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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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at least I still have Jack, and Dandy and One piece. Hopefully naruto gets better soon and Blue Exorcist looks ok from the first episode. I need soul eater to be over already


Kankuro fight is canon. Some spoilers for episodes 20 onward,
poison comes up in the main fight.

Meanwhile in Kill la Kill:



So I'm finally getting around to watching last weekend's episodes. Time for an unpopular opinion from me, as I tend to be good for those. Anyway...

I don't like the Japanese OP for Space Dandy. I prefer the one that was being used.


Kill la Kill episode 8
(My reaction to episode 8)

(Alright alright. My real reaction to episode 8)
I came into this episode smiling. The Mankanshoku’s family’s reaction to the environment, Mako’s cute little song, the whole newbie driver thing…I was going to talk about all of that …then that happened.
MY BODY WAS NOT READY. Ira’s was, though. Oh God his body was more than ready. I don’t know how to feel. My stomach hurts from laughing. There were tears guys. Tears of laughter, tears of horror. Mako’s comment, the way Ryuuko’s face gradually twist in disgust...so good. I had to close the episode and convince my bro I hadn’t gone crazy. The show, as strange as it can be, did not prepare me for that. It achieved its purpose though, and I think it’s to be as shocking as a moment like that can be....And the best line: "The more I'm punished, the more my hardness towers mighty and strong." Just wow.
I liked getting a little backstory (No not that backstory) on that particular character.
He’s a surprisingly nice guy
The end of the episode definitely has me hyped for next episode.

Anyway, as promised, here's the count, including episode 7. I was being pretty damn merciful with episode 7 too. Trying to separate nudity from 'gingerbread cutout people' due to the art of the episode led me to count some and disqualify others because they were just indistinguishable and you can't really count it as nudity when there's just a starfish shape with a head. With that said, episode 7 still pushed it. 8 surprisingly only contributed to 3 of the overall 73. Episode 7 holds 1st place.

Overall exposed count as of episode 8: 51
Overall almost exposed count as of episode 8: 22
Number of reasons you shouldn't watch this at work I’m looking at you Levyne: 73


What you guys are like on episode 20 or something, right? I'm climbing my way up. Is it 24 episodes total? I don't want this bonkers show to end.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Cursed Warrior"


We open on a spooky village that looks straight out of a Link to the Past. A guarded palanquin with a bearded man inside. They stop unexpectedly and the old man peers out after asking what is wrong.


A substitute soul reaper? Lord Talpa? The guards shine lights on him. Definitely looks like Talpa. Their spears pass right through him. G-g-g-g-ghost Talpa? He appears on top of the palanquin. "It was you who killed him!" The man feigns ignorance as Ghost Talpa vanishes and everyone is LEGIT SHOOK over the titular Cursed Warrior.


Naruto hanging off of the Third's nose. "Look at me I'm a booger!" He's bored and wants to train for real or go after Sasuke. Kakashi is in the Fourth's office with her and Shizune and Tonton are also on the scene. A request from the Land of Birds, which is a long way's way. They want them to stop the Cursed Warrior. Tsunade didn't want to take the mission but the man was very persistent (she probably owed him money) wait no, just a nerd who wouldn't leave with a no. He only put a small amount of money on the table too. They had to bankrupt their nation to pay even this much. It's not a question of money, it's that ghosts aren't real brah, also not enough money for the trip there, let alone a team of ninjas.


Like he said though, he won't take no for an answer. The ladies are shook Oh wait, there's a bag of coins under the bandages. His personal savings. 4th is a big softie. The usual everyone else is on missions nonsense. She doesn't know who to give it to... Cue Naruto sneezing at the Ramen shop. Ramen guy knows the superstition, people are talking about him. Naruto says they are all away and besides, that's when your ears are burning. Cue nerd from the Land of Birds. He's been lurking for awhile! Too poor to eat! Naruto confronts him and he no sells his hunger until stomach noise. He eats like Naruto does. When Naruto is treating come back anytime. The frog is empty. He introduces himself as Chishima from the Land of Birds, here to hire Leaf Ninja. Naruto wonders why a poor man would be in a village to hire ninjas. He's poor because he spent all his money hiring ninjas. The mission must be important, it's life or death he says. He was raised as a brother to the Fedual Lord Sagi of the Land of Birds. Naruto is shook, brother to a feudal lord? No, like brothers and he's the new fedual lord of a cursed land. His dad and twin sister are dead and the lord won't show his face. Chishima is worried about his friend and wants to bring him back no matter what the cost. Shades of Sasuke so Naruto volunteers for a mission he'd be assigned anyways. What are friends for.


