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Toonami |Jan15| Sold Our Car for Gas Money

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Gurren Lagann

Okay, first of all, the mentality of the populace is a little hard to believe, but mobs usually don't act all too rationally. That said, I think Rossiu's idea that somebody has to shoulder the blame (as a effective scapegoat) is somewhat logical, but he should have discussed things with Simon rather than jumping head first into his idea so quickly.

An ideal character would have taken the fall themselves. And of course he didn't even consider other options.




Sketchbook Picasso
Felt like a while since a real full MIIVERSE Dump, so glad for those who had fun with it :)

I was thinking the only female VA that's missing from the Tachikomas that I'd like to hear is Lisa Ortiz... and then I hear her later in the morning on Pokémon, lol.

Ghost in the Shell SAC singer ORIGA Passes Away at Age 44: http://t.co/T0gKEFE40m

Awwww :( I've always liked her songs in gaming and anime, I'd run around in circles in Final Fantasy X-2 just to listen to the songs. Quite a shame she died so young. Definitely not news I expected to hear anytime soon. Rest In Peace.


Gives all the fucks
Tumblr Q&A next Sunday



All seriousness, I hope we get some kind of news on the schedule.


Hopefully S2 makes it here all the same since S1 it premiered at the worst time for anime.

S1 can be found subbed and dubbed on Hulu.


This week’s theme is… well… hmm. I couldn’t really discern a theme this week so on with the reviews!

DBZ: Kai - More silly training with King Kai while the rest of the Z fighters who are on Earth have finished theirs and become “invincible” (hahahaha!). I liked watching Piccolo become tsundere and sorta befriending Gohan even while he punched him in the face. Also, Gregory shows up to annoy/train Goku. Even with all this stuff shortened I’m already eager to get to the actual fighting. Rating: a decent episode.

Naruto: Shippuden - This episode could only hold my attention about 50% of the time. The rest was spent contemplating just who the hell built this ridiculously huge, cavernous base underground and how Orichimaru keeps it’s 2000+ candles constantly lit. Sai finally has his character arc completed (I think). They find Sai’s assassination log and some of the photos have black X’s over the faces and Sakura says the stupidest thing of the entire night: “What do those black X’s mean?” Really Sakura?! REALLY?! What the hell did they even teach you in that ninja school? Rating: bad.

Inuyasha: Final Act - Spoilertastic episode title aside, I did enjoy this for two big reasons. One, it’s rare to see Kagome actually take charge and act like a main character should and two, watching Miroku nearly die trying to protect others in a genuinely emotional moment. Quite bloody too. The pacing, like last week, is more tolerable than the earlier episodes. Rating: Good.

One Piece - I know you guys aren’t hot on this new opening but I actually like it a lot. So much so I’ve had “Rainbow Star” stuck in my head all day. Someone said it works better in this shorter form so maybe that's why. I also like that they kept the OP longer and just omit the ED. Sometimes I wish Toonami did this with more shows. As for the episode, it was pretty good but incredibly predictable. I just want to them to get to there so the fighting can start. Rating: Quite good.

Gurren Lagann - Rossiu continues to care too much about being a leader and keeping the piece while forsaking his friends. Nega Nia and the resurrected Lord Genome finally explain what the heck Spiral Power actually is, where the gunmen came from, why they were made and who the Anti-Spirals are. This was a very exposition heavy episode that was needed to lay the groundwork for what is to come. The citizens turning on Simon and the government out of fear and blaming them for the end of the world is kind of far-fetched. Hey citizens, these guys did save you all from a meager existence underground, remember? Anyway, I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say this but we’ve got
around two more episodes of “Government Lagann” before things return to more over-the-top, hot blooded action
. Rating: Row Row Fight the Government!

Deadman Wonderland - Dawwww… Shiro was sorry she ate Ganta’s food. Having Shiro turn tsundere just makes me like her even more. :D I can’t tell if the “Red Man” is a robot, cyborg or just an insane human. This was a pretty cool episode all around. Rating: Great.

I checked out after that. Would you guys have any interest in me starting up the Spoiler Warning cards again? They are kinda fun to make and I REALLY want to avoid spoilers for KLK as there are likely enough newbies to the show here.


Gives all the fucks
I'd say do them for Kill la Kill, considering it's a show many watched subbed, but there's still a few people who haven't seen it at all. Spoiler la spoilers.

Perhaps do them each time a show premieres for like a few weeks, just to remind people they can't be hinting or teasing & all that.


If any of you are both new to Deadman Wonderland and also frequent the Toonami Wiki, be very careful. The wiki is showing huge, massive, colossal Deadman spoilers right on the front page.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I've never understood why people would be confused with Baccano. Yes, it jumps around. So do plenty of other by the books anime. The subject matter they cover isn't anything that hard to follow either.


I've never understood why people would be confused with Baccano. Yes, it jumps around. So do plenty of other by the books anime. The subject matter they cover isn't anything that hard to follow either.

I'm watching it with no premise or anything so yeah its nonsensical-ish?


