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Toonami |Jan16| Maybe I Should Have Worn Pants

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Nui wears the finest silk and the purest gold.

And now she pulls out that thing that killed her daddy.

Ryuko going ape shit this ending, not Nonon.
So tonight was alright overall.

DBZ was fine. AGK was bad as always, but at least it was competently bad. Parasyte was okay. Samurai Champloo was the best show of the night. The filler hour was painful, but KLK was fine.


Unconfirmed Member
Next week on Toonami:

8:00 - Dragonball Z Kai - 52 - Duel on a Vanishing Planet! The Final Showdown!
12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai - 53 - Goku's Final Attack! Countdown to Planet Namek's Destruction!
12:30 - Akame ga Kill! - 19 - Kill Fate
1:00 - Parasyte -the maxim- - 12 - Kokoro
1:30 - Samurai Champloo - 3 - Hellhounds for Hire (Part 1)
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden - 95 - The Two Charms
2:30 - One Piece - 329 - The Assassins Attack! The Great Battle on Ice Begins!
3:00 - KILL la KILL - 12 - Spit Your Sadness Away

I'm trying to think what the sketch for tonight will include something AGK related but goddammit, it was so unmemorable, who the hell knows.


Sketchbook Picasso



Sketchbook Picasso
Lubbock kills off all the dark skin chicks in the show! I wanted to pretend one had a happy(er) end!

Akame Ga Sideboob would have probably been cool though. Guess she forgot her sports bra that day? (Or did it get ripped and I wasn't paying attention?)

Goku's got the biggest ones.

Surely! If I gave him nipples, the picture would probably get modded.


Sketchbook Picasso
and yet Shinichi has half a nipple shown :p

Shinichi slip! ;-) Kana was surprisingly decent, for a naked girl in the hands of a dude.

Stop fight... lived happy. If only they both ran off and abandoned the battlefield to vanish far away, lol

That Kana dream was so weird, like man she is smitten by the MC, ugh...

Great Mugen face. I like your depiction of him.

Surely, a guy with fun ropes, a girl who'se a portable oil massage, could have had their own OVA or something... wait, no, that'd never work
On network TV... without lots of steam.

I kept thinking Parasyte Shinichi might turn on her at some point...

On Mugen.. Thanks! I wanted to draw something that looked... good, lol. Less sketchy, and little more developed with some edge. Mugen deserves it! Next weekend Jin...


This week's theme... Lewdnami! Everything was seriously lewd. On to the reviews!

Dragon Ball Z: Kai - Frieza uses Krillin's Destructo Disc! Too bad it's ineffective against a bored SS Goku. Hey Gohan... Goku can't hear you yelling all the way from Earth you moron. Anyway, after receiving some well deserved slaps to the face, Frieza ultimately gets sliced to pieces by his own weak, ass-pull attack. A very a hype (if somewhat drawn out) episode. Rating: "It's done"

New Toonami Block Promo - I like how there isn't any voice over. It's just scene after scene of some impressive action and combat. I think it should help to at least get a few casual Adult Swim viewers to consider checking out the block.

Akame ga Kill - I was only half paying attention, to be honest. I kinda liked the Valley Girl with sweat powers... at least until she died before the episode ended. Also, Shenron is apparently an S Class Danger Beast for some reason. I've decided this show works best when I just leave it on in the background and look over to see either something cool or idiotic. Rating: White Noise

Parasyte - I'm continuing to enjoy this show. Having the other parasytes working together and trying to elect one to office was certainly an unexpected move. They seem to be getting smarter. The scene with Buff Brock Parasyte murdering all the Yakuza was flat-out amazing. The battle of the thirsty girls on the other hand was less so. The date scene was fine I guess but I just wish Murano would stop with the whole "has Shinichi changed?" shit. Oh, and super buff Shinichi in the dream sequence made me lol. Rating: Perfect Hair Forever

Samurai Champloo - What an amazing episode. The "time to go" line was great and had perfect comedic timing. Fuu was a total sweetheart to that big dude. I'm kinda not liking Mugen. He's was such a dick to everyone and then he killed that poor, disfigured guy who not but one second earlier saved Fuu's life. Not that that big guy was a saint or anything but jeez. Regardless, the ending scene with the fireflies was perfectly executed. Great show. Rating: It's all ogre now.

