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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think we were entertaining and SAO was material to try and make each other laugh

That added to it but I watched the first few episodes subbed with a friend and know that if I had seen this show alone I'd have been almost as entertained besides a few hiccups early on. It's gloriously watchably bad.


That murder mystery episode with the absolutely pointless, needlessly detailed shot of the victim's girlfriend's ass is so, so funny

in other news:







Man God

Non-Canon Member
Hmm, looks like some of my Naruto filler facts and figures were blown away by last nights power outage. Gonna have to go back tomorrow and update a few things.

The main thing I'm counting up are appearances of the various Genin (and Shikamaru) which is easy to go back over. Looks like the last save was from about a week ago.

There will be a contest at the end for who appeared the most (besides Naruto who is in literally every single episode). Don't bet on Sasuke.

Taking bets now as we near the end of the first season of this crap could be fun though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Blaze Away Byakugan: This Is My Ninja Way"


Welp. Shows over, everyone's dead. Hinata reads out the title card as we cut straight to the action. Kiba has fallen and the larvae are approaching. Shino throws a shuriken at Beedramon...which just clanks off. I guess it's Metal Beedramon, and yes, the bee is laughing it off. The bee responds with a torrent of viscous liquid from its mouth.


Hinata is floating down into the natural spooky cave sewer. She's not giving up though and activates her Byakugan and sees...Yup, that's a deep cliff this river goes over. She doesn't think she's got enough time but then she thinks what Naruto would say.


Trust...in the heart of the cards, he won't give up bub and she blinks away her tears, opens her eyes and a seam starts opening up on the encasing wax/honey/beebarf. She's heading right for a jutting rock formation and gets airborne! The cocoon falls into the pit!


You can clearly see that's split in two if you are screen capping this almost a decade later! Plus this is a Hinata episode.


We next see the two brothers searching for the Pikachu Beetle meeting up with their sister. The younger one asks if she took care of them and she chuckles. Don't fuck with the Queen Bee! Trapped in wax they are!


They start giving out about how Shino is supposed to be a bug expert yet got caught so easily and Naruto joins in on the shit talk. Shino remains quiet but bugs are leaking out of the hole under his ear as the villains plan to torture the information out of them. Naruto says they'll never sequel but Shino pipes right up claiming he'll talk. His condition is that he wants Hinata. They also won't bargain with terrorists. Shino counters though, they won't find it on their own in the time frame alloted. The worm has turned. They huddle up and discuss Shino's truthful counter-offer. They want to kill Shino though because he's an Aburame.


Shino is attempting to free Naruto with these bugs. Buying more time. Naruto is worried about Hinata and Shino comforts him, saying that he shouldn't worry because Hinata is "much stronger than you think" The filler Ninjas return and agree to the terms. Shino wants to see Hinata first.


They all march off to the cave of death. What's her name leads, followed by non Jett carrying Naruto and Jett carrying Kiba/Akamaru/Shino. Non Jett freaks out when he see's Hinata gone and drops Naruto. She's gone, but no cocoon either. She's dead! Naruto flips out and starts worming his way over while cutting a promo on these clowns. Not Jett is going to take it out on him, calling him a brat, calling Hinata his girlfriend and stomping on his dome. The deal is off! The girl's death though wasn't a total loss because instead of the trade they can just kill these natural enemies of their clan. Jett has a kunai to Kiba's throat! Talk or die. Shino gives up! Naruto though is fighting back, he's eating dirt but still talking shit and he's pushing up on Not Jett's foot..who proceeds to get his stomp on.


Probably not the best of ideas. Not Jett is gonna kill him!


Or is he? You know what that is and what it means. Kaboom.


It's...it's Hinata?!? She's alive?


Right as she hit the rock the split she was forming opened fully and she landed on the rock. She didn't give up. The villains are shook; these aren't ordinary Genin. Naruto is shook because this is one girl he doesn't have to save and he can't get out. Shino just says her name and she starts contemplating using her new technique in combat for the first time. Bee Bomb Jutsu, A Thousand Stingers Jutsu, Ninja Art: Honey Jutsu all come flying in.


