Ryuko is actually worst girl.
Hellwarden is worst girl
im feeling so attacked right now
Hellwarden is worst girl
You've been making fanfics about a genderbend HW?
Just don't involve mpreg in that story, and I'm okay with it.
how does it feel to be preggers with Line's unborn spawn?
i was going to try my best and post during toonami for once instead of watching like a loner
but i might not make it fam
been playing csgo on and off since 3am
how does it feel to be preggers with Line's unborn spawn?
Half the time I swear I have no idea what this thread is about.
I am deeply confused by all of this.
yep, look of confusion right there
Tell me... Do you bleed?
This is why I only post here during Toonami day. This place gets all weird.
We are all weird werewolves....weirdwolves.
how does it feel to be preggers with Line's unborn spawn?
Can we be whywolves?
As long as we aren't swearwolves.
Bring Bo-BoBo back to Toonami. It's the only show that can out-weird what goes on in this thread when Toonami isn't airing.
::looks at thread::
I just want to know I hate all of you.
After watching all of Gintama, I feel like I am now qualified to say that Gintama is like Bo-BoBo if Bo-BoBo was good
Pirate Rap is god tier opener
Fight me about it
You've been making fanfics about a genderbend HW?
Lewdbear is lewd.
LaLewdbear loves toothbrushes.
Hey....come on.
That hurts. ;_;
Shadow Relam thoughIf only Funimation dubbed Yu-Gi-Oh instead, lol
::looks at thread::
I just want to know I hate all of you.
::looks at thread::
I just want to know I hate all of you.
Ryuko is actually worst girl.