And of fucking course DTL is in that thread.
And of fucking course DTL is in that thread.
Surprised that man doesn't have some sort of Yaoi signal app on his phone. "My fetish sense is tingling."I'm surprised he wasn't the first post.
Surprised that man doesn't have some sort of Yaoi signal app on his phone. "My fetish sense is tingling."
You know, I kept trying to come up with a nomination list for Toonami for the past year but honestly everything I could think off was most a repetition, in part, of someone else's lists. I think all the major moments (good or bad) have been touched upon so I feel its hard for me to add one to that massive list I'm sure Grexeno has by now. The one exception, which I don't think I've seen anyone else really mention?
Worst Moment:
The ending of the show when they decided to take a giant dump on Leone (Akame ga Kill)
Like there were very, very few good things about Akame ga Kill, I felt Leone was one of them. The way the ending played out and her final fate?
I'm still salty about that :/
You know, I kept trying to come up with a nomination list for Toonami for the past year but honestly everything I could think off was most a repetition, in part, of someone else's lists. I think all the major moments (good or bad) have been touched upon so I feel its hard for me to add one to that massive list I'm sure Grexeno has by now. The one exception, which I don't think I've seen anyone else really mention?
Worst Moment:
The ending of the show when they decided to take a giant dump on Leone (Akame ga Kill)
Like there were very, very few good things about Akame ga Kill, I felt Leone was one of them. The way the ending played out and her final fate?
I'm still salty about that :/
You know, I kept trying to come up with a nomination list for Toonami for the past year but honestly everything I could think off was most a repetition, in part, of someone else's lists
Parasyte - Run to my Husbando!Lots about DBZ has reminded me why I fell in love in the series but there are rude awakenings as well. Most notably the way they stretch out arcs by stupid decisions the main characters make. While I can explain Krillin's and Vegeta's is well written into his character it gets ludicrous how many characters just make bone headed decisions because pride, short sightedness, or just plain stupidity. Goku making his son fight based off a one second interaction, Gohan not finishing Cell ASAP, Piccolo leading cell straight to the androids. It figures the two characters who make any smart decisions are the one offs. Trunks and Android 16. Good job Bulma removing that bomb :-/
Naruto Shippuden - Sasuke and his ninja pals!Parasyte had lots of strong moments and it is very much a product of the era it was written in originally but there is no excusing Kana. While I can write around how she hopelessly falls in love with Shinji, she still gets really creepy and proceeds to make some unbelievably boneheaded decisions despite being warned in advance multiple times ultimately leading to her getting a knife in the back and 'woman in the freezer'd' for Shinji. Awful.
I am glad Naruto ended this year on a strong note because ho boy did this arc make you want to quit the show forever. Bland character on top of bland character and no non-canon excuse to save it. Forgettable characters at best and downright offensive at worst *glares at Karin*, it will only get worse going forward for these characters.
JoJo - JoJo is here and he is FABULOUS!Ignoring what happens after, this was a bold step to take. Passing the torch on to Gohan as the main protagonist which has been built up as the series went forward and providing a much needed shakeup to the status quo. Cell saga had it's share of mistakes but I still love this moment even to this day.
Parasyte - Come back to the one who left a hole in your heartOk, this is cheating because it is a whole series of moments but I can't state often enough how nice it is to have JoJo on the block and everyone loving it. It is by far the most fun I have seen on Toonami in ages (subjective I know). Even better we had a blast with arguably the LEAST Bizarre and LEAST popular part of JoJo. I can't wait for next year. Now strike a pose!
OPM - Mumen Rider, A true heroMissteps aside, nothing hits home quite as hard as the end of the detective arc. Several story arcs come to a close here (with varying success) but the two strongest threads are Shinichi's finally coming to terms with his mother's death and Reiko Tamura blurring the lines of parasyte and human. Parasyte may showed its age but it was scenes like this that really made me glad it exists.
Best FightFor a series about a guy who takes out most of his opponents in ONE PUUUUUUUNCH, it speaks volumes about ONE's writing when he can still have genuinely emotional moments like this. Some context; Mumen Rider is a C-class hero whose moveset consists of standard punches and kicks and tossing his bike at his opponent. He could have EASILY been written as a one note joke character but his speech to the audience and Deep Sea King show in his heart he is my text book definition of the hero. A man who will scratch and claw, no matter how hopeless a circumstance, to find hope. Saitama's reassurance after he gets the stuffing beat out of him and Mumen sharing Ramen with Saitama is easily the series emotional climax. He also forms a nice through line for the series when a God threat comes down in the form of Boros and he can still be seen rescuing civilians in the rubble. My helmet off you you!
