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Toonami |Feb15| Giraffes are awesome, I love giraffes

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Now that I've had time to reflect on last night I would have to say that the best episode of DMW thus far has been the second. Last night was a slow burn and I didn't find a mentally unstable teenager talking about how murder makes her sexually aroused funny. I get that people were laughing because the dialogue was SO over the top but it didn't really do anything for me. The headbutt by Ganta was awesome but overall the fight was complete garbage just like the bout with crow; they just come across as cliche ass-pulls. I'm loving the show right now but last night wasn't quite as hype as I thought it would be.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Good morning everyone. I'm surprised I made it through the premieres but I did!
Even with the smaller block, your work is still good SAB

Dragon Ball Z Kai:
And thus we lose Chaotzu and Tien. More evidence that Kai should have included Dragon Ball.
We also see Vegeta pulling rank on Nappa, showing that despite being the smaller one, he is also way more powerful

Kill la Kill
The premiere people have been waiting for.
This series is absolutely nuts. Amazing animation, insane humor, I'm surprised I didn't watch this earlier. Oh right, I prefer manga.

That two minute recap really showcases that NOTHING HAPPENED THIS ARC. "But the fourth tail!" We know Naruto's Nine-Tails form is crazy strong, this means nothing. "But Sai's character development" HAHAHAHAHA. "But Sasuke" Fuck off.
And now for filler. Joy...

Inuyasha: The FInal Act:
An episode that barely even showed the main cast? Interesting. At least it had good character moments for Sesshomaru? Okay, I'll be honest, I don't really care for the Inuyasha series in general...

Gurren Lagann:
A nice slow character episode, ending on immense hype. Looking forward to next week.

One Piece:
Now begins the secondary quest to unlock Zoro and Sogeking.
Yeah, Sanji's chivalry can bother people... at least Luffy makes up for it by being indiscriminate.




Badass/cool female theme night? DBZ maybe could of used some more female badguys.
Oh and Chiaotzu dying ....
Since it's a shorter block, I think I'll post some thoughts as well.


As one of the few DBZ virgins in this thread, you mean to tell me these fights used to take up a number of episodes as opposed to just this one? I don't know if I could've handled that pacing. Does that also mean the deaths were spaced out a little more too?

Anyway, a lot of fine and entertaining grunting and explosions, brought down a tad by "Hold on, we need to wait for the main protag to show up before we destroy more! Bwah hah hah hah!"

Kill la Kill

And it begins. Never expecting to see this day (hello KLK blu-rays sitting there), the savior of anime has come to Toonami. First episode is still a neck-breaking introduction, even with Senkestu's first scene being a bit...well, you know. It was trying a bit too hard, I think, to show a desperate piece of clothing wanting to be put on - and wanting blood, for reasons that will become clearer soon. There's another train of thought here about Senkestu's first appearance that I just thought of, but that perhaps could be spoiler-y, so I'll leave it for now.

As for the dub, it is well done, coming very close to matching some great Japanese VA performances. Any complaints of nit-picky: Gamagoori isn't the right kind of deep, Satsuki needs a bit more oomph. But Rukio, Mako and the rest of the Elite 4 are perfect, and I even like Senkestu's VA, which I know other people don't.


I stopped paying attention to this show a while back. It's background noise and I really don't have much to say about it.

Final Act

Mildly surprised that we looked like we were gonna have two deaths back to back, but nah, Sessy's mom has got it goin' on when it comes to bringing back dead children after her son has learned his lesson.

Gurren Lagann

Finally, back to some real action. I remembered the team-up of Simon and Viral being good, I forgot it was great. There should be a fitness app that once you start to hit your limit, it should play one of those GL moments where the music swells and people are being empowering as hell.

One Piece

Who doesn't love giraffes? And how the hell is Sanji still alive? And when will Chopper stop skipping leg day?

Deadman Wonderland

Still a crazy episode. Second time around, Ganta's "What the hell?" at Natsuki's reveal is even funnier and on point. And who the hell saves primroses? PRIMROSES?


Today starts off Ino Facts! Ever day up until Ino Day we'll be posting facts or interesting tidbits about Ino.

I'm no Photoshop master so please excuse the bad editing.



Great stuff as usual SAB. I look forward to a bunch of your KlK art.

Review Time!

DragonBall Z

Jobbers gonna job episode. It is nice we skim over this chapter thanks to less filler but this and last episode are pretty painful if you are Dragonball fans. Tien, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu were all critical characters in the original series and these two episode pretty much pushes them aside. Some subtle character development with Vegeta's pride established early on. Last okay episode until non-stop amazing. Heck that is true for a lot of shows on the block. February is going to be great.

