Oh, we're getting a dumb final weapon out of nowhere? Is it a mech?
Oh, we're getting a dumb final weapon out of nowhere? Is it a mech?
You know that whole "greater than the sum of its parts" thing? This is the complete opposite. It's somewhat greater despite its parts.It isn't, but at the same time, I've pretty much accepted that it will always be hated here.
Right, so who wants texmex
Ryuko is a terrible little sister too.
You're gonna carry that Kurome, Wave.
Post of the night ladies and gentlemen.
...I don't think you're right Tatsumi
well done
wow I was totally spacing out and missed the fight conclusion lol
Two more episodes, we can survive this.
The question is, will this be better or worse than Blue Exorcist and/or Soul Eater?
My Little Sister Can't Be This Dead.
The question is, will this be better or worse than Blue Exorcist and/or Soul Eater?
Welp, the Gecko Ending just gave up.
... Then again, the latest chapter mentioned a secret weapon for the Emperor. Oh god, it better not be a giant robot there too
Blue Exorist's filler ending was actually kinda entertaining in how lightspeed and crazy it was. And good guy Satan.
Next week Akame ga Kill! is a must watch.
I vehemently disagree. The actual fights in DBZ are a bore at the moment. It is only currently enjoyable from the tension of the unknown outcomes. This also applies to what little drama dbz has left.*boing boing boing boing*
Interesting camera placement there........
also this Sister drama is not at all well developed. It sucks so bad
What we just watched aired 25 years ago in Japan and 16 years ago in English. At some point the statue of limitations on spoilers ends......
What rule are you referring too?
So who's even left?
The question is, will this be better or worse than Blue Exorcist and/or Soul Eater?
Ok cool, thanks. This was more mentally stimulating than the entirety of this episode so far.
"If you can't find a reason to fight, you shouldn't be fighting."
So deep.