First is bland as can be.
Second adds some personality, no matter how obnoxious. They have like 60 characters to deal with.
Literal translations are awful.
(that's user created, think Bravely Default special attack quips)
(that's user created, think Bravely Default special attack quips)
I definitely don't disagree, but the frequency in which I have run into groan worthy dialogue is disappointing.
LICH KING DEMARCO ‏@Clarknova1 11m11 minutes ago
Ya boi, in a cab in Tokyo, feeling extremely jet lagged
I figured as much. I get the feeling Nintendo treats the Donkey Kong Country cartoon the same way they treat the CD-I games. In that it never existed.
Apparently people are overly angry about silly lines in Support Conversations. Because that's never happened before...
That's dumb. I can assure that those exist in the Japanese version.
Plus its Fire Emblem, if you are going to be anal about "UMMM, CHANGING THIS ONE LINE OF DIALOGUE IN A THROWAWAY CONVERSATION COMPLETELY RUINS THIS CHARACTERS ARC" then shut up no it doesn't, its Fire Emblem Awakening's sequel where everyone looks the same as the last game where everyone was a gimmick.
Silly support conversations is the REASON FOR SUPPORT conversations. Only three or four characters max are well written and fleshed out enough that they can actually handle a mature vignette. Instead most of these chucklefucks need to be weirdos doing weird things with each other.
LICH KING DEMARCO ‏@Clarknova1 11m11 minutes ago
Ya boi, in a cab in Tokyo, feeling extremely jet lagged
Practically the only problem with Radiant Dawn is that the cast swelled to such a degree that real supports just weren't in the budget.
Radiant Dawn would have been better with a smaller cast and if they had just stuck with the old cast.
NoA's translation for FE Fates is atrocious.
What a butchered version.
I think the translation is fine. Better than I expected.
That said the removal of the swimsuits is the stupidest instance of censorship from them I've ever seen (and yes in this case it is censorship).
...I need to get some money for the game pronto.
I've avoided spoilers concerning Fates so far.
But I know it has this girl.
...I need to get some money for the game pronto.
I think the translation is fine. Better than I expected.
That said the removal of the swimsuits is the stupidest instance of censorship from them I've ever seen (and yes in this case it is censorship).
r u telling me i cant see camilla in a bathing suit?
Usually the things that are censored I don't really care about. Not that I'm pro-censorship, but I'm not gonna get upset that I can't watch 8 year olds bathe (from some Compile Heart JRPG I can't remember the name)
But things like the swimsuits in FE and the boob-slider in XBX are just weird removals. Like, most every game with a character creator has a boob slider. I remember playing a Sims game on PS2 with one in like 2003. It was rated Teen. Not sure why that had to be removed ?_?
Usually the things that are censored I don't really care about. Not that I'm pro-censorship, but I'm not gonna get upset that I can't watch 8 year olds bathe (from some Compile Heart JRPG I can't remember the name)
But things like the swimsuits in FE and the boob-slider in XBX are just weird removals. Like, most every game with a character creator has a boob slider. I remember playing a Sims game on PS2 with one in like 2003. It was rated Teen. Not sure why that had to be removed ?_?
Nope. Considering Xenoblade X kept the swimsuits for the west, Nintendo is essentially sending this message.
A little consistency is all I'm asking for Nintendo.
Not as bad as the SF V ass slap removal but keeping Laura's story mode outfit in. Just look that up if you don't know.
Im not familiar with Xenoblade, but does the character you play as function as a self insert?
As in, you are the toon you generate.
Not as bad as the SF V ass slap removal but keeping Laura's story mode outfit in. Just look that up if you don't know.
in XBX yeah
Wow, that is silly.
I would love to hear an explanation for why that's fine, but Mika's ass slap wasn't.
Oh, you will never get a perfect explanation.
Nope. Considering Xenoblade X kept the swimsuits for the west, Nintendo is essentially sending this message.
A little consistency is all I'm asking for Nintendo.
How old is the character on the left.
Imagine if FE was on a console and had the graphical presentation its cutscenes had for the whole game....
Also the dub-by-you pun doesn't really work, sorry Imperial.
Feel free for other suggestions
That's the thing that's holding me up. It's not like it was some huge fan campaign.
Something something idols, something something, Persona like, something something, coming this fall.
Something something idols, something something, Persona like, something something, coming this fall.
that localization conversation is going to be fun/awful
that localization conversation is going to be fun/awful
I bet you and the rest of the mods are dreading the inevitable "#FE censored/altered for western release thread" that will come up in a couple months.
It's so blatantly choreographed at this point, that I already have my statement when it comes up.
Changing up #FE makes even less sense. It's a niche game about idols and singers with stands, what do you even change to make it sell to 50 more people