Kill la Kill

I forgot how fun the first episode of this series is. Fun style choices for introducing characters and it flows together nicely...then we reach the Goku armor. Yeah, Senketsu always looks like that so get used to it. The original uniform doesn't look bad but GAF debated for months about it in the original thread for the show. I will go to say the series has fanservice for both the male and female characters but it is definitely weighted more towards the female characters. I am kind of neutral about my opinion on this subject but if you absolutely despise fanservice I can't off much assurance that it gets better from this point on that aspect. I am confident it is also a large reason why the show is so divisive as well in the anime community. I will beg everyone to stay at least until we finish a few more episodes before making a judgement.

Other than that the dub is pretty solid all around. I will post comparisons later but there is a handful of crucial characters I'd like to highlight. First off is Satsuki (Carrie Karanun), who does a good job but pales in comparison to the sub where she has such a determined and strong female voice. Everyone else does their roles justice or excels as the character but Satsuki is the only one I feel was sort of miscast. Carrie does a great job otherwise. Mako (Christine Marie Carabos) is excellent if not a small SMALL step down from the original. Mako is extremely difficult to play since she is so high pitched andomgshetalksamileaminutelikethis (she talks a mile a minute) so Carabos keeps up reasonably well albeit she can be slightly lower energy at times. She really nails the role. Senketsu (David Vincent) is the biggest departure since he sounded like an old man in the sub. However I am rather ambivalent about the change since the voice makes no major difference in the long run and Vincent does an excellent job as Senketsu. I will not say who is better until I see more but I will say they are on par in my book. Everyone else I would rate on par or better than the originals.

I look forward to all your reactions as the series goes forward. Enjoy yourselves in the meantime!


Figures this arc ends with nothing fucking happening. I'll get straight to the point. This show placed last, fuck Sasuke, Sakura and Sai are pointless, fuck Naruto, fuck this arc. I hope it burns in hell. Spoiler: This will be at the bottom of the rankings.

Final Act

It seems we have finally reached good pacing for the series but it is a shame this episodes ending ruins an otherwise good episode. Sesshomaru meets his smoking hot mom who tricks him into going into the underworld to power him up. Here we start to get to know a bit about Sesshomaru and his kindness toward Rin. This episode may have had some emotional impact in fact if it wasn't for a Deus Ex Machina at the end that revives Rin. This one action basically sweeps all good will from the episode from right under its feet and we get more rules on how Sesshomaru's sword is basically like the dragonballs in that people can only be revived once. Kohaku is apparently unable to be revived too because of...reasons? I dunno maybe Sesshy's mom can use her magic bullshit amulet again. Overall it would rank lower but it is bumped up thanks to the good pacing of the episode and it being focused on some of my favorite characters (Sesshomaru, Jaken and Rin).

Gurren Lagaan (TTGL)

Man I never knew how much I'd miss Yoko. From my standpoint Yoko shared my view aka what the hell were they doing in Kamina City. It figures the SECOND she returns the series is back on track. This basically bookends the Kamina City arc and from this point on we will drill towards the heavens. That being said lets talk about Yoko and the episode. I find it kind of funny that she decides to be a teacher of all things. She is actually quite good at it and the voice actress (Michelle Ruff) does a great job conveying a more caring side of Yoko while still maintaining her bad ass characteristics. I quite enjoyed the small side story after the awfulness of Kamina City. The episode has a cute small arc with the kids and it concludes with Yoko's big return to the city. This episode goes a long way showing why Yoko is crucial to the team since she always seemed to have her head on straight about what to do in a tough situation (IMO). Viral being co-pilot also is a nice cherry on top to a good episode. Great episodes from here on out IIRC.

One Piece

Giraffes are awesome. I LOVE giraffes.

This was a super fun episode but first I have to get the bad out of the way. It is super frustrating to have Sanji's chivalry being his downfall. After Kalifa told him she is an assassin, will show no mercy and will not hold back Sanji still decides to hold back on a fight he probably could have won in a few minutes and winds up getting bodied. I suppose some may see it as an admirable trait on his part but it is frustrating when he faces a deadly serious opponent. I find I have a love hate relationship with Sanji. Half the time he has super cool moments in the series and one of the smartest members of the crew. The other half he is a lech and a creep and I am facepalming every moment he is on the screen. With that out of the way the good stuff. Nami's scenes were actually very tense and her pickpocketing ways coming into play is a nice little touch. On the other side of the spectrum Zoro and Usopp's unintentional pairing is hilarious and is the biggest highlight of this and upcoming episodes. It is nice that Jabra and Kaku even offer to help before Zoro and Usopp realize how screwed they are. I will never get tired of the giraffe jokes. Ever. These scenes are a nice counterbalance to the Sanji scenes and elevate the episode. The real fights are starting real soon so be prepared!