Naruto comes running up to the Hokage's office and almost knocks the door down. He cuts a promo on the fourth! She's a devil women taking that poor man's entire savings and then refusing his mission! Tsunade is confused. An old devil women and a big fat cheat. He gets flicked off screen. Chishima is standing outside the office worried that he got Naruto into trouble. Kakashi appears and says don't worry about him. He can take it.


Cut to Naruto with a circle around his eye. Tsunade explains that she was waiting for Neji to come back from his mission with Lee and that Twenty is coming along. Neji is squad leader. Go and find Twenty while they come back. Shizune asks him slyly if he knows the details of the mission. He doesn't. Tsunade goes into the spooky ghost story (Watch Ghost Stories, dub version) Cursed Warrior, white armor, dead of night. Where did Naruto go?


Naruto is scared of ghosts. He attempts to no sell it but his knees are shaking. Does Ninjutsu even work on ghosts? Good question says the fourth and Shizune says Naruto will be the first to find out. Kakashi is watching from on top of a tree the team assemble at the gate with the client. Naruto asks the client why he didn't mention the ghost. He thought he had. Has he ever seen the ghost? Nope but his master did, so close he could feel the breath. Kakashi opines about how long the journey is. Travel montage with Twenty, Neji, Naruto and the client. Over fields, up mountains carrying the man on his back. Him eating a ton of food at night. Twenty is amazed by how much this skinny boy can eat. They start asking him questions. Some think the ghost is the spirit of the lord's deceased father. Neji wants to know more about the land itself. Land of Birds because it's built on a lake where birds migrate. Wealthy because of the resources of the lake until the last lord died and a succession fight happened between Lord Sagi and a dude with an evil civil war mustache Lord Komei. Lord Komei thought he was too young but the high priest who is Chishima master,Moso, agreed to be regent. Less than six months later Lady Toki, Sagi's TWIN SISTER, died suddenly as well. Sagi is now a completely different person, won't leave his palace. Around the same time the white warrior appeared. The people think it is Lord Owashi's ghost seeking revengenance against those who struck him and his family down. Naruto is shaking but Neji scoffs. He thinks it's Moso but the client won't hear it, his master is a good man. Twenty thinks it's Komei, he killed the lord and then was furious when he wasn't appointed. Chishima loves this theory and thinks he is behind the Cursed Warrior. Classic Scooby Doo. Neji sarcastically remarks that the mystery is solved.


Cut to Lord Komei at night in his manor in bed getting a briefing from a guard. Nothing to report. He tells the guard to turn in but his spider sense is tingling as an odd wailing noise starts. Oh shit it's GHOST TALPA. He reaches for his sword. The ninja are heading into the village and are close to Moso's house. The guards are going after the Cursed Warrior who vanishes from the roof. Komei is fine but the guards are on high alert. Neji sees the cursed warrior flying through the sky and the client describes all the key details of the cursed warrior. Neji and Twenty book it as Naruto takes him off of his back and tells him to wait here. He stops in a building and Neji uses his Byakugan. No living human in there! Twenty hears something as the doors open.


I said no living body. Naruto is shook but throws a bunch of Kunai at him. Tenten summons weighted chains and knocks his helm off...but the warrior keeps coming. Naruto starts a I don't believe in ghosts mantra and summons some shadow clones and does a vintage Uzumaki Barrage. The armor is done for as a white light appears.


It's empty! He's super shook, it's a real ghost!

NEXT EPISODE: "The Tactician's Intent"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Better just finish this all on one post before we get to a new page talking about when we were all born.




I'm proud of this one.


and two more from today.


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