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Toonami |Jan16| Maybe I Should Have Worn Pants

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Want to know the real dirty secret about animation and video game dubs that is obvious when you think about it?

ALL AUDIO TRACKS ARE HANDLED THE SAME WAY. It's all an attempt to match something that someone has drawn up with what you want them to say.

It's not like live action where people are actually speaking in one language and over dubbing is next to impossible without it looking artificial. A good dub in a video game or anime is just down to the same things that make any production good; a good cast, good direction, good script.

Now some people really love certain Japanese actors, even if they can't understand what they are saying. There's also some merit that the original intention of the author (or director in this case) is better in their native language, though I find this argument to be incredibly weak if you're relying on subtitles to get the story across if you don't understand the language as spoken.

In the case of One Piece in particular it is hampered by a few things, one of which causes uncertainty in this area. A lot of people in the US think One Piece and remember hearing about or experiencing the 4kids dub and naturally assume that's what is going on today. Nobody sane would want that in their game anyway. The other factor is that One Piece just isn't a strong property in the US (it's actually quite a bit stronger in Europe) and it probably isn't worth paying extra to get the game dubbed into English while it is a no brainer for DBZ and Naruto.


I still don't!

I could look it up but that's no fun.

Is it the idea of saying, "oh, my best friend is black!" as some kind of status statement? "Oh, but I don't hate ALL anime, I like Cowboy Bebop!" Is it like that?


"I know a Black person who doesn't want to punch me in the face when they see me so I can't be racist!"

*proceeds to say or do super racist and ignorant bullshit*

is kind of similar to

"I've watched and liked Cowboy Bebop so I'm well informed about the state of anime and/or dubs"

*proceeds to say stupid or ignorant bullshit about dubs or anime in general*

It's meant to be a deflection or cover for their own ignorance and stupidity

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Hey now, Cowboy Bebop was a best of breed dub...fifteen years ago! Just like how my knowledge of all these great first year PS2 titles and launch XBOX/GCN titles is totally relevant when talking about all of the new releases.


Actually my audio setup is pretty lame right now as I haven't had a good place to put my audio foam around

I wish my fibro wasn't so bad todag, I'd go to my broadcasting tech school and use one of their studios, but my body feels awful today

Also make sure you fill out the survey I sent everyone here, also I'm pretty sure they're just recording the awards for their Toonamigaf awards
Is it worth it to crosspost every "I just watched some random anime shows" posts I make in both community threads

hell yeah it is

This is the thread where we discuss all the hot new Frenchimé, correct?

(The unfortunately named) Lolirock 01-02
I was expecting something much more Jem, but in the two episodes I watched, the whole being in a band aspect didn't have much impact on the plot, it was mostly relegated to the last few moments of the episodes as a lead in to a Precure-esque dancing ED.

The actual show is bog standard magical girl fare. The designs are nice, and the English cast is filled with Friendship is Magic cast members, so that's a plus.

Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 01
I kind of miss the anime version Toei was going to do, but this one is a very good looking show in its own right. Colorful, expressive, good image quality and as far as motion goes, very fluid, Makes you wonder what it would look like if this western CG expertise/budget got put towards cel shading, compared to the usual Cg style we see or the Japanese CG efforts that people don't take kindly to most times.

Although there is a transformation sequence, the series takes after US comic superheroes more than magical girls, with the spandex (latex?) costume and domino masks.

Apparently the English airing order is different form the original, so I wonder if the original production first episode does a better job of setting up things rather than feeling like jumping in in the middle. What I want to know is why these two heroes who work together quite well on good terms with each other don't tell each other who they are, besides to facilitate the romance plot as something that drives or ties into the stories.

I searched GAF for these titles and found very little for discussion. Unless I've missed it completely the lack of a general non-JP animation thread for everything without an OT hurts being able to talk about smaller shows like these.

What's that you say? Oh, anime. Right, I watched some of those too.

Yuki Yuna is a Hero 01
A group of girls full of optimism and desire to do the right thing and help people get the chance to do so as magical girls, saving the whole world as the heroes they always wanted to be. I'm sure this series will play the premise out completely straight, and there will be no despair at all.

Glitter Force: Origins Futari wa Pretty Cure 01
The actual inspiration for the theme connecting the shows I chose to watch today, as I wait for Glitter Force season 2.

