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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Holy shit. That looks astounding.

It looks like something worth staying up to 5 am to watch. It's space Inuyasha!

To be fair though if every show had a season on season improvement like clone wars did then every show would be hype as hell when it got to season six or seven.
No shots of Ashoka in that trailer was odd, I know she was Clone Wars S5 spoilers
exiled at the end of S5 but it was odd to not see her mentioned or teased at all


The brief glimpses of clone wars i bother to watch on Toonami seem relatively inoffensive but not very great. Is that a quantum leap to where the trailers are headed?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It almost makes me want to watch them all on Netflix.

But then I'd be alternating between spoilering the shit out of the show at 5am and being put to sleep by something I watched months ago.

The brief glimpses of clone wars i bother to watch on Toonami seem relatively inoffensive but not very great. Is that a quantum leap to where the trailers are headed?

The improvement from season 1 to 2 was outstanding. Season 1's best episodes would rank somewhere around very watchable while the average episode were somewhere between boring and bad. The budget clearly improves at the end of season 1 though and they move to a more arc focused show with season 2 and it pays off. I heard from people who've actually watched all of it that the last two seasons are phenomenal and they more or less share my opinion on season 1 and 2.


i don't bother watching on toonami, the time zone- I mean, the scheduling difference is kind of painful. I have things to do. At 3am in the morning. Which is when I watch toonami, of course.
i think the most recent Clone Wars episode was the only one where i've actually seen a significant improvement from season 1 (though nothing's been as good as Rookies yet).


This review kind of makes me want to watch it. The dub seems pretty hilarious

"This show doesn't try to take itself seriously"

"The fanservice prevents you from taking it seriously"

I haven't seen the show but critiquing the fanservice here feels like critiquing an apple pie for being made of apples no?

I kind of want to see this now.

That looked pretty good to be honest. The Clone Wars we have on Toonami right now usually has a hard time holding my interest though :/


Kill la Kill episodes 4-5

Proof that this anime takes every uncomfortable situation of your academic life, and magnifies it to extreme proportions. The art and animation were way down this episode, and any semblance of what was the plot from last episode is completely dumped. So it’s a break after the events of episode 3, but that’s not as bad as it sounds. In fact, I think this is the most hilarious episode so far. It’s just spot on with my sense of humor.
Maiko was pretty good for a throwaway villain and was comical, particularly in the pants pulling stunts and parachute scene. I think the part that I might have laughed most is the end. I guess Aikuro has seen it all. His reaction made a surprisingly great end to the chaos, though.
Lower budget, no plot significance, but still very entertaining.

Episode 5 is back to more plot significant topics, so I won’t say much except its made me interested about
Nudist Beach
, but another good episode. I think the only thing I really want to say is regarding Senketsu.
I’m surprised and kinda touched at how the relationship between Ryuuko and Senketsu has developed. When they first meet in episode 1, I got the impression that Senketsu would be a jerkish perverted outfit, honestly. I’m glad to see it’s not the case…yet. The fact that only Ryuuko can hear the suit talking adds to the relationship. It’s kinda endearing. Can’t separate a girl from her favorite outfit I guess.
Oh yeah. Mako is still adorable.

Overall exposed count as of this episode: 8
Overall almost exposed count as of this episode: 11
“I can’t show my friends this anime” moments: 19

This is going to skyrocket. I can feel it. Wonder how's going to look by the end of episode 24.
Come is easily the best ED in a show full of really great EDs. My Will is definitely number 2, though.

Fun fact: Come is actually a (superior) cover of an Australian pop song.

Don't believe me?




Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Kill la Kill episodes 4-5

Proof that this anime takes every uncomfortable situation of your academic life, and magnifies it to extreme proportions. The art and animation were way down this episode, and any semblance of what was the plot from last episode is completely dumped. So it’s a break after the events of episode 3, but that’s not as bad as it sounds. In fact, I think this is the most hilarious episode so far. It’s just spot on with my sense of humor.
Maiko was pretty good for a throwaway villain and was comical, particularly in the pants pulling stunts and parachute scene. I think the part that I might have laughed most is the end. I guess Aikuro has seen it all. His reaction made a surprisingly great end to the chaos, though.
Lower budget, no plot significance, but still very entertaining.

Episode 5 is back to more plot significant topics, so I won’t say much except its made me interested about
Nudist Beach
, but another good episode. I think the only thing I really want to say is regarding Senketsu.
I’m surprised and kinda touched at how the relationship between Ryuuko and Senketsu has developed. When they first meet in episode 1, I got the impression that Senketsu would be a jerkish perverted outfit, honestly. I’m glad to see it’s not the case…yet. The fact that only Ryuuko can hear the suit talking adds to the relationship. It’s kinda endearing. Can’t separate a girl from her favorite outfit I guess.
Oh yeah. Mako is still adorable.

Overall exposed count as of this episode: 8
Overall almost exposed count as of this episode: 11
“I can’t show my friends this anime” moments: 19

This is going to skyrocket. I can feel it. Wonder how's going to look by the end of episode 24.