Deadman Wonderland

This episode is a classic. This is solely thanks to it being one of the best group watch episodes in Toonami History along with a handful of SAO episodes. Let me break down my initial reaction as best I can. When I first approached the episode we came off a big reveal of Shiro's powers and then the series gears down to introduce us to Hummingbird. At first I thought the series was going to take the obvious route every anime takes and force drama down our throats about an innocent girl who wants to fight but going back can't believe I missed the early warning signs she was obviously honeypotting Ganta. Especially obvious after the dress incident but I remained blind since anime can be a bit sleezy. Oh but this sleezy was on purpose because the fight starts and OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWD SO MUCH SHINY SHINY! Where do I begin? Let's start with the tiny details like the faces Hummingbird makes as she goes full on cray cray. Each one is a work of art practically as she punishes Ganta's white knighting. Then her brother shows up and that utter look of glee she hides from him. Then the bleeps flood and oh my god are they numerous and glorious. Ganta is no slouch either as he shows his nuts and flicks off this whole situation and retaliates in time to win a clutch victory. Needless to say as this was all going on I was all like:

And don't even get me started on the fucking plant flashback. It is so appropriately inappropriate. It really doesn't explain why Hummingbird is so completely fucked up but who cares it is a starting point. The mystery of it all just makes it even better. This episode brings a smile to my face every time and the gifs and images for it are fan ****ing tastic. So how does it hold up on a rewatch. Well it is still vastly entertaining even after knowing the reveal. This is in large part to the characters playing so well off each other and Hummingbird just being a fun crazy bitch. It is a shame the script tones down the SHINY SHINY at this point since the series is still hilariously disturbing throughout but alas. The series did its job and got me to read the manga. I hope newbies enjoy the rest of the ride as it is an entertaining one.



****man Wonder****


Gurren Lagaan
Kill la Kill
One Piece


Final Act

A Root Canal
Fuck you




As one of the few DBZ virgins in this thread, you mean to tell me these fights used to take up a number of episodes as opposed to just this one? I don't know if I could've handled that pacing. Does that also mean the deaths were spaced out a little more too?


I stopped paying attention to this show a while back. It's background noise and I really don't have much to say about it.

In the original the deaths were separated were two episodes. In fact we are crushing two episodes of the original series per episode at this pace.

Good plan on Shippuden. I'll let you know when to tune in again.
This week brought about a new shorter block full of nothing but premiers or shows that haven't aired on the block in awhile and it was truly fun to see how many people stayed up the whole night.


Gohan's innocence and age really show though in this episode when he freezes multiple times in situations, hard to fault the kid who's watched people get viciously murdered right in front of him. The rest of the "important in DB" squad gets wrecked and it's a shame as they really don't get the build up in Z for us to care about them. The original filler helped a bit but without it or DB before it they become characters that are hard to care about. As I said last night as a kid I had a hard time grasping my mind around the concept of Vegeta being stronger then Nappa, so the scene at the end when Nappa halts from fear of Vegeta's wrath was quiet stunning.

Kill La Kill

Just as fun and hilarious as I remember it, the series oozes style and turns what is generally lazy animating techniques like a still image sliding and uses them greatly for comedic effect. The dub is fantastic and everyone minus Senketsu sounds exactly how I imagined they'd sound in dub form. Even then I don't dislike Senketsu's English voice like sub Levi vs dub Levi I think the voice and performance are good and different and both work for various reasons. The fan service is so frequently tongue in cheek that in never really bothers me, and my initial "that's a bit extreme" reaction to Ryoko's battle outfit when I first watched the series didn't impact me at all on rewatch. Looking forward to seeing the later parts of the series dubbed this should be a hell of a ride.

Naruto Shippuden

When you can condense the entire arc into a 90 second flash back yet real time it took 20+ episodes something has gone horribly fucking wrong. It was slow in the manga and it was even slower here. Sai is an awful character that has some decent foundation for being a decent character but never has it utilized, same with Yamato though he's more tolerable for the most part. When you have a time skip to train your main cast off screen to make them more powerful and the instantly undermine them where they need to train more you have fucked up as a story teller. The fact after this slow as dirt pacing we're going to get filler is just fucking brutal.

InuYasha The Final Act

Sesshomaru focused episodes are always a treat, and we finally get the maturation of Sesshomaru's character arc that has been teased at since he got the Tenseiga and saved Rin's life. Kohaku doesn't really add much to team Sesshomaru, but with Kikyo deaded he's really the only other group in the plot that can reasonably protect him from Naraku while keeping him and Sango separate. Also Koga is FINALLY GONE WOOHOO that along made this episode the best episode of Final Act.