Not the bees, not the bees! Hinata wants Naruto to watch her as she does her own version of the 8 protective trigrams, 64 palms.


Fuck off bees as the music picks up.


Naruto is now upgraded to LEGIT SHOOK. He can't believe that Hinata can do that. Shino pipes in that the Hinata Naruto knows (tee-hee, he barely knows her at all) was from long ago. It's been a long time since the Chunin exam and you've learned a lot of new techniques, Naruto. She's been training just as hard.


We cut to a training scene. Kiba and Akamaru are doing the marking thing (Ino is nowhere in sight) and Hinata is amazed that all three of them have "something special you enjoy and are good at". Shino says that she should learn something like that. Shino knows she came over for a reason and asks her what is up. She's looking for a training partner. She wanted to offer something unique to get rid of the Ninja ennui that plagued her. So we get a training montage of Hinata getting the shit kicked out of her. She wants it rough though, you only learn through pain! Months of harsh training and she learned her own style and jutsu (It kinda looks exactly like Neji's though.)


Shino is free and Naruto is shocked. Shino lets him in on the secret: Angering the queen, getting caught in the wax, being brought here? All according to plan.* He didn't have enough Chakra left so this was the best method for survival. Plus his bugs have been eating away at the wax this entire time. The wax is weak. Naruto kicks his way out and Shino breaks it off the still KO'd Akamaru, unintentionally freeing Kiba. Shino starts talking about how great Hinata is now. Her fine Chakra control and flexibility can fend off attacks from all directions. The ultimate shield. It's different than Neji's...though he doesn't explain how. She wanted the respect of her dad, her fellow shinobi...and especially you, Naruto.


He's impressed girl! The villains can't do shit and they are free. They summon Beedramon who spits the wax which she blocks and then flies straight into her, sending her flying into the air. Naruto rushes off to save her only to be grabbed by the wrist by Shino. Have faith Naruto. The queen flies back around for the kill as Hinata stands tall preparing her chakra.


Bigger, stronger, faster.


The bee is fucked as it crashes into the villains sending them into the drink. Hinata collapses as Naruto catches her and compliments the shit out of her. It's almost dawn!


They left the Bikochu at the base of the big tree. Yeah, never find it there. It's almost developed. Naruto has the headband but FOOL. It's the leader of the Bee idiots. The bees would have found it...but they coated the cage with the Aburame insect repellent! They never would have found it with bugs! He defeated her laziness! She's given up hope; the Aburame's are smart and they're just an almost dead filler clan. She's gonna use the Queen Bee to squish them with a suicide dive.


Naruto who hasn't done anything but comedy this entire arc has had enough of your shit. She screams at him to Shut Up as he cuts his promo. She's down.


It's hatching. But where is the headband? Hinata uses her magic eyes and finds it under some trees he knocked over. Nartuo is bent over hard as he extends fully for it.


Continuity! The beetle is now imprinted on Naruto's fart. It lands on his ass. Naruto is shook, he wants a do over. Kiba is angry and the comedy music is playing.


We cut back to the Hidden Leaf as our girl Sakura is chasing Naruto down for his failure. She's gonna choke a bitch. He failed because of WHAT?!? She loses him in the busy marketplace but then the Bikochu flies by and lands on...Naruko's ass!?! He begs forgiveness. It's a natural response! You do it to! Shizune reports the mission to the Hokage. They got the bug but couldn't train it to the scent of Sasuke Uchiha. (because Filler would have gone completely differently) Tsunade feels bad for Hinata; it was her idea after all but Shizune isn't worried about her at all.


Finally we end on Hinata's dad telling her that he heard her mission was a complete failure during a training break between himself, herself and Neji. She smiles and agrees that it was a complete failure. It just means she needs to train harder for the next time. Her dad..smiles at her and wishes her luck! Neji is happy as well! She focuses her way to a conclusion to this arc.

