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Toonami |Jul15| Sentai finally noticed us!

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The first episode of Akame Ga Kill is rated TV-MA. Last I checked, it wasn't that violent...............

was it?

Later btw, AoT picks up again next episode.


Unconfirmed Member
Next week on Toonami:

8:00 - Dragonball Z Kai - 32 - The Star Player Appears! Ginyu vs. Goku!
12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai - 33 - Full Power, Goku! Captain Ginyu’s Desperate Attack!
12:30 - KILL la KILL - 23 - Imitation Gold
1:00 - Michiko e Hatchin - 5 - The Saudade of Fools, Part 1
1:30 - Sword Art Online II - 16 - King of the Giants
2:00 - Naruto Shippuden - 75 - The Old Monk's Prayer
2:30 - One Piece - 309 - Fists Full of Emotion! Luffy Unleashes Gatling with All His Might!
3:00 - Attack on Titan - 17 - Female Titan: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 1

Rave Master being brought up earlier reminds me: it's a shame Fairy Tail will never have a scene anywhere close to as amazing as this one from Rave. Going off memories:
The heroes are testing a device to retrieve and display memories, to help the amnesiac Elie, with Shuda (a villain turned good) as the test subject. The device depicts Shuda visiting Haru's home island, where he meets Haru's sister and updates her as to what's happening. Haru's turned away from the screen and nodding in agreement as Shuda talks about how great Haru's sister is, but the panel shows the others watching with shocked expressions. Haru turns back to the screen to see that it's now displaying memories of his sister taking her clothes off. Shuda gleefully reveals that they did it, and moreover, as he reveals a ring on his hand, they got married.


Sketchbook Picasso




The first episode of Akame Ga Kill is rated TV-MA. Last I checked, it wasn't that violent...............

was it?

Later btw, AoT picks up again next episode.

It deserves it but I am not even going to write why. Saving it for the premiere.

Great stuff SAB, also dammit at double posting.
Damn I totally missed it in the manga and the anime. My mind must have skipped over it since it isn't a huge plot point in the grand scheme of things.

But it was what made Armin suspect Annie was the female titan. Dontya remember his whole gambit thing then she starts laughing all crazy?


I thought tonight's Michiko and Hatchin episode had a few workable ideas under the surface, but the scene pacing and construction was weird and offputting. The flow of events isn't nonsensical, but the links between scenes feel very contrived. The biggest issue was how they decided to throw the titular characters into this sidestory in the first place.

Michiko gets drunk at a stripclub/bar, then the next morning basically goes willingly to the gang from the last episode - her apathy magnified because she's hungover. Apparently the stripper (Pepe) is also acquainted with this gang. After basically nothing happens there (Michiko promises to pay or something), the next morning Pepe eats where Hatchin works and lets Hatchin know she might know something about Hiroshi.

That's basically the set up for an encounter, but it's loosely strung together with conveniences. I probably default to 'clumsy' as an adjective too often but this definitely felt clumsy. I guess Pepe is clued about Hiroshi because Michiko left the sketch behind and assumes they are looking for him. And I guess Pepe saw Michiko with Hatchin for a very brief moment when they almost got run over, realizing that MIchiko and Hatchin are 'together' (was that the only useful part of the gang scene?)

And then the following bar scene: Yeah, drunk Hatchin was amusing but all Pepe had to say about Hiroshi was that he was a patron (and Michiko was visibly upset imagining that Hiroshi had anything to do with Pepe or the strip club). In terms of episode relevance, Pepe also shares her life-story here - for the viewers - and takes the opportunity to have Lulu steal IDs (and perhaps the tip about Hiroshi was a lie anyway).

After that failure, they steal money and try make an escape, only to be both split up and halted because they left a photo on the counter? It seems like poor writing. .

Does it really boil down to: Pepe sees a sketch of a guy --> Pepe sees Michiko & Hatchin for a moment in a car--> Pepe decides trick them to steal IDs when there werent any --> try to run but fail because they left a picture behind?

edit: if i wasnt clear, the brief encounter where M&H almost got run over seems to be awkwardly important because how else would Pepe know anything about who Hatchin was - seemingly the impetus for stopping by the restaurant the next day.

it's also possible i am forgetting something.