Gurren Lagann

I called the first half of this episode boring and that's really unfair as it was a pretty good episode, it just came at the wrong time breaking up the hype build that has been happening since Nya got taken over by the anti spiral. I still stand by "this should have been an ova episode" unless the sole reason for this episode was to end on "who the hell do you think we are" when Team Gurren lead by Simon and Viral arrive in space... looking at it that why I guess I'm okay with how it was handled :p Seriously though that ending was amazing and I'm looking forward to an all out war next week!

One Piece

Let's talk about giraffes shall we

Giraffes are pretty fucking awesome, they're the tallest living mammals on the planet with legs taller then most humans (average of 6 feet long) that can run up to 35 miles per hour. Giraffes use this height to graze the tops of trees for leaves and buds that very few other animals can reach. Heck even their tongue is long extending up to 21 inches which is useful as they eat hundreds of pounds of food a week.


Their height is also great for keeping an eye out for predators, but causes them big risk when they attempt to drink at watering holes. Thankfully giraffes come from the same species line as camels so they can go days without needing to drink water even living in the hot continent of Africa.


Giraffes also have a crazy way of giving birth, the babies actually fall 5 feet to the ground after emerging from their mother yet in only a half an hour are able to stand and walk around. Giraffes generally live in packs of about half a dozen and full grown males will actually fight each other by butting heads until one of them yields. In addition while no two giraffes have the same spotted patter on their bodies, giraffes from the same pack will generally have similar patterns.


Unfortunately the great height of a giraffe makes it a target for poachers. They used to be killed just for their tails which were used to create good luck bracelets and threads for sowing. In recent years however the anime has also been hunted for it's hides and it's meat. The giraffe is an endangered animal because of this with less then 80,000 left on the planet. Loss of habitat due to expansion of human settlements has further limited the areas giraffes can live in due to their need of excess food to survive. Combine this with it's natural predators in the wild and it's no surprise their popular has dropped nearly 40% in a decade


So now you know a bit more about giraffes and why they're awesome. Everyone should love giraffes.

Wait what was I talking about?

Deadman Wonderland

One Piece

Let's talk about giraffes shall we

Giraffes are pretty fucking awesome, they're the tallest living mammals on the planet with legs taller then most humans (average of 6 feet long) that can run up to 35 miles per hour. Giraffes use this height to graze the tops of trees for leaves and buds that very few other animals can reach. Heck even their tongue is long extending up to 21 inches which is useful as they eat hundreds of pounds of food a week.


Their height is also great for keeping an eye out for predators, but causes them big risk when they attempt to drink at watering holes. Thankfully giraffes come from the same species line as camels so they can go days without needing to drink water even living in the hot continent of Africa.


Giraffes also have a crazy way of giving birth, the babies actually fall 5 feet to the ground after emerging from their mother yet in only a half an hour are able to stand and walk around. Giraffes generally live in packs of about half a dozen and full grown males will actually fight each other by butting heads until one of them yields. In addition while no two giraffes have the same spotted patter on their bodies, giraffes from the same pack will generally have similar patterns.


Unfortunately the great height of a giraffe makes it a target for poachers. They used to be killed just for their tails which were used to create good luck bracelets and threads for sowing. In recent years however the anime has also been hunted for it's hides and it's meat. The giraffe is an endangered animal because of this with less then 80,000 left on the planet. Loss of habitat due to expansion of human settlements has further limited the areas giraffes can live in due to their need of excess food to survive. Combine this with it's natural predators in the wild and it's no surprise their popular has dropped nearly 40% in a decade


So now you know a bit more about giraffes and why they're awesome. Everyone should love giraffes.

Wait what was I talking about?

A must-watch.


Sketchbook Picasso
Nice work sab!

I Thank ya!

You're a good man for that R.O.D. pic. Well done, SAB. Great stuff this week as always.

Gotta love Ms. Readman! I wanted to add in what I consider Yoko's other Inspiration too (Mizuho from Onegai Teacher) but alas, time... It makes me feel weird that I drew this around a decade ago...

This is absolutely precious.

Also R.I.P. Tien

And it'll just get bigger! (I hope I don't ruin it, lol). Megapic of 80's inspire KLK karacters!

Anyone feel like drawing pinups?