NEXT EPISODE: "Funeral March for the Living"

*Plan means Keikaku
Black Lagoon will replace it from an entertainment standpoint, though in a positive way.

It's one bleeping roller coaster ride and has a nice little what the bleed moment or two.

My only complaint is that it ends.
and when it does it does so weakly.

Classic anime adaptation ending to an ongoing manga syndrome?


No Scrubs
You know, I wanted to write up a review of SAO now that I've seen it all. I wanted to find a way to put into words how incredibly, mindbogglingly, awful it is. I wanted to find a way to express how much damage it's done to storytelling and good writing just by existing. I wanted to, but I can't. There are no words for how bad SAO was. It was offensive on every level, there was nothing redeeming about it, and it even managed to overstay it's welcome. It was easily, far and away, the worst thing I have ever seen or read in my life. I doubt that I will encounter another piece of fiction that is as bad as, or worse, than SAO manages to be for the rest of my days. I could walk the Earth for the rest of eternity and still never find anything as blatantly, horrible and offensive as SAO. If I was granted immortality and all I had to pass the time was SAO, I would pray, to every god imaginable, for the heat death of the universe to consume me that much sooner. Fuck you, SAO. You should be preserved in a museum as a cautionary tale for future generations. A warning, not to do that again. SAO is the original sin, not Adam and Eve eating the apple, it's just taken us this long to find that out.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The usual is less flat more BONKERS. This is more what if One Piece ended on...Skypeia. Decent enough yet it would leave something hanging.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
There's always the Black Lagoon manga for after we finish the show. It's a monthly series though, and the creator is known for going on hiatus (apparently he had one that lasted two years or something).


No Scrubs
There's always the Black Lagoon manga for after we finish the show. It's a monthly series though, and the creator is known for going on hiatus (apparently he had one that lasted two years or something).

Dear god, it sounds like HxH or Berserk.
B-dubs clearly hasn't read sonic fanfic
just yanking your chain

SAO isn't even close to the worst thing I've seen, it can be misogynistic, contain shocking imagery, and pander to the stereotypical basement dwelling otaku (not saying anyone here is that, just that some people view anime watchers in this light) but I enjoyed it for what it was, warts and all.

Overall though, yes, it was bad

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I find it fairly watchable though the next arc will shake my conviction. Toonami is on episode 7 though so we wouldn't get to this nonsense for almost 3 years if Naruto continued and they decided to show it. Some of it is hilarious for a group watch though.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
"Blaze Away Byakugan: This Is My Ninja Way"


Welp. Shows over, everyone's dead. Hinata reads out the title card as we cut straight to the action. Kiba has fallen and the larvae are approaching. Shino throws a shuriken at Beedramon...which just clanks off. I guess it's Metal Beedramon, and yes, the bee is laughing it off. The bee responds with a torrent of viscous liquid from its mouth.


Hinata is floating down into the natural spooky cave sewer. She's not giving up though and activates her Byakugan and sees...Yup, that's a deep cliff this river goes over. She doesn't think she's got enough time but then she thinks what Naruto would say.


Trust...in the heart of the cards, he won't give up bub and she blinks away her tears, opens her eyes and a seam starts opening up on the encasing wax/honey/beebarf. She's heading right for a jutting rock formation and gets airborne! The cocoon falls into the pit!


You can clearly see that's split in two if you are screen capping this almost a decade later! Plus this is a Hinata episode.


We next see the two brothers searching for the Pikachu Beetle meeting up with their sister. The younger one asks if she took care of them and she chuckles. Don't fuck with the Queen Bee! Trapped in wax they are!


They start giving out about how Shino is supposed to be a bug expert yet got caught so easily and Naruto joins in on the shit talk. Shino remains quiet but bugs are leaking out of the hole under his ear as the villains plan to torture the information out of them. Naruto says they'll never sequel but Shino pipes right up claiming he'll talk. His condition is that he wants Hinata. They also won't bargain with terrorists. Shino counters though, they won't find it on their own in the time frame alloted. The worm has turned. They huddle up and discuss Shino's truthful counter-offer. They want to kill Shino though because he's an Aburame.


