Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Christ, that was quick! I still have to watch this weeks episode, will probably do that in the morning.
It's pretty good this week's episode.
Christ, that was quick! I still have to watch this weeks episode, will probably do that in the morning.
Mike not everything is about Inuyasha
For new page
Never played Caslevania before. Played that demo for the one on 3DS. Wasn't that impressed.
And there is only one truth.The truth has finally been revealed by detective gaf
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: You are now allowed to watch this.
NOTE: Everyone who isn't familiar with how Water Seven transitions to the next arc (i.e. hasn't seen about half a year ahead of where Toonami currently is), do not watch this.
Leorio was always my favorite character in HxH which I found odd after I found Kuwabara the worst character in YYH.
I'm more of a Killua person
Anyone who is following the Naruto manga and is up to date needs to read the new chapter, it's so good. I have never been so hyped.
Hmm? Might that have been 643?
Nailed it, you're a blessing. I know what im doing tomorrow.
Dammit fox, Shiki no Uta made me nostalgia...hard.
The Samurai Champloo soundtrack is the best in anime, hands down. Fat Jon, Force of Nature, Nujabes, Tsutchie...the list of producers is legendary.
Really? I've been on and off since the War arc started.
Anyone who is following the Naruto manga and is up to date needs to read the new chapter, it's so good. I have never been so hyped.
When are you starting up again? I've been stealth following along with you. I read the manga at your suggestion to catch up quickly to Shippuden but
1. Enjoy watching things animated
2. Want to see if the filler is really as bad as some people make it out to be
You love to skip ahead. I know that feeling, LB.
Never played Caslevania before. Played that demo for the one on 3DS. Wasn't that impressed.
I really liked Lords of Shadow
Guys, is SotN the one where they say "What is a man?"
Yes, Symphony of the Night.
Don't play the version found on Dracula X Chronicles for PSP, it changed the dialogue and voice work, and it's nowhere as awesome
Guys, is SotN the one where they say "What is a man?"
Yes, Symphony of the Night.
Don't play the version found on Dracula X Chronicles for PSP, it changed the dialogue and voice work, and it's nowhere as awesome
Mankind ill needs a savior such as you, Bass!Ignore this man, the awkward dialogue is only funny on youtube and in message boards
Lords of Shadow isn't a bad game, it is just a l-o-n-g game that doesn't really feel like a Castlevania.
The 3DS game, on the other hand, is just a bad game.
If I wanted to play an average beat em up I'd play God of War
I think it is but i am an action game snob.God of War is average?
The gameplay in God of War is definitely average, but the excellent presentation and setting elevate it to something special. Well, the first two anyway. After being hugely disappointed with 3, my interest in the series quickly waned
Fox, you should find a way to make this your avatar:
Mankind ill needs a savior such as you, Bass!
yes god of war has average gameplay with great production values.Like the uncharted series.
yes god of war has average gameplay with great production values.Like the uncharted series.
God of war has some of the best boss fights. Kronos and Poseidon form 3 are memorable.
Also the psp games were pretty good .
I see no liesyes god of war has average gameplay with great production values.Like the uncharted series.
What is the coffee (?) symbol on that avatar, fox?
Never played God of War