Unconfirmed Member
You're forgetting that Pepe was also there when Rico had Michiko at gunpoint in his house. So she had reason to think that Michiko was a woman who would stand up to Rico and hopefully side with her.

She also had the sketch of Hiroshi because it's the paper that Michiko scrunched into a ball and threw at her while on stage.


You're forgetting that Pepe was also there when Rico had Michiko at gunpoint in his house. So she had reason to think that Michiko was a woman who would stand up to Rico and hopefully side with her.

She also had the sketch of Hiroshi because it's the paper that Michiko scrunched into a ball and threw at her while on stage.

I mentioned Pepe at the hideout, I just didn't touch on much after the escape plan failed and she needed somewhere to go.

It's not that there's a plot hole or anything, almost the opposite actually, that the series of events fell conveniently in line to the effect that it felt manufactured.

The first episode of Akame Ga Kill is rated TV-MA. Last I checked, it wasn't that violent...............

was it?

Later btw, AoT picks up again next episode.

Yeah I'd be shocked if Akame Ga Kill wasn't TV MA almost the whole way through.

I mentioned Pepe at the hideout, I just didn't touch on much after the escape plan failed and she needed somewhere to go.

It's not that there's a plot hole or anything, almost the opposite actually, that the series of events fell conveniently in line to the effect that it felt manufactured.

I think what you said at the end summarizes my feeling on M&H, it feels very manufactured to get a certain emotional response when bad things happen either to M&H or the people they meet. I feel like the issue is how abrupt the scene transitions are where instead of the story evolving in a natural way it feels like the creators are fast forwarding to only the most important parts. A few examples of this from last nights episode

Michiko yells at Pepe in the bar to what seems to be her being thrown out for being drunk, which would be fine if Pepe herself doesn't immeditaley follow afterwards in her street clothing so despite the last scene showing a drunk Michiko heckling the strip tease dancer apparently the bar let her stay till close so that she could be mocked by pepe outside

As you mentioned above after the scene of Michiko getting confronted by the gang leader then nearly getting run over with Hatchin by Pepe we transition to Pepe and her sister at the diner Hatchin works out which they found out she worked at off screen AND they talk about knowing Hiroshi but like how we never saw how they learned of the diner we never see who Pepe learned that M&H were looking for Hiroshi nor is it every made clear at the end if she really knew him or was just fucking with them to attempt to steal photo ids which again Lulu seemingly had no idea where M&H lived and IIRC it was implied Lulu left before them hence why Pepe dragged Michiko into the drinking contest to stall for time.

Finally we have of course Michiko driving up alongside Lulu as she runs from the kids in the gane, to an extremely jarring cut of Michiko talking to Pepe in their hotel room which again we get no idea how Pepe knew where it was nor do we get any impression that Michiko knows of Lulu's fate despite being right next to her in the previous scene. I kept expecting something clever like Michiko telling Pepe that Lulu had either already been done in by the kids OR Michiko actually had Lulu tied up and was going to use her as ransom for the money Pepe stole so she and Hatchin could bail out of town.

Its frustrating as M&H has all the makings of what should be a great series, but its got all these little issues in how the story is presented each episode that really hurt it from being something truly special.

You're forgetting that Pepe was also there when Rico had Michiko at gunpoint in his house. So she had reason to think that Michiko was a woman who would stand up to Rico and hopefully side with her.

She also had the sketch of Hiroshi because it's the paper that Michiko scrunched into a ball and threw at her while on stage.

I dunno if that really helps explain it though, why would Pepe look at some random piece of paper a drunk women threw at her at a bar in a jealous rage. Also Michiko has been established as someone sober or drunk only cares for protecting Hana and finding Hiroshi it seems very out of character for her to crumble up a sketch of him to throw at some strip tease girl at a bar even while drunk. Even if they had a scene of Pepe uncrumbling the paper and seeing Hiroshi's face there would be no way for Pepe to know that Michiko was actually looking for the man or just happened to throw a random piece of paper that was nearby in a drunken rage. Perhaps off screen and before getting drunk Michiko had been asking people if they knew of this man and where he was and Pepe saw that, but that isn't something we see as an audience.

