You'll have to settle for a
Super Robot Wars game that has Big O, Gundam, Evangelion, & Code Geass together.
....oh, & also Gurren Lagann, Full Metal Panic, Gunbuster, and a
bunch more. I recall there was one with Eureka 7 in it, but they're not in the newest one.
Doh, now I have to sit and feel unfortunate for never getting a SRW games in my native language for the 100th time... THANKS!

and... THANKS!
When's the last time Big O appeared in anything relevant in Japan? Much like GoLion's appearance in SRW, it just makes me wish for a western release that much more :-/
Angelfire! Now that brings back memory.
Rewatching the series with a friend and the earlier episodes are actually my least favourite. Needs more Rin and Jaken chemistry for the FEELS.
I wanna feel this way for Geocities too, but they're a bit too dead...
I rather like the dark, moody feel of early Inuyasha. Yura and the Thunder Bros. just seem like perfect older-anime villans, in a way. The Plot doesn't have as much Backstory to work with (wait, what?), so it feels a bit more like it depends on Takahashi's love of folk monsters and fairy tales, rather than the internal struggles of the shows cast.
They also seem to like throwing naked Kagome around a lot more early on, in retrospect. Showers! Baths! Stewed with Peaches! Of course, as they show goes on, and we (assume) she ages, they suddenly do this less...