You know friends, if a person dines on meat so exquisite that so many willingly deprive themselves of, then he really is a member of the exclusive elite.

I CAN'T SEE MY CARI just learned of the storm happening the Northeast. If you're in that area, hope you stay safe and warm & don't lose power.
So I'm officially snowed in at this point. They just revised the projection up to 30 inches and all the roads and shit are closing. So long as I don't lose power I've got no reason not to stay up for Toonami.
I wish it would snow in Houston.
The Texans and Astros will make it Rain/Reign in 2016!
What arc of one piece is toonami on? Thriller Bark?
The filler right before it.
So.......................is that skeleton actually Michael Jackson since it is THRIIIILLLEEERRRRRRR Bark?
I just dug myself out but really I have nowhere to go unless it is an emergency.
The roads are closed across the city, as are the buses and parts of the subway. I couldn't go somewhere if I wanted to :lol
They cleverly disguised the game's massive asshole.......as a massive asshole!I have also finished Virtue's Last Reward, my thoughts:
I had to hold right on the D-Pad a good amount of playing 999, therefore VLR is the better game.
I'm gonna prepare you for something Metroid.
Life is Strange has an ending that will probably either make you say "Eh, that's alright" or "Wow that was a terrible ass ending right there."
I don't think very many people love the ending of Life is Strange. They apparently had to alter the story a bit towards the end, cut some scenes out entirely.
I don't get why this type of story screw-up keeps happening.The ending suffers from ME's issue, except it doesn't ignore certain aspects like ME3 did, it simplyinvalidates your decisions through the entire game, making it the most pointless thing on earth to play.
I don't get why this type of story screw-up keeps happening.
Because you have a giant story written and then you have a clear ending
People need to realize- don't give players very high levels of agency in every regard and sell it as a reason to play the game if you're going to take it all away in the end.
Wanna talk about lazy endings? Fallout 4 basically has the same ending for 3 out of the 4 factions you can ally with.
Granted it is Bethesda so the laziness was expected. Still disappointing.
Bluuurghby the way, tonight's goodie is aFallout 4 review
To be fair, barring one non-canon DLC expansion, Fallout's story trajectory has been on a downward spiral the entire time.
Fallout 4 is worse in a lot of ways writing-wise though.
Dont get me fuckin started on the kid in the fridge
A valley, a mountain peak, and then the Mariana Trench.
Did it pull a Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and a kid survived a nuke hiding in a fridge?
Or is it something worse?
Wanna talk about lazy endings? Fallout 4 basically has the same ending for 3 out of the 4 factions you can ally with.
Granted it is Bethesda so the laziness was expected. Still disappointing.
Is this real? I cant tell if it is. It feels like a joke or something.
The problem is that writing endings is hard and when you give players too much choice they expect a different ending for each set of choices. The more choices you give the more endings you need to write. It's just easier to have everything branch out from the beginning and then come together again for the end.