Gurren Lagann

Okay, first of all, the mentality of the populace is a little hard to believe, but mobs usually don't act all too rationally. That said, I think Rossiu's idea that somebody has to shoulder the blame (as a effective scapegoat) is somewhat logical, but he should have discussed things with Simon rather than jumping head first into his idea so quickly.

An ideal character would have taken the fall themselves. And of course he didn't even consider other options.

Rossiu's thinking (no spoilers):

1> I'm the smartest goddamn person around
2> Everybody else is a shonen idiot
3> I will still be needed to plan shit so I can't sacrifice myself
4> Simon is the focal point of rage right now
5> If I ask him he'll probably argue about it
One Piece - I know you guys aren’t hot on this new opening but I actually like it a lot. So much so I’ve had “Rainbow Star” stuck in my head all day. Someone said it works better in this shorter form so maybe that's why. I also like that they kept the OP longer and just omit the ED. Sometimes I wish Toonami did this with more shows.
To clarify, the reason why there is no ED is because One Piece stops having EDs at this point. All of the episode credits are in the opening. And yeah, "Rainbow Star" is far less tolerable at its full 2 minute 30 second length.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
That was actually a good opening edit by Funimation. Their first really good one since FMA:B.

I like the edit they did to OP opening 6 only because of what they did on the visual side. The full opening to that has spoilers that we haven't even reached yet!


If any of you are both new to Deadman Wonderland and also frequent the Toonami Wiki, be very careful. The wiki is showing huge, massive, colossal Deadman spoilers right on the front page.

I don't go there, but it's nice to know. Good lookin out.

Shows I liked most last night were One Piece, Gurren Lagann and Deadman Wonderland.

One Piece is just awesome, not much more to say.

For Gurren, I thought the everyone-hates-Simon thing was a little much. Also dammit Rossiu. Otherwise the show continues to be cool.

Deadman Wonderland... man I just like this show and I don't even think I want to. I want to be annoyed by Shiro but she's actually kind of funny. It feels like I should find Ganto annoying, but he's in such a shit situation and all his reactions seem legitimate. Also, I like the voice acting. All the situations the show presents seem to be just the right level of over-the-top to be entertaining. I dunno, it's fun to watch.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I was really impressed by the dub of Deadman Wonderland. A bunch of people who usually don't star in Funimation shows got a chance and it worked out very well.


Would you guys have any interest in me starting up the Spoiler Warning cards again? They are kinda fun to make and I REALLY want to avoid spoilers for KLK as there are likely enough newbies to the show here.

Let me say for the shows I'm new to (Gurren, One Piece, Inuyasha, GitS), pretty sure I havent been spoiled on anything recently, so good job thread, I guess.

I don't think anything has been spoiled for Deadman either.
DBZ Kai - I enjoy how silly King Kai's training is; it makes it a lot more bearable than your average training segment. But things do feel rather slow, and Gohan's declaration to Piccolo that he won't give up feels really forced. He's been with the guy for months, so why is he just saying this now? Even weirder, it comes AFTER the point where he's already toughened up. Shouldn't this be the turning point or something? It's a moment that's just kind of there, like it was meant to be put in earlier or something and needed to be squeezed in somewhere.

Naruto Shippuden - Make up your mind. First Sai betrays them, then he joins them, then he betrays them again. We're reaching Milos territory with this stuff. I'm also not sure why targeting Sasuke counts as some kind of "betrayal"; you'd think the Leaf Village in general would have a hit out on Sasuke for joining Orochimaru, so why is this shocking? I'm more surprised that the characters are surprised. Sai's smile looks hilarious in a bad way, and his "softening" just feels really unnatural. I'm not even sure why Orochimaru is here if he's just going to run away again (his appearance feels like a "chapter end" kind of moment that was created for cheap suspense), or why he didn't pursue Sai to begin with. Weak backstory.

InuYasha: The Final Act - It takes the typical shonen "explain your attacks" thing to the point of parody. I'm not sure if it's the lack of breathing room (though this episode is thankfully more manageably paced), but the way the episode jumps back and forth between action and explanation is really off-putting. It makes everything feel like it's being made up as it goes along with "MY ATTACK DOES THIS!" and "WELL NOW MY ATTACK DOES THIS!" and so on to infinity. Naraku's plan seems dumb as well; if I'm following this right, he cast out the infant so it would build up Moryomaru, and then he would then abosrb the infant and Moryomaru. But why does he need to do that? Moryomaru is powerful because of all the things he's absorbed, and nothing was really stopping Naraku from roaming the countryside and absorbing demons in the same way. Shouldn't he be weaker with the infant now, too?

One Piece - Recaaaaaaps, but Franky burning the blueprints and the bridge being lowered is entertaining. I won't complain so much since things happen in between, but it's kind of absurd that it takes an entire episode to get to the point where the crew jumps off the wall, which is what we've been shown repeatedly for the last five episodes or so.

