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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
This episode might see a break in the gif limiter's containment feature. It's not going to be set to full off as it was for Kakashi Mask but there might be two or three in the actual post and another four or five bonus gifs for later tonight and tomorrow.




If we don't here from Levyne again, I take full responsibility


I love your commitment to the counter haha

Why Thank you!

I watched the first episode of kill la kill just now. Interesting enough but I doubt I'll watch anymore. At least now I have a mental reference for when people talk about the show other than mako avatars and gifs

It's the type of show that I think might grow on some people one way or another other than the transformations as the show goes on. Not saying you would really enjoy it but...well I'm personally surprised at how much charm it can have.

Eh. It been a hella of a long time since I've watch the fillers. I wanted to say Sakura but people saying Hinata has started to jog my memory and I do remember seeing a lot of her...or am I just fooling myself. Ya know just to be different, I'm gunna say Sakura.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm watching it Sunday no matter what but if we get five or more people in on it we'll set a start time and watch it.

The dub is available for free legally on Hulu, right? We'll synchronize watches and watch it together.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Hulu only has the sub, you will have to tube your ears if you want the episode dubbed

The only reason I didn't watch all of Inuyasha and Naruo when they were on netflix was viz's dumb as fuck decision to make them sub only.

the dub is up on Neonalley right? But that won't be part of free Hulu until April.


The only reason I didn't watch all of Inuyasha and Naruo when they were on netflix was viz's dumb as fuck decision to make them sub only.

the dub is up on Neonalley right? But that won't be part of free Hulu until April.

Wait, Neon Alley content is coming to hulu?!?
Feel free to vote as unless you power through the entire catalog before next Saturday you'll be going in with only about half the episodes down.

Still it gives me a pretty unfair advantage, because how I'd have voted having seen none of the filler and how I'll vote having seen a good chunk of it is different

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It almost makes me want to get hulu plus again.

I bet like the official onepiece site they'll use hulu as their primary video delivery system, ads and all for every episode older than four days.

For the first four days though they have it on their own video player which has about half the ads and almost never freezes.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Appearance of Strange Visitors"


We open on a moonlit night and two figures moving swiftly. It's Lee and Guy-Sensei on a mission! Lee is ready and they head off! Suddenly a flash off of a lens from a nearby tree. Someone is tailing them! They have big bags so they are leaving for a few days, one of them says. A lucky break says the other. Commencing elite operation infiltration as the branch gives away under the weight of the heavier one, landing on the skinny one. The target is the Hidden Leaf village. Morning arrives. They look just like them, we're dead ringers! They've been spending months on their Disguise Jutsu, queue montage of skinny one getting a bunch of massages. They want the secrets hidden in the leaf!


They'll be famous in their village, get all the missions and pretty girls. He's not Mondai anymore, He's Guy of the Leaf Village! Poccha is his apprentice, Rock Lee! They form Mechashiva before heading into the village.


Lots of cameos as they walk down the main street of the business district. People are starting to notice Lee jiggling. He's impressed, everyone here in the Ninja village is a ninja, jumping on rooftops and the like. Guy tells him to stop staring. Guy goes on about how the Hokage is chief of the village and how he'll have all the secret documents in his office. Just look for the biggest building. They find it as someone asks them from behind what is going on at the Hokages. It's Kakashi! He asks what is up and Lee says nothing while shaking his head nervously. Not after any secret documents as he gets struck by Guy. They introduce themselves and Kakashi says they don't look like themselves. Are they feeling all right. He can't figure out why they look different. "Look a flying monkey eating an egg roll with his feet!" Says Lee.


Are those guys pulling his leg? Damn nosey ninja almost blowing their perfect disguise. They celebrate but Kakashi is on the case and brings it to the Hokage. Guy and Lee imposters? Shizune brings up what you're all thinking; real ninja would have used the Transformation jutsu they start teaching kids in grade school, they sound pathetic. Tsunade theorizes that the village must be doing better if the wackadoos are back. Kakashi just thought she should know and Shizune doesn't want even incompetent troublemakers around and proposes that they kick the ruffians out. Tsunade loves dark comedy though and proposes this would be a good training exercise for the entire village. Kakashi thinks rightly that no one would be dumb enough to fall for these two. Tsunade chuckles. She knows. She knows.


Naruto wants to train with Guy and Lee! Just for today! They huddle up. Naruto obviously knows the real Guy and Lee but they don't have any real ninja skills. Naruto will do ANYTHING to learn their taijutsu. The answer is no; their training is too rough and ultra top secret?


This just makes Naruto more interested. He begs harder. When they say no he makes a bunch of shadow clones which legit shakes them, real clones! Harem Jutsu!


Oh my. Guy-Sensei gives in. As they continue walking down the street someone in a nearby second story window yells at them and jumps down.