Kiiinda! Thought about going for such a thing last night, but SHORT BLOCK and all. Let us see if you come up with something! ;-)

Now that I've had time to reflect on last night I would have to say that the best episode of DMW thus far has been the second. Last night was a slow burn and I didn't find a mentally unstable teenager talking about how murder makes her sexually aroused funny. I get that people were laughing because the dialogue was SO over the top but it didn't really do anything for me. The headbutt by Ganta was awesome but overall the fight was complete garbage just like the bout with crow; they just come across as cliche ass-pulls. I'm loving the show right now but last night wasn't quite as hype as I thought it would be.

Yeah, I think Deadman is good for it's shock and awe factor, but it's not the strongest work once you get past that. I'm Kinda OK with that in it's case, since I don't think it sees itself as much more.

Good morning everyone. I'm surprised I made it through the premieres but I did!
Even with the smaller block, your work is still good SAB.

BETTER BE! heh heh. It's gonna take a while to get used to smaller block + wanting to just ignore sketching for at least 2 of the shows entirely as they're fully new to me.

Y'know , KLK's animations really didn't mesh well with me. Which is weird, because normally Ep 1 is THE animation episode for a series, before they start getting smart with their budget. I enjoy it's illustration style more than it's motion, I guess you can say.

Badass/cool female theme night? DBZ maybe could of used some more female badguys.
Oh and Chiaotzu dying ....

I totally wanted the Xenoverse character to obviously save Chiatozu, but I'm not sure that's clear, lol. Short block doesn't let me do as I please anymore.

Great stuff as usual SAB. I look forward to a bunch of your KlK art.

It's funny, my level of enjoyment of KLK so far has no bearing on if I'm gonna enjoy getting to try and 80s-ify its designs some, lol. Though I wonder if that's cheating by not attempting to mimic it's own style some to... might have to try on some nights!

I'm kinda surprised, Rin's revival in Inuyasha has no effect on my enjoyment of the ep. It's totally about Sesshy's emotions for Rin. He and Inuyasha both get 1 last chance after the person they've grown to love dies before them, and rin's first death had no real emotional impact on Sesshy, because he didn't know her then.

The part that kinda irked me is how casual Rin going to hell was, lol. I thought she'd be viciously murdered by Naraku when I heard about it years ago. Not just spirited away by something Sesshy's hot momma summoned.

Great sketch this week SAB.

Thanks! It's appreciated!

Nice sketches SAB.

I'm pissed off because I fell asleep early last night. The sketches are helping a little.

That's always the goal! To hopefully help with either review or catch-up! When I feel at both, I feel like I'm forgetting my own theme.


This is probably the best Sunday Sleep I've gotten after fully enjoying Toonami for quite a while, however. It felt short, but I really enjoyed my overall time with Toonami, with no "Oh, not THIS again!" Lull other than ShiPuddingden.
Is One Piece already past the "Giraffes are awesome" scene?

Shippuden is garbage. Constant filler arcs, nothing happens, and so on. The Immortals/ Zombie Combo arc is pretty good, and some fights and moments are actually really good, but overall it takes absurdly long to get started and the source material isn't that great to begin with.

Kill la Kill was disappointing to me, so I think it's a really bad idea to show it at the same time as Gurren Lagann. It doesn't match up at all. Starts off fast and has lots of entertaining characters, then just meanders. Really lacks the emotion of Gurren Lagann and the (understandably) lower animation quality definitely doesn't help you overlook its flaws. It's overall weird in a less-fun way than Gurren Lagann and doesn't really come together. Even this early on, the way Senketsu jumps on Ryuko is played off like some sort of lewd joke, but after his introduction he's portrayed entirely as polite and
pretty tragic.
Didn't make sense or do anything for me.


DBZ at this pace is refreshing and while death doesnt mean much, it's amusing to see Nappa basically off characters one-by-one within the first ten episodes. The interactions between Nappa and Vegeta are fun.

Some people might kill me for making the comparison but the first episode of Kill la Kill gave me FLCL vibes at times in terms of the level of absurdity. Pandering sucks but at least fits the overall theme rather than being awkwardly placed and sticking out.

Shippuden was a slog to get through when marathonning and it's exacerbated at once-per-week. At the very least we get HD next week.

This week's Final Act kinda stunk. Rin's "death" was used in awkward effect to power up Tenseiga (somehow) and also sorta also add some humanity to Sesshōmaru. Using a 'temporary death' to achieve anything in a narrative is weak. Also when does Kohaku die so we no longer have to hear his terrible voice?

Having Yoko around with the main crew works well as balancing force, and it's emphasized that her comeback is what is going to put things back on track. But the introduction of her 'do it for the children' mentality is a bit clumsy. I've been waiting for the Viral team-up for a while so I'm actually somewhat excited to see where things go. Generally speaking I like how his character has been handled.