Surprised your only on episode 5, but then I remember you dont watch anime like some of us do lol


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I would love to just sit down and marathon it honestly but I don't get a lot of time most days. Eh. The experience will last longer, I guess.

aww that sucks, ah well, atleast yuo wont be stuck with us on a weekl basis and theres just that final episode left cause you caught up in just the right time.
All this talk about bringing back Clone Wars, I'm still holding onto a sliver of hope that Motorcity rises from the grave. The death of that show was a true tragedy.


No Scrubs
All this talk about bringing back Clone Wars, I'm still holding onto a sliver of hope that Motorcity rises from the grave. The death of that show was a true tragedy.

I'd rather see the glorious return of Coop, Jamie, Kiva, Goat, MEGAS and all those GORBLACHS!
i think the most recent Clone Wars episode was the only one where i've actually seen a significant improvement from season 1 (though nothing's been as good as Rookies yet).

Season 3 is the big take off and onwards.

Edit: I'm using the above comment as kinda a catch all. I hate being "that guy" that keeps saying "Just give it past X amount of episodes and it gets good!" but it really does. Season 3, 4 and 5 have some heart wrenching episodes and in some cases some brutally violent ones that really make the campiness of the season 1 episodes stand out like a sore thumb. I am jazzed as hell for the new season and I keep trying to get people to watch the show because it's good stuff. Not every episode is going to be a barn burner but the stories, the writing, the character interaction, everything gets better AND you get see more of the guys from Rookies. It's great!


Mike, post if your OK.

The national suicide hotline is 1-800-273-8255, please don't do anything rash

This is a bit odd, you would have thought they would have retained those for at least a complete run.

This sounds like someone fucked up and thought they had it a lot longer.


I really am surprised by the news considering how long Toonami/Williamstreet/CN has had the license for. I mean...it ran all the way from old Adult Swim, through the whole Adult Swim saturday night block...all the way until now. I thought Inuyasha was nigh impervious to loss at this point.

Saddened considering we just had a great commiseration about the ED themes.

(Sidenote: Changed my avatar for the season coming. Apologies to people that recognize people via avatars)
If the power hour of Inuyasha were still around, would it have made a complete run?

Because that is kinda odd. And almost guarantees another run for IGPX.
If the power hour of Inuyasha were still around, would it have made a complete run?

Because that is kinda odd. And almost guarantees another run for IGPX.
We would have just ran through the remaining episodes much quicker. *sigh* This really is disappointing. I hope they work on getting the rights to the show back. I really wanted them to finish the first run so we could finally get Final Act.
We would have just ran through the remaining episodes much quicker. *sigh* This really is disappointing. I hope they work on getting the rights to the show back. I really wanted them to finish the first run so we could finally get Final Act.

They could still get final act, they've shown with Shippuden they aren't super concerned with completeing a series before getting its sequel. Consideing how last minute this is I imagine they wanted to keep InuYasha but viz/Japan wanted too much to renew a 5:30 show :(

If the power hour of Inuyasha were still around, would it have made a complete run?

Because that is kinda odd. And almost guarantees another run for IGPX.

No we'd have watched an extra 8-9 episodes but that's it
Not sure how I'll handle finishing up InuYasha regardless of if Final Act comes or not. If IGPX repeats for a third run I'll just watch one a week at that point. I've never seen Symbiotic Titan so that'll be new for me but I imagine very few people will stay up to rewatch it
I'll wait till Titan finishes before I watch InuYasha on my own. Maybe they'll have the rights back by then, right? ;-;

Seriously though, without InuYasha it becomes a lot more obvious how slim their lineup is for the back end. Instead of IGPX's slot to rotate their available shows, they now have two of those slots. Maybe they'll do something about that; it's different than it was for Bebop, which changed distributors.

I'm also curious as to why they don't double up Clone Wars. It does well, it's free, and I kinda doubt they have the rights long enough to finish its run.
This all feels so sudden that I think they might get some better stuff lined up shortly. Maybe I'm wrong and it has been something that they just announced now but have known about it for ages.

SBT feels like it was what they had on hand and just tossed it in, but given time they might have more options come up? (I'm looking at you Outlaw Star! Get dat funi deal goin)
This all feels so sudden that I think they might get some better stuff lined up shortly. Maybe I'm wrong and it has been something that they just announced now but have known about it for ages.

SBT feels like it was what they had on hand and just tossed it in, but given time they might have more options come up? (I'm looking at you Outlaw Star! Get dat funi deal goin)

I dunno. Same thing happened with Thundercats.


I would love to just sit down and marathon it honestly but I don't get a lot of time most days. Eh. The experience will last longer, I guess.

Keep posting these. I'm looking forward to hearing your reactions to future episodes.

Season 3 is the big take off and onwards.

Edit: I'm using the above comment as kinda a catch all. I hate being "that guy" that keeps saying "Just give it past X amount of episodes and it gets good!" but it really does. Season 3, 4 and 5 have some heart wrenching episodes and in some cases some brutally violent ones that really make the campiness of the season 1 episodes stand out like a sore thumb. I am jazzed as hell for the new season and I keep trying to get people to watch the show because it's good stuff. Not every episode is going to be a barn burner but the stories, the writing, the character interaction, everything gets better AND you get see more of the guys from Rookies. It's great!

I'll back this up. The series surprised me not only in the quality of the animation (especially facial) in the later seasons but how the stories actually added interesting cannon to the universe.
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