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Toonami |Feb15| Giraffes are awesome, I love giraffes

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Sketchbook Picasso
yo toonamigaf give us a pinup topic

Hmm, I guess noone has any idead? Unless these...


Future Smash collaboration DLC? >.>[/QUOTE]
[quote="Zonic, post: 151303373"][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s526x395/10444331_10204320606514464_6579204046990448567_n.jpg?oh=96bbc5c928456308c7784f65214813b5&oe=558FC1E7&__gda__=1432304113_c41aa5521020299e6bcc304194f2a688[/im][/QUOTE]
[quote="ckohler, post: 151308986"][URL="http://i.imgur.com/UxYubz3.jpg"][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/UxYubz3l.jpg[/IM][/URL][/QUOTE]

... counted?
[quote="ckohler, post: 151251356"]Thanks man. I think everyone's reviews this week were very entertaining. I liked your retrospective on when Hummingbird first aired since I wasn't around for that. It sure sounded like it was madness. Bass's One Piece review is pretty gdlk. Everyone had interesting things to say. :)[/QUOTE]
Btw, loved the review! SCREEENNNZZZZ! I can't say much about spoiler cards because I miss most of them while sketchin, but I loved the Nia one. :]
[quote="Azure J, post: 151310360"]Saw the thread title and was wondering why everyone was roleplaying Patti from Soul Eater before I remembered where everyone should be in One Piece.

[I]Yes[/I]. :lol[/QUOTE]

LoL, I'm sad I didnxt think of the Patti connection during the DUMP. WE HA MULTIPLE REFRENCES TO GIRAFFS ON TOONAMI. Truly the greatest block of shows EVER!

[quote="bigkrev, post: 151312946"]So I watched Kill la Kill 1 late last night...

I don't really get the show. The sexuality in the final scene (Mako upside down for no real reason other than to show skin, Ryuko's outfit made me :/ , and any attempt at humor was drowned out by all the YELLING EVEYONE DOES ALL THE TIME. The visuals were impressive, but I don't think I will be sticking with this a few weeks from now[/QUOTE]

Kinda how I felt on the service; I have no desire to see these characters in sexy ways. At least not in this style? I dunno, it just felt incredibly bleh.

Screaming doesn't bother me, I actually wish it sounded... stronger?

So far, TTGL just seems like a solid version of what KLK wants to be. But I don't mind stickin' with free anime.
Nami totally gets shafted here.



Sketchbook Picasso
Steve Blum is playing a Mechanical Desperado Sniper dude in Mighty no. 9.

There better be so many sly easter eggs to his past/other works in his performance. *BANG* and something about Space Cowboys are a must.

I hope Yuri Lowenthal sounds as little like SurTsuki as possible. But that's not gonna happen, soooooo....

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Neliel Tu Odelschwanck was in barely over 3 episodes of Bleach over the entire series' run. True story.

You can start with adorable little Nel then. Itsygo and the like.

Then again when the fighting picked up right after that was when I first quit Bleach...


Threads that go exactly how you think they will: the Terraformars movie thread.

Every time someone comes in to start a new argument, a new horrifically racist page or panel from the manga is introduced to the thread. It's the gift that keeps on giving.


Gives all the fucks
Sadly, the movies never got dubbed, from what I've heard. Granted, getting the movies would be amazing.


Hey guys, I'm gonna be going to a rheumatologist fairly soon because I might have fibromyalgia. Because of this I probably won't be doing school this semester and will need something to do. I'm thinking about streaming heavily on twitch because I'm very limited at my current state.

If anyone has any good ideas on things I should do or programs I should use, then I'm all ears. Once I get everything set up I'll post the link on this page for the 4 follows I will get lol


Cannon Busters might be coming late this year.

I would like to see this on Toonami.

Did enough of that get funded to do a full episode or are we just getting the short pilot?

Hey guys, I'm gonna be going to a rheumatologist fairly soon because I might have fibromyalgia. Because of this I probably won't be doing school this semester and will need something to do. I'm thinking about streaming heavily on twitch because I'm very limited at my current state.

If anyone has any good ideas on things I should do or programs I should use, then I'm all ears. Once I get everything set up I'll post the link on this page for the 4 follows I will get lol

I can't help you on the streaming front, I just wish you luck and hope you feel better.
Hey guys, I'm gonna be going to a rheumatologist fairly soon because I might have fibromyalgia. Because of this I probably won't be doing school this semester and will need something to do. I'm thinking about streaming heavily on twitch because I'm very limited at my current state.

If anyone has any good ideas on things I should do or programs I should use, then I'm all ears. Once I get everything set up I'll post the link on this page for the 4 follows I will get lol

I'm sorry to hear that. Hope the diagnosis turns out to be a little more positive. My mother has fibromyalgia so I know how grating and tiring it can be on someone. I only know that she takes Zoloft for it, which helped alleviate some of the pain. I don't think she goes to any programs or anything.

Did enough of that get funded to do a full episode or are we just getting the short pilot?

I believe they made enough to do a 13-15 minute pilot.


Terraformars artwork is obviously based off of black culture and people, but I don't understand why it's racist or bad. But then again, I never read it before so im not a good talking point on the details of the cockroaches. And ive never been one to venture into threads about race and sex because it's ban bait, and there's also a lot of really shitty posts on both sides and a lot of uninformed people on both sides of the argument usually.

The most racist thing ive ever seen was in manga was Eyeshield 21 wjhen they described how panther is super fast because of his blackness. But even then, it's that weird japanese racism where they have more of an admiration for differences between races that western cultures immediately associate with racism. Japan didn't really go through the issues of social darwinism and other such ideas that plagued american and western history. 4

I will say this, ive never been one to judge a culture so much different then ours, especially one that I dont really know that much about. Japan gets a lot of flak for things that are misrepresented or silly.
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