Iron Blooded Orphans - Mika vs. Robo-Ein DaltonAs you guys already know I am a huge fan of this series, but what sold me on the anime was actually episode 3, this barn burner of an episode (quite literally) has several massive plot developments and one of the most nail biting fights of the year. It is Jonathan vs. a super powered vampire armed with a knife and his wits and a mansion collapsing all around them. It was this fight that sold me on the series and get ready to go on a bizarre adventure.
OPM - Boros vs SaitamaI have a bone to pick with this series but let's not muddy the waters. IBO still has great mech fights and uses them sparingly enough to build up hype for the next. The more metal on metal nature of IBO's fights make them pretty brutal affairs and nothing more so than Dalton's rampage of vengence on our main crew. It is sends IBO out on a high note.
Best VillainOk, this entry practically isn't fair. Animation budget as well as some great direction make this fight visual candy from the word go. What really pushes this over the edge is the direction, not the gorgeous animation. The shout outs to the molemen vs. Saitama in episode one drawing a parallel to Boros and Saitama. It even escalates to the point Saitama actually has to throw a 'serious' punch to beat him. Easily one of the best anime fights of all time in my opinion.
Hunter x Hunter - HisokaSometimes you just need and irredeemable bastard as your antagonist (YOU HEAR THAT NARUTO!). Dio is a delight to watch. He is just so over the top it is strangely charming in a way. As the series progresses he only gets more cocky and MORE EVIL. Kind of hard when your intro is punching a cute dog in the face.
Iron Blooded Orphans - McGillisLet's get this out of the way. Hisoka is creepy clown that is very likely a pedophile, a sadist and a masochist. He could easily be one of the worst characters but is one of my favorite villains of all time because of these traits thanks to how he is written into the story. Guy is simply a high functioning sociopath. He will murder people at the drop of a dime if he deems them worthy or not worth investing time to give him a fair fight and kills people pretty brutally (guy loves decapitating people). To make matters worse he is super crafty making him a huge threat to not only our heroes but practically every character moving forward, good or evil. Hisoka, you scary.
Worst CharacterIt is funny putting McGillis on the list since his intentions are fuzzy until the end of the first season but the guy is pretty cold blooded. Killing not one but two childhood friends and hugging his best friends sister after he murdered him is pretty dark. I also like that his plan actually makes sense on paper (albeit kind of convoluted), it works and we have a massive threat going into season 2.
OPM/One Piece - Puri Puri Prisoner/AbsalomIn some respects I understand what the author was going for with Kana. A girl who is blindly in love that she ignores warning signs and dies tragically. However, that is blown out of the water when the Shinichi honestly doesn't care for her that much and she more or less gets lady in the fridged later on (see worst moment). Kana really never get developed as a character outside her love for Shinichi and as a result, really dragged the show down whenever she was on screen.
Dimension W - MiraI had to lump these two together since they both share the same flaw. They are kinda rapey and really that is more or less their character. Puri Puri at least gets SOME development outside of that but he is also seated in 'gay panic' which is equally as vile. Absalom's rapey-ness is played for laughs. I hate them both with a fiery passion I can't describe.
Best CharacterFor the record I don't really hate Mira on her own. It is more how much she brought the worst out of the series through no direct action of her own aside from being there. Direction in the series got super pervy for no reason, the main character turned into a woman beating asshole and really none of this gets addressed in a substantial manner. What the hell. That is the one nomination you get Dimension W, you utterly forgettable series.
OPM - Mumen RiderJiraiya was a boss. A pervy sensei with the sick ninja skills to back it up. Unfortunately for him this also made him a huge liability on the story with Kishi often having to nerf the shit out of him in order to make a fight fair. So he meets his end with Pain who, up to this point, was shaping up to be the big bad (*screams internally*). Jiraya was a breath of fresh air for mentor characters in anime for me. While the pervy side is nothing new in anime (See Roshi), Jiraiya was endlessly supportive of Naruto, often brought much needed levity to situations and was pretty badass. He also represented much of what Naruto was about of the beginning, hard work and determination leading him to become a huge badass.
One Piece - BrookSee Best Moment
Biggest DisappointmentI feel bad nominating Brook before Thriller Bark concludes but really there is no better time to nominate him since he has only one major story left for the arc. Brook spent years living on a ghost ship after his crew had died and his devil fruit brought him back to life. He is gentlemanly in appearance and kind of a pervert but you can excuse that as some madness from being alone for nearly 50 years. Easily one of the most fun characters of the year.
