to their bodies or if they have any loved ones in the outside, I wish it covered that bit more.

This is part of what I mean. It's a legitimate issue for them and most shows like this just gloss over it. We're only getting half the story, not the whole thing.
Yea, I have a hard time parsing the statement that LH isn't living up to potentials when I'm unsure what those potentials are. Its pretty much taken the "Stuck in an MMO " concept and ran with it as well as I could have actually wanted it to be done, sure the action isn't the best , but to be honest I never really had expectations of that from it (or from anything trying to authentically imitate an MMO fufufufu) .But I'm curious what you expected/ think its not living up to.

edit: yea what foxuzimaki mentioned is something, I suppose initially I would justify it as there always being something about the new world for them to still get their bearing about, but they could yes have still brought it up a bit more.


I don't find anything egregiously bad about SAO's character design (except maybe the whole fairy motif, but I guess that's just... what they were going for). I find LH's more interesting though, but maybe I just like the characters better.

This is part of what I mean. It's a legitimate issue for them and most shows like this just gloss over it. We're only getting half the story, not the whole thing.

Okay yeah, I agree with you there. I guess I'm really caught up in the in-universe stuff right now though


Theres one thing the show doesnt convey though, and idk if this is covered in the light novel, but nobody seem to be too concerned about the real world, you never get the sense that they're scared that something could be happening to their bodies or if they have any loved ones in the outside, I wish it covered that bit more.
That's because this isn't like SAO, where they are stuck with a Virtual Boy on their heads. They woke up, and the game world IS the real world. There are no real bodies or loved ones.


That's because this isn't like SAO, where they are stuck with a Virtual Boy on their heads. They woke up, and the game world IS the real world. There are no real bodies or loved ones.

yeah but there's still questions re: where their loved ones are, what happened to that world etc etc. It's legit.

Log horizon has a pirate Cat, your arguement is invalad


Jesus christ what's with Nyanta's arm in that final pose.
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