Rankings, gonna keep this short
1. Samurai Jack
Still kicking myself for not watching this as a kid; I love everything about Samurai Jack so far. The music is excellent. The water color esque visuals pop. The action is well choreographed. I could go on. SJ's greatest strength though resides in it's ability to tell a story using visual clues and scant dialogue, it's very refreshing to see when the rest of the block is so talk heavy. I've been surprised at just how dark this show can get, watching Jack bathe in the blood, wait...I mean oil, of his enemies last night was pretty crazy.
JackGAF is the best gaf
2. Naruto
I gush every week about how I love this arc and that's not going to stop anytime soon. Zabuza finally made his move but Kakashi-sensei saved the day! My only complaint is that characters tend to spend an annoying amount of time commenting on their attacks or what just happened, classic DBZ syndrome. Shut up and keep fighting!
3. Space Dandy
I'm a sucker for mechs and sparkles, what can I say. This is my second favorite episode of Dandy so far ranking just behind episode 4's zombie outbreak. It was zany and made no sense but I had a blast watching and laughed at quite a few jokes. My girlfriend said 'this show is dumb' after the first 'boobie' joke but ended up enjoying the show once they started racing. Looks like Dandy has a new fan.
4. Soul Eater
SSJ Based Star is the best star, any episode with him and Mifune is going to rate highly. The Death City vs Spider mech fight was stupid fun, the reactions were great.
5. Ghost in the Shell
I missed my waifu but Batou brawling more than made up for her absence. You could see the plot twist coming a mile away but it was a fun SA episode that fleshed out Batou a little more.
6. One Piece
This was a set piece episode but I'm starting to get hyped knowing what happens next in this arc. SUUUUPA!
7. Inuyasha
I'm new to InuyashaGAF and have absolutely no idea what's going on here but I was entertained. Baby Naraku is creepy.
8. Clone Wars
Probably the best episode of CW I've seen, Aniken's dark side came out a little at the end. I was surprised though at how quickly the evil green alien guys plans fell apart though haha.
9. Brotherhood
I'm not as high on the first episode as other people. Not sure if its fatigue or disappointment after seeing how the series ends on such a high note.
10. Bleach
There were some fights and everyone told Nozomi to fuck off. I'll chalk that up as a win.
11. SAO
Kirito gets attacked by a child molester hell bent on murder, overpowers him (classic hax), and then lets the dude go? The hell? How did nobody see this? Why was the hospital empty? Why Why WHY?
I zoned out after that stupidity, I'll miss SAO but it needs to go.
12. IGPX
Emo Takashi is in full bloom and White Snow is a bunch of cheating jerks. From here on out the season starts to get pretty good in my opinion..I still wish they'd re-run Big O in this spot though.
13. Shippuden
So boring. The pacing is slow and I can't remember what happened...wake me up when this show starts to get good.
Overall this was an excellent night, everything was enjoyable except for Shippuden which remains borderline unwatchable right now. Next week looks amazing, that Blue Exorcist promo has me pumped!