I am actually going to miss Bols.
So, who am i suppose to hate again?
If it helps they Kill off practically everyoneAaaand Bols is dead.
... Best character, and they kill him off. God damn it Akame ga Kill.
So I guess AGK follows the Bleach rule of "Backstory=Death".
You guess? Its been like that since episode 5.
Are we meant to feel bad? He's a murderer.
Seriously. Bols was stuck in the wrong show.Chelsea killed Bols.
Chelsea confirmed for worst character.
Everyone. Including yourself for watching this.
Fuck this fucking show.You think that's bad?
Super big manga spoilershis wife and daughter get raped and killed on top of his grave.
The only two likeable characters are dead six minutes in.
You think that's bad?
Super big manga spoilershis wife and daughter get raped and killed on top of his grave.
You think that's bad?
Super big manga spoilershis wife and daughter get raped and killed on top of his grave.