Shino is attempting to free Naruto with these bugs. Buying more time. Naruto is worried about Hinata and Shino comforts him, saying that he shouldn't worry because Hinata is "much stronger than you think" The filler Ninjas return and agree to the terms. Shino wants to see Hinata first.


They all march off to the cave of death. What's her name leads, followed by non Jett carrying Naruto and Jett carrying Kiba/Akamaru/Shino. Non Jett freaks out when he see's Hinata gone and drops Naruto. She's gone, but no cocoon either. She's dead! Naruto flips out and starts worming his way over while cutting a promo on these clowns. Not Jett is going to take it out on him, calling him a brat, calling Hinata his girlfriend and stomping on his dome. The deal is off! The girl's death though wasn't a total loss because instead of the trade they can just kill these natural enemies of their clan. Jett has a kunai to Kiba's throat! Talk or die. Shino gives up! Naruto though is fighting back, he's eating dirt but still talking shit and he's pushing up on Not Jett's foot..who proceeds to get his stomp on.


Probably not the best of ideas. Not Jett is gonna kill him!


Or is he? You know what that is and what it means. Kaboom.


It's...it's Hinata?!? She's alive?


Right as she hit the rock the split she was forming opened fully and she landed on the rock. She didn't give up. The villains are shook; these aren't ordinary Genin. Naruto is shook because this is one girl he doesn't have to save and he can't get out. Shino just says her name and she starts contemplating using her new technique in combat for the first time. Bee Bomb Jutsu, A Thousand Stingers Jutsu, Ninja Art: Honey Jutsu all come flying in.


Not the bees, not the bees! Hinata wants Naruto to watch her as she does her own version of the 8 protective trigrams, 64 palms.


Fuck off bees as the music picks up.


Naruto is now upgraded to LEGIT SHOOK. He can't believe that Hinata can do that. Shino pipes in that the Hinata Naruto knows (tee-hee, he barely knows her at all) was from long ago. It's been a long time since the Chunin exam and you've learned a lot of new techniques, Naruto. She's been training just as hard.


We cut to a training scene. Kiba and Akamaru are doing the marking thing (Ino is nowhere in sight) and Hinata is amazed that all three of them have "something special you enjoy and are good at". Shino says that she should learn something like that. Shino knows she came over for a reason and asks her what is up. She's looking for a training partner. She wanted to offer something unique to get rid of the Ninja ennui that plagued her. So we get a training montage of Hinata getting the shit kicked out of her. She wants it rough though, you only learn through pain! Months of harsh training and she learned her own style and jutsu (It kinda looks exactly like Neji's though.)


Shino is free and Naruto is shocked. Shino lets him in on the secret: Angering the queen, getting caught in the wax, being brought here? All according to plan.* He didn't have enough Chakra left so this was the best method for survival. Plus his bugs have been eating away at the wax this entire time. The wax is weak. Naruto kicks his way out and Shino breaks it off the still KO'd Akamaru, unintentionally freeing Kiba. Shino starts talking about how great Hinata is now. Her fine Chakra control and flexibility can fend off attacks from all directions. The ultimate shield. It's different than Neji's...though he doesn't explain how. She wanted the respect of her dad, her fellow shinobi...and especially you, Naruto.


He's impressed girl! The villains can't do shit and they are free. They summon Beedramon who spits the wax which she blocks and then flies straight into her, sending her flying into the air. Naruto rushes off to save her only to be grabbed by the wrist by Shino. Have faith Naruto. The queen flies back around for the kill as Hinata stands tall preparing her chakra.


Bigger, stronger, faster.


The bee is fucked as it crashes into the villains sending them into the drink. Hinata collapses as Naruto catches her and compliments the shit out of her. It's almost dawn!