The foundations of the elements of the later series are laid down, and I have less complaints about the "bog standard" nature here, as there is some seniority. The unique element of Precure, the hand to hand combat element, is present in this first episode, although the choreography seems kind of slow, but that could just be conveying that the girls aren't used to it yet. Also, why do they turn into Dural from Virtua Fighter while they transform?

Translation wise, the good folks at Ocean and YTV did a great job at actually releasing it unlike US liscensor 4kids who never did anything after buying the rights, leaving the franchise in a limbo in the US for 10 years until Glitter Force.

Unlike Glitter Force, Pretty Cure as it was shortened to is less heavy handed on the localization, retaining the original soundtrack and being a more direct translation. Of course, I can only assume from all these English names that Natalie and Hannah must be from Canada. Strange how the dog was allowed to have a Japanese name. The voice acting is early 2000s tier from actors with few other credits to their names, so GF beats it in that regard, but there is still a charm to the cheese factor and an odd nostalgia to the retro feel (YMMV on this one).

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm actually kinda surprised that Big O was mentioned and waifu wars didn't break out over R. Dorothy as usual.


I will never not be dissapointed in how mediocre Big O was

How do you fuck up Batman but with a cool looking mech?

I said it many times, I hated it at first, but rewatching it made me understand it better and now I love it.

Big O is not a disappointment.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Big O peaks for me at the finale of season 1 and the opening of season 2, and it finally gets pretty good again right before season 2 ends.


I'm actually kinda surprised that Big O was mentioned and waifu wars didn't break out over R. Dorothy as usual.

Ehh, it wasn't the type of show that would generate that kind of banter.

Although, Angel is the best. The black lingerie goes best with blonde hair.


Ehh, it wasn't the type of show that would generate that kind of banter.

Although, Angel is the best. The black lingerie goes best with blonde hair.

Never underestimate the mindset of shippers.

I still enjoy Big O to this day, despite me barely following the plot.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Line, were you not here for the R. Dorothy wars of a few years back? She was this thread's number one mechanical idol and the subject of many a conversation.
I think The Big O might be my favorite mecha.

I like Mechas that seem slow and cumbersome, but make up for it by being both tanky and destructive.


Gives all the fucks
Crap, winter storm warning in about 2 more hours, winds up to 40 mph, 5-8 inches of snow. Sure hope it doesn't mess with my Dish or internet tonight.

I remember watching Big O for the first time & questioning why it looked like Batman.


Okay so for anyone actually confused what we were doing, we just wrapped up talking about 'awards' for Toonami in 2015. It took 4-5 hours of deliberation. I hope you don't hate our selections whenever we get around to posting them.


Okay so for anyone actually confused what we were doing, we just wrapped up talking about 'awards' for Toonami in 2015. It took 4-5 hours of deliberation. I hope you don't hate our selections whenever we get around to posting them.

Eh. Whatever happens, happens.


Unconfirmed Member
Tonight on Toonami, Goku and Frieza throw down on the dying planet Namek in one final clash to determine the strongest among them, Night Raid finally decides to set about assassinating that dude from the Path of Peace (remember that, from like 2 months ago?), Kana is still thirsty for Shinichi, that crazy dude who got his arm cut off by Mugen hasn't given up on his revenge just yet, Naruto tries to teach the frogs to use Suiton while Tsunade sends Yamato's team to back up Kakashi, Puzzle wakes up thanks to Chopper's care while the ice trap starts to separate the crew, and finally Ryuko's battle with Jakuzure continues while Sanageyama waits in the wings.

8:00 - Dragonball Z Kai - 51 - Goku's Furious Roar! A Last-Minute Resurrection Wish!
12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai - 52 - Duel on a Vanishing Planet! The Final Showdown!
12:30 - Akame ga Kill! - 18 - Kill the Demons
1:00 - Parasyte -the maxim- - 11 - The Blue Bird
1:30 - Samurai Champloo - 2 - Redeye Reprisal
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden - 94 - A Night of Rain
2:30 - One Piece - 328 - The Dream Sinking in the New World! The Disillusioned Pirate, Puzzle!
3:00 - KILL la KILL - 11 - I'm Not Your Cute Woman


unfortunately grexeno decided to have me on the cast so my dumbass opinions influenced and soured the results, sorry

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