It's Twenty! Did Lee and Guy forget they were supposed to help that farmer today? She drags them off as Naruto follows, part of the training. Look at all those rice paddies! All three men are shook as Twenty talks to the farmer and the farmer is impressed that they'll do all this planting as Tenten leaves. SWERVE. Naruto doesn't get this training. Back breaking labor and incredible boredom it's endurance training. He's pumped up and ready to go. Even fake Lee and Guy think something is wrong with Naruto. Fake Lee complains about how this isn't what he expected the mission to be. Guy falls and knocks lee into the water as Lee gets a giant flying leech to the face. The farmer is also Steve Blum, keep getting them filler checks! Fake Guy also gets Leech as Naruto loves this part of the taijutsu training and gets Armstrong sparkle eyes. Naruto loves the workout as the farmer brings them to the next task. Shoveling manure. Heavy and stink and not according to plan. It takes both of them to carry the same amount of shit as Naruto. Naruto wonders why they are swaying and Guy says it is to practice dodging enemy fire. Naruto is impressed! It's a lot harder to weave as Naruto nearly swings the bar into Guy...which he does as Naruto turns to face them. Next they clean themselves in the river. Naruto says they missed a spot as a young lady calls out to Guy-Sensei and Lee.


It's Sakura! She wants to know what Naruto is doing here. Learning taijutsu. Sakura is...impressed by his idiocy I guess? Naruto asks her if she needs him but no, she needs help from Guy and Lee instead. She lost her laundry in the wind. and needs their incredible bodies to get it. She loves that laundry though. Naruto volunteers to get it and gets punched right in the gut for the suggestion. She gives Guy the evil eyes and he agrees. Its a steep climb with no footholds and if they slip the will die. It's pretty far up there. Guy tries to weasel out but Naruto points out how easy it is for a trained ninja with chakra control. He's amazing says Sakura. Ready to go as she gives him another death glare.


They start scaling as Naruto is doing flips and handstands, asking them why they are doing it the hard way! Strength training you dolt! Naruto is impressed as he starts climbing up faster than before, dropping rocks on the pair that they scramble out of the way of. Something is up with Naruto's tone though. The two make it and Lee looks down on Sakura far below. Guy reaches for the sheet but it keeps flapping away. It's stuck so he asks Lee to grab it. It's parachuting as Naruto tells them to use chakra control. They crash into a tree as Naruto yells for sensei and bushy brow. Naruto is completely blown away and were they. Tsunade is in the next tree and she needs help from Guy and Lee. Her friend hasn't been feeling well.


It's the big slug Katsuyu! She has a cold! Naruto compares her to the Pervy Sage's big toad. Tsunade continues. She wants them to look after her as the slug starts coughing and apologizes, shaking the ground. Guy is about to give up but Lee implores him to stick with the plan. Tsunade overhears and breaks a crack into the ground, asking them if they intend to disobey the Hokage. They are shook at the news. This is the best way to gain her trust. Naruto is talking to the slug about how summoned beasts get sick too. She has an itchy throat and runny nose, achy all over, it's a light cold. The two try a cold towel on the forehead. She sneezes in their general direction. It's acid! Naruto jumps out of the way but it barely misses the two fakers as it knocks down a bunch of trees. Naruto wants him to get out of the snot storm but Guy mentions it is training. Naruto is even more impressed. Even with Bushy-brows ass on fire he still is hanging in there and Naruto thought he was tough. "Hit me with your best snot!" As he flies towards her. She breaks up into thousands of smaller slugs complaining of achy joints.


Guy and Lee, bandaged up and on crutches, are ready to leave this crazy Village and walk into the sunset when who should appear. Real Guy wants to know why someone would dress as his dashing apprentice. The fakes have had enough. Super Mega Excellent Hyper Attack! Lee and Guy respond with a new technique. Double Dynamic Entry. Fakes are blasting off again as Twenty compliments the fireworks from a tree with Tsunade, Sakura and Shizune looking on from the ground. She doesn't know where they came from or what they wanted but she's confident they won't be back. Shizune knows she had fun as she even summoned Katsuyu. The fourth looks to Sakura as she mentions it was a team effort and Sakura laughs. Back to work orders Shizune.


Sakura wonders if Naruto really fell for them and Twenty tells her that not even he is that dumb. Guy wonders what that was all about as Naruto runs up and asks if they are alright. Naruto used to think Guy was a lightweight but really took to his training regiment today. He wants to continue his taijutsu training! Lee wonders what training as Guy is mystified. The crow takes it up a level crowing MORON, MORON, MOOOORON this time.
NEXT EPISODE: "The Cursed Warrior"


No Scrubs
Lol at mangod and b-dubs dropping clerks references in the 80 sexual partners thread first thing I was hoping to read and you delivered

We aim to please.

SAO is gone for lazybones
Inuyasha is gone for mike
wifi connection for lolds
megaman for bass

so much sadness

Better than a never-was, like FMP. I'm still a little salty over this one, it's perfect for the block and yet we get shit like SAO and that-which-must-not-be-named.


Better than a never-was, like FMP. I'm still a little salty over this one, it's perfect for the block and yet we get shit like SAO and that-which-must-not-be-named.

clone wars?
seven samurai?
one piece?

man we watch a lot of crap


"Just because you try hard doesn't mean you'll make it into the battle."

Psh get that outta here. That's such an un-Tom thing to say.
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