It does at least explain why Pepe has the paper at the diner scene though.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Oof, woke up late today. But I do feel rested.

Dragon Ball Z Kai:
Here comes a new challenger! Ginyu joins the battle, and Goku is actually challenged!
And Vegeta... is still a prick.

Kill la Kill:
Ryuko's back! The final assault on Ragyo begins!
I saw the scene with Nui getting her arms cut off before, and it's still funny.
I didn't get the hate for this episode, I enjoyed it.

Michiko & Hatchin:
This though... yeah. It felt like it was trying too hard to pull an emotional response out of viewers. Darkness for the sake of darkness.
At least we got dancing Hatchin.

... I'm not sure how to feel on this one.
On one hand, at least they aren't dealing murderers or rapists. On the other, this cast is boring as fuck and I do not care. Also, half the episode was a long-ass exposition dump that most MMO players would skip over and get to the quest objectives.

Naruto Shippuden:
MORE TRAINING! At least this bout of it is over... right?

One Piece:
What's that Straw Hats? You want to relax while your captain fights his villain? Too bad, here's a ton of Marines for you to fight! Musou it up bitches!
But yeah, we're in the tail-end of Enies Lobby.

In other news, Goku vs Superman 2 is out.
Going by the dislikes, it seems the outcome is obvious


I'm the dude that actually reads the quests in MMOs and I still found the dump boring.

But maybe that's why I ended up quitting WoW. It eventually piles on too much.

I remember holding up my LFG dungeon when trying to watch a cutscene a handful of times (usually only on my first time, but after I'll skip it if everyone else has).

EDIT: I just realized we've been in enies lobby longer than the entirety of kill la kill. WHY.


EDIT: I just realized we've been in enies lobby longer than the entirety of kill la kill. WHY.

Water Seven, which is essentially all build up to Enies Lobby, started in October 2013 (acknowledging that many weeks since can be accounted for with Filler episodes or marathons/movies when One Piece didn't air.).

One Piece macro-arcs can be looong. It's not necessarily a problem because there's more to things than sheer length but I can see why it sometimes puts people off.
If/when we get a One Piece Kai (or One Pace adaptation) they could probably shorten then Enies Lobby arc just the Enies Lobby part to about 26 episodes FWIW. Get rid of the recap attacks, the filler, the full recap episodes and it would be a lot shorter.


Dragon Ball Z: Kai - An unusually exposition heavy episode. I honestly did not expect Vegeta to suddenly double-cross Goku (which was funny as hell) and I certainly did not expect Bulma to double-cross everyone in hopes of wishing herself home. Those two have something in common. The Ginyu Ultra Fighting Pose scene was a good bit of fun and I'm surprised Capt. Ginyu is this strong. All in all, not as spectacular as last week's episode but still very entertaining. Rating: Over 109,000!

Kill la Kill - Stephaine Sheh really brings her A game going from the gratingly perky Nui into now full-on bat-shit-crazy Nui. You can hear the malice in her voice. There are a lot of great lines and moments in this episode I adore like the "docking sequence" opening, the Elite 4 squabbling, the sisters finally making amends, and the return of Fight Club Mako! On the down side, I hate how Ryuko was being so bitchy towards Satsuki who had just rescued her. While I agree that Satsuki deserved some retribution for all her past manipulative behavior, Ryuko didn't have to be such a bitch about it. At least they finally made up. On a side note, it seems ToonamiGAF is rather split on this show at this point which isn't too surprising. I'm certainly still enjoying it and I'm happy to see there are others as well! Rating: Way = Found