Iron Blooded OrphansI didn't have high expectations going into this but it was still shockingly short. It all felt kind of rushed. I really don't hate anything about it though and it did give us one of the sleekest redesigns yet (IMO) so I really can never be too mad about it and I still hope for an Intruder 4 some time way way way down the line.
DBZ - Cell SagaAnother series that I have hope for. The beginning and end of this series are really good with good characters I care about and some great fights. It is just a shame the plot was such a convoluted mess and the middle from space debris to Dort was laughably bad. I still have high hopes for the series but it really needs to get its ducks in a row.
Best SurpriseAnother entry that starts out strong and just kind of peters out. There are elements in here that I love but the nostalgia goggles came off this arc as everyone came to realize how stretched out this arc had become and that is saying something after spending several episodes on a planet 5 minutes from destruction. I still love the android saga and think it holds up well today but the Cell saga got really stupid steadily as the arc went on.
FLCL 2Both were pretty much known quantities but the question was which would air first. The answer? BOTH! It is nice to have the 11:30 slot back and I am genuinely excited to watch both back to back (albeit Super more than Buu) and it is good to know the future of Toonami is secure for some time as the block goes into the new year as the strongest it has been maybe ever since it relaunched.
HxH arrivedSure the first ended perfectly but I am an optimist and I can't wait to see these characters back. Also the Pillows. Wish I could say more but yeah...not much on this right now.
Most Wanted New ShowIt was between this and JoJo but at the time it was shocking to have yet another long shonen on the block. It turns out to be for the best since this is one of the best shows airing at the moment with some impressive talent in the voice acting department.
JoJo Part 3 Stardust CrusadersTake the animation of OPM and crank it up to 11. Where One Punch mostly made fun of shonen stereotypes, Mob Psycho refines it to a T and comes up with tons of great characters, great humor and great stories. Easily one of the best directed anime of last year as well.
Young JusticeOk, this is a little greedy after we got JoJo finally. That being said it would be a shame to air the first two parts and stop right before the most popular part of the series. Without going into much detail, this is where many of JoJo hits its stride in terms of power structures and it makes for some interesting TV. However at a whopping 50 episodes it is another heavy commitment for Toonami.
Best Performance by a Voice ActorMy dark horse candidate. It was between this and My Hero Academia and honestly this is the cheaper of the two alternatives and it has a fresh third season that is HYPE. I always wondered why Toonami never showed this back when we had a larger block but this may be its chance to showcase these heroes. I'll also take MHA please ;P.
David Lodge - JiraiyaHunter x Hunter is kind of a small miracle that it's voice talent works so well. Keith really nailed the creepy, playful nature of Hisoka in his voice as well as that blood curdling scream.
Patrick Seitz - DioPervy sensei himself spoke with an air of dignity that demanded respect yet also had to air on the funny side of the character (flog...frog). Big props to Mr. Lodge for all his hard work on the character.
Honorable mention - Ian Sinclair - Brook, Max Mittleman - SaitamaDio is pretty iconic and Seitz takes on the role with aplomb. Seitz hams it up HARD with Dio and it shows in his voice acting that he is having a ball playing such a despicable character.
Cristina Vee - KilluaSentai dubs can be pretty bad but I had to give a shout out to the actress who played Migi. She did a great job playing an otherworldly creature who slowly grows more human as time went on.
Marieve Herington - TornadoAnother hit out of the park from Mrs. Vee. She plays the mischievous Killua and is obviously having a lot of fun doing it. I hesitated including her on my list since Killua has tons of great moments ahead but I wanted to give my love to her this year as well.
Sadly no other standout performances pop into my head so this is sadly a filler slot
Oh it's still podcast this year by the way so there's no actual voting.
Unless the demand is really high.![]()
Also, did I mishear, or did they briefly mention Soul Eater Not never hitting the block?
Surprised that man doesn't have some sort of Yaoi signal app on his phone. "My fetish sense is tingling."
http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/NurariCondom guy? FF VI Cid?
Sooooooooooo OG Samuari Jack is at 8:30PM starting next week.
It looks like the manga might change that.![]()
Soul Eaters ending is so damn flat. Tenchi Muyo GXP is unassailable in the bad endings department.
Sooooooooooo OG Samuari Jack is at 8:30PM starting next week.
Is it airing daily or weekly? If daily, perhaps we'll see the final season start after the final episode of the OG series.
Same. I watched like 10 episodes then stopped. Think I'm just waiting for them to actually put a date on the new season before I finish it.