The delivery on "Giraffes are awsome. I love giraffes" was basically perfect, like he was trying to convince himself so. Hoping Sanji gets a chance at redemption but not holding my breath. One Piece is a little goofy.

DWML's primary redeeming aspect is the craziness/insanity and so it's no surprise that the episode that embodies that the strongest is well regarded. And of course some great lines and bleeps make the group watch more entertaining. Too bad from here it tries to get a bit more serious and compelling but there are a few more insane moments coming.


Also, when DBZ Xenoverse comes out ill make a google docs page and spread it here so we can all play together

Im still not sure what OC I will make but he/she will be badass


This week’s theme was disrobing! Lots of characters loosing their cloths in a variety of ways. Certainly appropriate considering the big debut! Onwards to the reviews (now with screengrabs)!

DBZ: Kai - A pretty hype episode even though the Z Fighters are continuing to just stalling by giving up their lives one by one. Like the last episode, I know almost nothing about Chiaotzu or Tien so their deaths really fall flat for me. I’m assuming Tien’s Tri-Beam attack is supposed to be crazy powerful and I did enjoy seeing Nappa stumble and be surprised. Enemies that are too over powered can be boring so seeing him falterr makes this more dramatic. Gohan wusses out at the exact moment that could have cemented him as a true badass, so that’s unfortunate. Rating: People die if they are killed!

KILL la KILL - Speaking of killing it, hope you enjoyed episode one of KILL la KILL everybody! I’m happy you guys all seemed to approve of the excellent dub. Aniplex really came through, IMO. The only voice that still bothers me some is Senketsu just because it takes his English VA a while to find the voice and it is so different sounding. Satsuki looses a little of her gravitas in English but overall she’s fine. Aside from the tacking on of the shortened Ending, there were ZERO edits to this episode. None. I can also confirm that this was the animation corrected Blu-Ray version as I noticed a few of the corrected shots. For example: Ryuko’s signature red hair stripe was missing in a few shots in the original broadcast version but were fixed here. Rating: Mako/10.

Naruto: Shippuden - On this week’s staring contest, Sasuke is about this use a crazy powerful jutsu on Naruto but Orochimaru stops him because that would be way too interesting to see in a show about ninjas. Instead, everyone departs peacefully and then we watch as Jiraiya recaps all of the boring ass crap we’ve been watching this past year. Basically, nothing was accomplished aside from them learning that the Sauce still doesn’t give two-shits about them and Sai learning the meaning of “friend”. Rating: Random Pig

Inuyasha: Final Act - I liked this episode. Not only was its pacing normal, it was a healthy diversion from the main cast. Koga’s brief confrontation with InuYasha was interesting considering how sullen InuYasha was. But mostly it was nice to see the normally cold Sesshōmaru actually show real compassion towards Rin’s death. I also enjoyed watching Jaken be Sesshōmaru’s emotional translator. I’m not sure why his mom was such a crazy bitch but she is a demon after all, I suppose. Too bad the big lesson regarding death was immediately retconned. Rating: People DON’T die if they are killed!

Gurren Lagann - One of my top favorite episodes of the series and a real showcase for Yoko’s character. Instead of dealing with the idiocy of “Government Lagann”, Yoko smartly decided to spend her time on educating the first children born on the surface… as a smoking hot school teacher! This episode is just so adorable and yet equally hype. The kids were cute and endearing and when Yoko transformed to take out those two rouge gunmen pilots, I was fully invested. I also loved that call back shot to episode one. Then we get Viral not only joining the team but being Gurren’s new pilot! From here on out, the show escalates and man oh man it’s good. Rating: A+ and a Gold Star!

One Piece - Another fun and funny episode. Kaku is really owning being a Giraffe more than I thought he would and it’s hilarious. Sniper King and Zoro getting handcuffed together should make for some interesting fights. I’m surprised by how much co-mingling of the mains is going on. I would expect them all to be sequestered away, each in their own fight, but Chopper shows up and then so does Sanji. Of course Sanji behaved exactly as I thought he would towards Kalifa and so I suppose it’s up to Nami to have a cat-fight with her. There’s a lot more humor in these fights than I expected too but I suppose we’re just getting started. Rating: 10 Giraffes out of 10

Deadman Wonderland - Wow. Where do I begin? So, I’m still not 100% sure if this crazy as [BLEEP] girl has a split personality or if she’s just [BLEEP]ing playing everyone with the innocence act. Either way she’s straight up [BLEEP]ing crazy. I’m actually kinda liking Yo more now even though his chivalry is waisted on this crazy [BLEEP]. As much as some people get bent out of shape over the [BLEEP]ing lewdness in KLK, I found this episode to be more risqué than 99% of KLK. The fight itself was kinda [BLEEP] though, like the last one, with Ganta pulling the [BLEEP]ing win out of his ass. I did love seeing him telling the viewers to go [BLEEP] themselves, though. The VA on the crazy girl was [BLEEP]ing perfect, especially in the scene where she talks about her [BLEEP] mom running off with the roses instead of her. Holy [BLEEP]! That would seriously [BLEEP] with anyone’s head! Rating: [BLEEP]

I may cut back on the Spoiler Warning cards next week unless you guys are more vocal. I saw almost no response to them so I’m not sure if they’re still worth the effort. Speak up if you feel otherwise.