Michiko & Hatchin - I'm starting to get the impression that M&H is one of those shows I may ultimately not enjoy because it's just too damn depressing. I never could get into shows like Dexter or Breaking Bad for the same reason. Almost every character is a jerk aside from Hatchin. Even the somewhat likable characters like Michiko do stuff that's just deplorable. Hatchin is the only ray of hope in this crap-hole of a town but she gets abused constantly. Don't get me wrong, the story telling, dialog, characterizations, and animation are all top notch. It just needs a good lighthearted episode or characters that become better people over time instead of just more children committing murder and double-crossing pimps slapping strippers. Hopefully things improve but I don't think that's what this show is meant to be. At least the Hatchin drunk scene was hilarious and broke the tension for a moment. Rating: Gotta pee

Sword Art Online II - I... liked... this episode. Yeah, I said it! So what if the exposition dumps were overly convoluted, the technobabble cringeworthy and the pandering off the charts? At least the episode was playful and easy going. The colorful fantasy setting is a huge breath of fresh air from dingy GGO not to mention no-longer is having to deal with IRL murderers and rapists! I still loathe Mr. Perfect and a few of his harem members but I'd rather watch them happily enjoying their virtual MMO game for a change instead of dealing with some inane, plot-hole riddled murder mystery. Rating: Tonky

Naruto: Shippuden - Everybody loves Naruto and Naruto loves Sasuke. That's it. Boring beyond words. Rating: Zzzzz

One Piece - The battle rages and it seems Lucci isn't going down easily and Luffy is face down in his own blood! If it were another character I would be worried but the tension is kinda lost because you know Luffy will somehow win. That moment should be pretty epic, regardless. I was actually more interested in the battle on the bridge where every character was getting to show their fighting prowess... except Sanji who has disappeared? A fine episode but still a little slow. Rating: Wait, Sniper King was Usopp?!?!?!?!?!?


Water Seven, which is essentially all build up to Enies Lobby, started in October 2013 (acknowledging that many weeks since can be accounted for with Filler episodes or marathons/movies when One Piece didn't air.).

One Piece macro-arcs can be looong. It's not necessarily a problem because there's more to things than sheer length but I can see why it sometimes puts people off.

I think it's this reason that I'm just going to start watching it on my own now. No OP, hearing about how the king hid his treasure, or 10 minute long recaps.


I think it's this reason that I'm just going to start watching it on my own now. No OP, hearing about how the king hid his treasure, or 10 minute long recaps.

There is a One Pace project that cuts a ton of that crap and the padding out which really helps things along.

Think of it as an amateur One Piece Kai.
just got back from mechacon, kind of bummed out i didnt get to meet steve blum, but i got to meet mike mcfarland, austin tindle, and greg weisman. i might have to watch tokyo ghoul now. i think that austin tindle voices the MC in it. ALso i got the new cyborg 009 movie on bluray as well as the bebop collection


Gives all the fucks
*sigh* Finally got my internet back around 5:40 p.m., as the storm hit where my ISP is located & has been out since 10 p.m. yesterday. I had impressions/reactions of DBZ Kai typed up, but then I stupidly tried to post it while my internet was still down & lost it all.

It's also rather empty watching Toonami without having this group to talk to, & an even emptier feeling seeing my internet not be fixed in time when it starts....The one night my internet has to go out, & it's the one night I look forward to each week....

Well, impressions/reactions of stuff while my internet was down....

Kill la Kill:
- Animation where Nui's arms were sliced off was hilarious & one of my favorite moments of the series. Laughed so hard the first time seeing that.
- "You lost a great deal of blood despite the fact I mentioned I have the blood of two others in me now".
- NINE BARRELS! Oh hey the old enemies from the beginning of the series!
- Take a shot every time the term "bat-shit crazy" was spoken.
- Oh god Nonon continues to be hilarious
- Double the transformation! Double da ass!
- Oh hey the glasses on that thing look like Gurren Lagann