They left the Bikochu at the base of the big tree. Yeah, never find it there. It's almost developed. Naruto has the headband but FOOL. It's the leader of the Bee idiots. The bees would have found it...but they coated the cage with the Aburame insect repellent! They never would have found it with bugs! He defeated her laziness! She's given up hope; the Aburame's are smart and they're just an almost dead filler clan. She's gonna use the Queen Bee to squish them with a suicide dive.


Naruto who hasn't done anything but comedy this entire arc has had enough of your shit. She screams at him to Shut Up as he cuts his promo. She's down.


It's hatching. But where is the headband? Hinata uses her magic eyes and finds it under some trees he knocked over. Nartuo is bent over hard as he extends fully for it.


Continuity! The beetle is now imprinted on Naruto's fart. It lands on his ass. Naruto is shook, he wants a do over. Kiba is angry and the comedy music is playing.


We cut back to the Hidden Leaf as our girl Sakura is chasing Naruto down for his failure. She's gonna choke a bitch. He failed because of WHAT?!? She loses him in the busy marketplace but then the Bikochu flies by and lands on...Naruko's ass!?! He begs forgiveness. It's a natural response! You do it to! Shizune reports the mission to the Hokage. They got the bug but couldn't train it to the scent of Sasuke Uchiha. (because Filler would have gone completely differently) Tsunade feels bad for Hinata; it was her idea after all but Shizune isn't worried about her at all.


Finally we end on Hinata's dad telling her that he heard her mission was a complete failure during a training break between himself, herself and Neji. She smiles and agrees that it was a complete failure. It just means she needs to train harder for the next time. Her dad..smiles at her and wishes her luck! Neji is happy as well! She focuses her way to a conclusion to this arc.

NEXT EPISODE: "Funeral March for the Living"

*Plan means Keikaku

I cant help but get hype at that gif of naruto getting pissed and raising his head.
This was probably one of my favorite filler arcs back in the day and is plus 1 for hinata, hinata was so badass that infact, in naruto clash of ninja revolution 2 for the wii, there was a special seperate hinata character who specifically had this style and the 8 trigram 64 palm as a special move, it was hype.
Hey fox I've noticed you tend to quote large posts and comment with only a paragraph or less. It's kind of a pain to scroll through all of that for us as 789 pointed out; I suggest quoting a small portion of a post and replying to that instead of the whole thing. I'm sure people will understand who you're replying to as well even without quoting, we're all pretty intelligent people here.

Just a suggestion man!


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Why the fuck would you quote that whole fucking thing foxuzumaki

Hey fox I've noticed you tend to quote large posts and comment with only a paragraph or less. It's kind of a pain to scroll through all of that for us as 789 pointed out; I suggest quoting a small portion of a post and replying to that instead of the whole thing. I'm sure people will understand who you're replying to as well even without quoting, we're all pretty intelligent people here.

Just a suggestion man!

legit serious, I was too lazy, I planned to just point out the gif but then lost the earnest to do so so I just quoted the whole thing and forgot how long it was. otherwise I cut it down like I usually do,
I think it was "oh the feels," but yea
Haha, that's our Dandy

I really hope this episode tugs on our heart strings; I wasn't entirely convinced that the one with the little girl he had to babysit was 'feels' worthy. It's tough to have the viewer forge an emotional bond with a one off character unless they're well developed but I'm a sucker for animals.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I cant help but get hype at that gif of naruto getting pissed and raising his head.
This was probably one of my favorite filler arcs back in the day and is plus 1 for hinata, hinata was so badass that infact, in naruto clash of ninja revolution 2 for the wii, there was a special seperate hinata character who specifically had this style and the 8 trigram 64 palm as a special move, it was hype.

Awakened Hinata made her debut in the GCN classic Naruto:GNT4, the game once heralded as the best fighting game on the Gamecube ahead of Super Smash Bros. Melee and Soul Calibur II by Planet Gamecube. I don't agree with them but yeah, it's a great game.
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