Screencap thumbnails and embedded links? That's neat but probably a bit tedious to format.

As for DBZ, again, no enforced spoiler rule but you probably don't want to be a jerk and intentionally spoil things, right?


Screencap thumbnails and embedded links? That's neat but probably a bit tedious to format.

Yeah, don't expect this next week. I just had some spare time this afternoon.

As for DBZ, again, no enforced spoiler rule but you probably don't want to be a jerk and intentionally spoil things, right?

I honestly don't remember what happens. I assume Goku comes back at some point and wins. That's about all I know. There is no hinting in my review, honest. I simply don't remember how this all plays out.

Edit: I've removed my speculation just in case.


Gives all the fucks
Especially for those whose childhood DIDN'T involve DBZ because they didn't have cable or satellite as a kid until around 2004 or 2005, well after DBZ was off the air & Toonami's line-up was on Saturday nights, therefore having never seen a single episode of the series.


KILL la KILL - Speaking of killing it, hope you enjoyed episode one of KILL la KILL everybody! I’m happy you guys all seemed to approve of the excellent dub. Aniplex really came through, IMO. The only voice that still bothers me some is Senketsu just because it takes his English VA a while to find the voice and it is so different sounding. Satsuki looses a little of her gravitas in English but overall she’s fine. Aside from the tacking on of the shortened Ending, there were ZERO edits to this episode. None. I can also confirm that this was the animation corrected Blu-Ray version as I noticed a few of the corrected shots. For example: Ryuko’s signature red hair stripe was missing in a few shots in the original broadcast version but were fixed here. Rating: Mako/10.

The BDs have a good number of corrections and questionable changes.
Well that was certainly an interesting night..

Dragon Ball Z Kai - The faster pacing is both a blessing and a curse here. Nappa feels incredibly dangerous as he just plows through all the characters like they're nothing, and this is magnified by how quickly it all happens in Kai. But on the other hand, it makes Chiaotzu's sacrifice feel premature; Chiaotzu decides to kill himself and take Nappa with him almost immediately, which hurts a bit of the impact. The death is still better than Yamcha's because it works on a character level rather than a shock level, but the fact that I haven't seen Dragon Ball in a while and Chiaotzu's general lack of presence until now mean I don't feel a whole lot. So I dunno. It's hard to say how I would've felt about this if I watched Dragon Ball right before watching Kai. I do know that after-death flashbacks almost never work if you didn't much care for the character to begin with, though. Fighting is pretty great, though. Gohan feels like his character development reverted, though it does make sense that he'd still be afraid.

Kill la Kill - It's really a blast to watch a show with such manic energy. Everything's really off the wall in the best possible way, from the absurd premise to the crazy style. Is it a deep story with interesting characters? Not really. Ryuko is kind of coasting on "I'm the protagonist" at the moment. But it's fun as hell, with nicely cartoony art and some nice animation. The show DOES cheat quite significantly in regards to animation because Trigger isn't working on a huge budget; it has a lot of still frames and scenes with sparse animation and scenes where they outright skip the transition into it, but the show is stylized enough that it seems to fit. The quality does seem to kind of deteriorate as it goes along, though; the episode is kind of front-loaded. The dub is outstanding, too. As far as fanservice goes, I think there's an argument to be made that Gurren Lagann tonight was actually worse than Kill la Kill, because in Kill la Kill it wasn't just...there. It felt aware of itself, like it served a purpose. A flimsy purpose, it must be said, but a purpose. The show satirizes the revealing female armor you often see, as not only does it completely embarrass Ryuko, but it's somehow more protective even though it has a ton of bare skin. The show kind of does wanna have its cake and eat it, too, if the camera angles are anything to go by, but self-awareness goes a long way with fanservice because it pushes it into the realm of the absurd, and when something's absurd that makes it fun and something you can laugh at. The weird "rape" scene with Senketsu was kind of not okay, though. Weird Rapey Moment Counter: 1

Naruto Shippuden - The INTENSE STAREDOWNS have officially reached the point of parody as this arc ends with a wet fart, as expected. Sasuke, Orochimaru, and Kabuto leave with the most flimsy excuse ever ("THE PEOPLE CLEARLY MUCH WEAKER THAN US MIGHT KILL SOME AKATSUKI!"), and everyone just kind of...goes home. Jiraiya's recap seems to highlight how long this crap took, and I have no idea why Tsunade is just shaking her fist at Danzo from the safety of her office rather than...doing anything about the guy who tried to sell them out. You know, with the evidence that he tried to sell them out. The only thing that was really accomplished in this arc is the introduction of Sai and his "character development", but Sai isn't much of a character. He draws stuff, he's kind of an ass, he has a half-assed tragic backstory, and that's sort of it. He's just not interesting.