- Weeellllllllll this sure got off to an interesting start!!.......so uh, Michiko is gonna get on there....holy crap, calm down girl!
- Oh no, not those kids from the previous episode....
- Well SOMEONE takes their soap operas too seriOH HELLO TOPLESS WOMAN WHO KNOWS HOW TO DANCE!!
- Man, does this guy get a dine & dash each day?
- .......uuuhhhh is that little girl gonna go out to dance similar to her mother?? I have a bad feeling considering the outfit....
- Hatchin, go home, you're drunk..........somehow. LOL ASKING ABOUT SELLING PANTIES.
- "PLEASE, WHY WOULD I WANT TO SELL MY UNDIES?" OMG drunk Hatchin is funny.
- Oh, it's her sister, not her daughter.
- Hahaha drinking contest. Disgonnabegood.gif
- Hahahahaha drunk Hatchin continues to be funny
- GOING BACK FOR A PHOTO?!?! Why not find someone else to take one for you after you escape?!?!
- Sounds like next week is gonna be action packed with getting that girl back.....UH, MAYBE NOT?!

- lol time to look for Excalibur? OUR SUPER ULTRA MEGA HAX0R GAMER GOD WILL FIND IT.
- Soul Eater Excalibur joke.
- FANSERVICE. I'm sure Lazybones enjoyed it.
- This OP........belongs in a better anime. Especially with how nice the animation was at times.
- Shut up, Yui.
- Oh no, not.......killing monsters................wait, WHY is this bad? You sound like these things are friendly....and REAL. WHICH THEY'RE NOT.
- USING FIRE = USING MAGIC?! WUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTT. You seriously didn't realize that?!?
- Well of course grabbing a girl's tail = OMG ORGASM AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH, despite the fact real cats tend to dislike it and don't show nearly the same amount of pleasure....
- Flying Cthulhu Elephant. Okay then....& Tonky is a stupid name.
- They need to update their Preflight commercial, considering it uses Deadman Wonderland & GL footage, & once KlK ends in a few weeks, that'll be 3 shows in the commercial that they aren't airing anymore.
- My captions says it's called a "Jelly-phant".....*rolls eyes*
- "The sword that slices through wood & iron" Well.....that sounds like a bunch of other swords I've seen in anime. What makes Excalibur special?
- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz so much explaining.........
- This is something that should belong in a JRPG, NOT A FREAKIN' MMO WITH HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PLAYERS. Hell, hate to say it, but Kirito brings up a good point about admins being in control & not letting stuff like that happen.
- Oh god the ED focuses on Yui & dragon girl's mini-dragon. Also why does she need to ride it if she can fly?

One Piece:
- oooohhhhhhh nooooooooo they're dead. I'm toooottaallllyyyyy buying it....
- *sigh* We're gonna have to wait until the end of the episode AGAIN just to continue the fight, aren't we....OH, guess not?!
- Yeeeeesssss, been waiting soooo long for this, glad we're finally focusing on this fight again.
- Hello random flashback to Skypeia.
- & now it's turned into Pirate Warriors.
- "Phew".
- .....can we go back to the Lucci fight ple...oh got my wish.

.....yeah, this was nowhere near as fun just listing impressions compared to posting them while reading others. Guess I'll go back now & look through the reactions to the shows...


Isn't "wood and iron" taken verbatim from the Matter of Britain that pertain to it? I recall hearing that phrase before.

As much shit as I want to give gucci for being a wet blanket, he was right about KLK wasting a lot of potential. For instance, the first new uniform we've seen in (iirc) over 15 episodes gets only ten seconds of screentime, despite the fact that this is the fifth three-star is a big fucking deal. It's unfortunate if it's just a plot device to repair all the other regalia at mach speed, but that in of itself is still pretty hype as it allows for a lot of people to take back to more interesting combat roles (although this will be the blade regalia's 4th time around).


The best obligatory.


This is kind of City of God: The Anime at times. :D




Yeah...may have been the only "fanboy" for such a film at the time.

You stupid idiot dont grab your phone with your wet hand. Also if the series becomes slice of life MMO players I really wouldnt mind....im not getting that am I? This whole opening just ruined any thought of that.
When you start your franchise off with mass murder, you can't back away from life-or-death scenarios.

Sir Henry Motherfucker

I saw that video today.
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