Naruto: Shippuden - I only sorta watched. The mysterious kid got sick and Shino is attempting to become a butterfly, I guess. I still don't understand why Guren (that filler chick) wants to become Orochimaru's future vessel. Doesn't that mean she would have to die? Also, her henchmen are laughably bad. Rating: Boring flute music

Music Video ("Floridada") - W...T...F

One Piece - If there's one thing I can be 100% certain of, it's that Captain Puzzle will never be King of the Pirates. He's filler. It's also laughable that he'd be worth 100 million Bellys. Coup de Burst is such a cool maneuver but it was kinda waisted here since they'll no doubt go back anyway. Not a great episode but it was still way more entertaining than Naruto: Shippbordom. Rating: Phoenix Down

KLL la KILL - One of my favorite episodes. That reveal in the last 60 seconds is so epic and made even better by Nui's fantastic theme music. As for the rest, Mako is totally adorable as usual and Nonon's Symphony Regalia Da Capo is her *second* best looking outfit. ;) Rating: A whole other level
Samurai Champloo - What an amazing episode. The "time to go" line was great and had perfect comedic timing. Fuu was a total sweetheart to that big dude. I'm kinda not liking Mugen. He's was such a dick to everyone and then he killed that poor, disfigured guy who not but one second earlier saved Fuu's life. Not that that big guy was a saint or anything but jeez. Regardless, the ending scene with the fireflies was perfectly executed. Great show. Rating: It's all ogre now.

What I took from the ogre guy dying was that it was kind of a suicide by cop sort of deal


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Good morning everyone. Hope you kept in your pants after last night.

Dragon Ball Z Kai:
Alone on an exploding planet, Goku & Frieza finally go all out. Rather, Frieza tries to go all out but Super Saiya-people Goku is too damn stronk. So much so that Goku doesn't even care about the fight anymore. He really should just kill him though...
Of course, Frieza will have none of that and fires sharp discs stolen from the last person he murdered. Only for them to backfire on him. SLICE!

Akame ga Kill:
How to tell you've got a bad series? Introduce a new group of characters that are established to be a major threat, then kill off most of them in a single episode, two of them killed by one of the lamest members of Night Raid. Seriously, there's jobbing and there's not respecting your audience.

The stuff with Kana ranges from hilarious to just painful. Hopefully it ends soon. The buff parasyte killing all those Yakuza members was way too good, it's like it belongs in a different show. But now he's in a different older body... shame.

Samurai Champloo;
Man, this animation is still good, as is the music. Plot was alright, I know that this is more episodic so every episode is its own story (at least I think it is)

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz How is that a boy?

One Piece:
Bravo Toei, you somehow made One Piece boring. That's an impressive feat. This arc could have ended but nope, lost the flag and Zoro. March can't come fast enough.


Empire of the sun is the last band I'd expect to be used in a commercial


First time catching Toonami in a long time
This show is making me want to turn off my tv and go to bed instead
Hoped you stuck around to Champloo, at least.

I can tell what part of LA this was recorded in because the VAs don't fucking bother
There accents in LA?

I assume so because if this were set today there's no way they'd be carrying that many guns.
It does take place in today.

I should really watch mike tyson mysteries.
You really should.

Whoa, a Pride & Prejudice & Zombies movie? Incredible.
PG-13? Boooo
Does the the book also have PG-13 violence?

A flesh eating monster parasite is running for public office. But enough about Donald Trump....
God damn!

Drunk broads everywhere. It's like I'm back in Cabo.

The Nujabes track really makes this scenw
For some reason, I'm rather nostalgic during the last minute.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Three weeks from now DBZ Kai gets its second Ending, though the powers that be told us a year ago that they're only airing the first ending in Japanese after a bit of mix up week one.


No Scrubs
It does take place in today.

It was originally written to take place in the 80's and slightly adapted to take place today. It's just that those guys really shouldn't have guns at all given Japan's gun laws and how big the punishments are for breaking them, so it feels like a left over of the original 80's version of the story.

...I wish I could be like Zoro right now
and forget this ever happened

Man God

Non-Canon Member
But they were Yakuza, you know, the people who don't really give a shit about gun laws and always have them in manga and anime.
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