InuYasha: The Final Act - Rin's revival is complete bullshit, but...I expected it. I mean, Sesshomaru's mom (and it's hilarious she shows up out of nowhere to offer a power up, by the way) spends this entire episode saying things are impossible only for Sesshomaru to do them, so what else was I meant to expect? If I was more invested in this show I'd be mad, but I can't help thinking how completely awful it sounds when you really think about it. "You're not a god, lives can't just be brought back with no consequence! Okay, fine, just this once. But after that, really. Bad things." At least Koga finally accepted his uselessness. I really liked the design of the underworld, too.

Gurren Lagann - While I appreciate that the show took the time to go back and explain just what Yoko is doing there and also what she's been doing all this time, I question whether we needed this much detail. The show uses "hey, small children" as a crutch to get me to care about what happens to some of these kids for an action scene that is cool, but kind of unnecesary. Watching Simon finally get his ass into gear was awesome as hell, though, and makes up for a lot. The incessant boob shots for Yoko got to be obnoxious. I mean, you could probably spin that to be a rather comical way of saying she can't change who she is, but I doubt much thought was put into it (and that's kind of an awful way to portray that concept if "who she is" amounts to "the lady with the boobs").

One Piece - Kaku continues to be hilarious with his deadpan acceptance of his stupid Devil Fruit powers, and the complete silliness of Usopp handcuffing himself to Zoro is great. Sanji's chivalry is annoying, but the show also points out that it's dumb and really it's just a way to demonstrate Kalifa's power rather than some episode-ruining moment. Don't feel so great about Kumadori's hair tentacles (even if it was kind of tame compared to some other stuff). Weird Rapey Moment Counter: 2

Deadman Wonderland - If you want a great example of the dub elevating an episode, here it is. There are so many fantastic lines this episode that it's hard to keep track of them all, though the episode itself is a great example of what makes Deadman fun: it's completely insane. Minatsuki's personality shift is amusingly over-the-top, and she spends half the episode providing a barrage of truly fantastic reaction faces before the episode culminates in a headbutt. I don't have much of a problem with the way these fights have been resolving themselves because the solutions have all made sense; Ganta used the environment to defeat Senji because he knew his bullets had no effect, and he kind of just distracted Minatsuki with talk, which works well against a character who spent the whole match ranting. I think it brushes up against going a little too dark with Minatsuki's father, though. Weird Rapey Moment Counter: 4 (plus the guy at the beginning)

Rick and Morty - One of the best episodes of the show. Mr. Meseeks is hilarious, and I just love the turn that storyline takes. "Here is a thing that exists to assist you" is not a particularly original premise, but the spin on that is truly inspired: when the thing can't assist you, it calls forth others like itself, has some big meeting about how to help that devolves into nonsense, and eventually decides that the only way it can help you is to take hostages in an attempt to murder you. The whole jellybean attempted rape thing always makes me uncomfortable because it's jarring, but.....it's supposed to be really jarring, it's actually handled shockingly well within the context of the show, and it kind of fits almost. Kind of. Weird Rapey Moment Counter: 5
Especially for those whose childhood DIDN'T involve DBZ because they didn't have cable or satellite as a kid until around 2004 or 2005, well after DBZ was off the air & Toonami's line-up was on Saturday nights, therefore having never seen a single episode of the series.
I don't think I spoiled anything last night but I'll def be using tags from now on . Didn't realize we had some first time viewers.


A quick comparison for of the voices of Kill la Kill dub and sub.

Minor Spoilers of course. Both these trailers cover the first three episodes. While it doesn't give anything away apart from what we already know some people are rather guarded about them.
DBZ Kai: More jobbing. Eh

KLK: Still funny. Satsuki Eng VA ain't got nothing on the JP VA

Final Act: What was that little demon's name again? :p

Shitpuden: Need a gif of Tsunade's pissed off face

GL: Best teacher ever?

OP: Goddammit Sanji

Deadman: Those beautiful beautiful bleeps
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