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Toonami |JanFeb17| Super Saiyan Please?

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Gives all the fucks
The only reason Makoto doesn't win worst character in the history of anime is that he actually got what was coming to him.

.........so he only wins worst character in the history of anime adaptations.


Gives all the fucks
Man, if the sequel to School Days, Summer Days, ever got an anime version.....

.....you would discover all new ways to loathe Makoto.....assuming they could actually put it in the anime in the first place.....
"If you're a man, just prepare yourself and come!"


Junior Member

Fun fact: Stroheim is the actual inspiration for Guile's design.

That's right. The great All-American hero was based on a Nazi.
And he's not the last JoJo character who inspired a Street Fighter character.
You'll meet the next one in about 5 episodes.


Gives all the fucks
hahahahahahahahahaha, omg, I think my luck is coming back.

Not even 3 weeks after I won a code for Attack on Titan, I win a code for Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Overdrive.

I'm so glad I decided in 2010 to start tracking all the contests I've won online, this marks #40.


Fun fact: Stroheim is the actual inspiration for Guile's design.

That's right. The great All-American hero was based on a Nazi.
To add on to this, it would seem Stroheim could be based on a previous Araki manga, Gorgeous Irene, or at the very least, the hair style. I'd post a pic, but I can't seem to find one that showcases the character I'm talking about without resorting to posting a fan-translated page.
I can't even logically comprehend what the fuck I'm watching anymore. This is just stupid fucking decision after stupid fucking decision and I'm only on ep 6.
You know Makoto if you're going to be a fucking dick to this chick then just fucking BREAK UP WITH HER!!! Just ignoring her like a fucking asshole is just compounding the motherfucking problem.


Gives all the fucks
ya know

I COULD change my avatar to one of Makoto

It would give a new meaning to "gives all the fucks"

.......but I refuse to because I never want his face associated with me.


Gives all the fucks
It's a shame we'll never get to see the OP films on Toonami. Still need to watch Film Z, Strong World, & Gold.


I saw the One Piece movie. I don't really like One Piece, but I always love heist movies, and up until and overly long action ending, I enjoyed the movie!


One Piece Gold was pretty darn good.

Yeah it was pretty fun. Wish
the Heist part was a little longer, because that was my favorite part lol. Also Tesoro could have been an interesting villain, but the movie really didn't spend any time developing him besides those really brief flashback flashes.


Yeah it was pretty fun. Wish
the Heist part was a little longer, because that was my favorite part lol. Also Tesoro could have been an interesting villain, but the movie really didn't spend any time developing him besides those really brief flashback flashes.

Oh yeah, that part was pretty bad as well. Why even bother giving him context if you are going to be that lazy about it?


Oh, and 2 more points/complaints about One Piece Gold

1. How was Luffy able to swim in that sea water? He's clearly floating when he's trying to punch the door open when they initially get trapped. shouldn't he have sunk to the ground?

2. The timeline at the end was so dumb! 100 Seconds appear as a countdown while everyone is in the center of the 5 mile long ship. There is a long argument, and then we cut to everyone on the 5 mile long ship at a safe distance on a variety of ships, while the countdown is still going. Even if the countdown had been for 100 minutes that would have been insane, but 100 seconds?!?
I literally just got back from Film Gold. That was the best Theater experience I've probably ever had in my life.

I expected there to only be me and my friend there but I was wrong. The entire theater was packed.

The crowd was hyped as hell and we all had fangasms at everything that came on screen including collective grunts the instant we saw

And it was hilarious too. I loved it. I loved it so much. I want more theater experiences like that. Where I'm truly in the middle of a group of hardcore fans who fucking love One Piece.

My only complaint was
Gil Tosoro's past. It was weirdly spliced in there with so little context and barely paid attention to. Feels like they threw it in out of some obligation to make him a bit deeper but it could have been handled better with just a small explanation of how he came about to think the way he does rather then those splices of flashback.

Plus, it wasn't necessary because the guy was a great villain without it. Keith Silverstein did a great job with his voice. And the look and feel of it had an impressive atmosphere. And the catchy, casino soundtrack.

I want more dammit. MORE!


I literally just got back from Film Gold. That was the best Theater experience I've probably ever had in my life.

I expected there to only be me and my friend there but I was wrong. The entire theater was packed.

I went to the same theater I saw the Dragonball Frieza movie in 2 years ago, and we had 20ish people for this. DBZ actually sold out, which pissed me off, because I had to sit in the front row because I got their right before it started because I had to stay long at work.


Judging by the success of the previous One Piece Films since Oda came on board I think it is a safe bet we will have another feature in a year or two.

I agree with many here. The best parts of the film are the heist aspects. It is also nice that every character had something to do in the film. *One Piece Gold spoilers*
Tosoro's past would have been better in the middle of the film and given him more context on how far he had fallen instead of shoving it in the last 10 minutes of the film. Vic voices Sabo which is pretty great. And yes I caught Absalom AND Wanze too!
Film Gold was pure *in Tesoro's voice* entertainment! This and Z have the best animation I've ever seen in a One Piece film.

The projector flubbed up at the start of the opening credits, but the manager was kind enough to restart the movie for us.
Oh yeah. And I was really happy that
Sanji's fight was a tag-team with Robin.

I also bought One Piece Burning Blood tonight. Heard mixed things about it but it was only 30 bucks so whatever. I've probably spent more money for worse than whatever it'll be.

Ray Down

Film Gold I will say is the most entertaining OP film along with having the best soundtrack.

Will do a review later, but I will say I'm glad Franky and Brooke did more in this film than in any.


He hasn't appeared yet, but dat

If you could call it a tag-team. She only held him still after he pointed a gun at her.

At least she did shit in this other than figure shit out then get captured. Most of the fights outside of Usopp's kind of stunk but what can you do when you have 15 minutes to wrap up a film.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Back from Film Gold as well (central time zone)

T'was fun, and probably the best animated One Piece movie. Indulgent in so many ways. Toei can do good when they put in effort, a shame that it's so rare.
The crowd wasn't too big... not like when I saw Resurrection F and it was packed.
One Piece spoilers of course.
Yeah Tesoro could have used more to him but he's a movie villain and won't come back. Hard to really sympathize with him even though he was a slave. Hancock and Fisher Tiger were far more relatable slave characters, oh and Koala. By the way, great to see her and Sabo, now with English voices! Didn't expect they go so deep with Koala.
The cameos were fun. Anyone notice Gedatsu? Anime-only viewers would be so confused to why he's there since his cover story wasn't animated.

I hope they bring back Keith Silverstein for a future character, he always brings his all to every role.
Amber Lee Conners was great to hear too (she's Android 18 in TeamFourStar)
At least she did shit in this other than figure shit out then get captured. Most of the fights outside of Usopp's kind of stunk but what can you do when you have 15 minutes to wrap up a film.

Usopp's fight was the best. He went all JoJo on Baccarat. Too bad Brook and Chopper got shafted.
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