Gurren Lagann - I'm really not sure how I feel about Rossiu evolving into this type of character. I mean, they kind of foreshadow it with a "like father, like son" sort of thing, but that doesn't feel like it's enough to me. He's just sort of a dick now, when he faded into the background shortly after his joining the team pre-timeskip. I'd have appreciated some kind of argument or something to hint at this. That being said, I think his viewpoint sort of makes sense, but his decision not to run it by Simon first is a little annoying. I don't suppose it would change much with the story since I'm sure he would just say no and things would proceed as they are, but still. Otherwise, exposition aplenty, though it's enjoyable.

Deadman Wonderland - Not nearly as entertaining as the last episode, though still entertaining. Ganta's abilities seem to come and go as the plot demands.

Music Video - Probably top three since the revival.
I didn't think I'd enjoy Inuyasha again as I completely lost interest once the original got to the triple-digit episodes, but it's something I look forward to on Saturdays.

That OP song is pretty catchy too.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 73

Oh, you were so close there Sailor Moon R, you were so bloody close to actually getting me to care about Chibi-Usa's plight. Showing her torn between her captured mother and her new found loyalty to her borrowed family and friends was a smart move. What kills is her eventually rationalizations to go back and being her usual bratty and selfish hypocritical self; the apple really didn't fall far from the tree on that personality trait. Also, yes this entire mess was mostly her fault, snatching the brooch while dangerous elements are actively hunting you was a mistake, but really everybody failed here, from Usagi being Usagi and rare brainfart from the Sailor Scouts since it was not a good idea to have security meeting while your target of protection is unattended. We are also seeing the true might of Rubeus since he is set to be relieved of his command and I like his reaction is different then that of villains past. Far from the desperate begging we saw from the likes of Four Heavenly Kings, Sir Rubeus has inside knowledge that has left him seemingly standing triumphant. Anyway, high recommendation to watch this episode bt be warned it also contains high doses of Chibi-Usa.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 74

Right, so for as much shit as I give this season for its dumb choices and believe they are still dumb choices all this time later, I can also see that the Black Moon portion of Sailor Moon R is on the whole a much stronger arc then anything generated from the Sato era. A large part of that can be seen in this episode, I am unsure who made the call, if it was Ikuhara or somebody else but this arc shifted fundamentally from what basically amounted to a combination of Super Sentai and a slice of life show with the occasional flash of character development into a much more complex character drama and the show is so much better for it. This episode is a really good showcase as we see Uasgi though the lens of character development and personal growth. Shit, she even highlights and lampshades how before she would have let her bad habits get the best of her and she still has moments of weakness because she is still a teenaged girl, in short it really is a wonderful tapestry of what Sailor Moon has become. That being said it doesn't make her season one incarnation any more tolerable and I will continue to fight people on that point. Finally, this arc understand tonality a lot better as it saves the stupid comedy spots for after the danger has passed, which is where it belongs, not during the heavy moments where it undercuts the drama. Anyway, gold star Sailor Moon, highest recommendation to watch.
Will start watching DRRR (too many R's??) on hulu today and post some impressions. Had no idea it aired on AS or bombed. Been looking for something new to watch with SAO II ending and was prepared to start Fairy Tale..


Will start watching DRRR (too many R's??) on hulu today and post some impressions. Had no idea it aired on AS or bombed. Been looking for something new to watch with SAO II ending and was prepared to start Fairy Tale..

Thank god we saved you from such a fate. Please consult anime-GAF before you make any more rash decisions.

Speaking of Anime, Death Parade. My candidate for most exciting anime that will likely disappoint.

Doesn't matter I will be dancing to the Death Parade Opening for days.

Best opening contender for the year already, jeez. The full version of the song Flyers by BRADIO is great.


Will start watching DRRR (too many R's??) on hulu today and post some impressions. Had no idea it aired on AS or bombed. Been looking for something new to watch with SAO II ending and was prepared to start Fairy Tale..

Why would you do that to yourself?

Speaking of Anime, Death Parade. My candidate for most exciting anime that will likely disappoint.

Doesn't matter I will be dancing to the Death Parade Opening for days.

Best opening contender for the year already, jeez. The full version of the song Flyers by BRADIO is great.

Don't do that man...it's been good so far and I want that feeling to carry through to the end of the show. The opener is majestic though and is so tonally different than the show it self that it makes it that much better.


I'm guessing I would enjoy it considering I'm a fan of generic shonen (Ex. Bleach, Blue Exorcist)

I'd recommend watching it up to a point but it does grate on you really fast since every arc plays out the same way. At least finish the Tower of Heaven Arc which is more or less the peak of the series.

Do this after you have finished much much better anime :p
Don't do that man...it's been good so far and I want that feeling to carry through to the end of the show. The opener is majestic though and is so tonally different than the show it self that it makes it that much better.

I do too, it is just after Terror in Resonance (which it mirrors thus far) I am cautious it might begin to fall apart. That being said the OVA and the content it is based off of I hear is very good and with Madhouse backing it the animation will remain stellar. It is the only anime this season I picked up that is original.
So guys, the rebrand for Boomerang launched today.
It looks like the font of The Lego Movie except more bland. Still an improvement over the original logo.
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