Kirito not being in an episode is always a plus.
get out
Kirito not being in an episode is always a plus.
I'll still take a slower OP episode with some good humor over what we got in Shippuden, the former at least you can see where this set up is building towards ie all the lose ends are tied up now everyone remaining is going to focus on the bridge to fight for Robin.
Right, and gear second has significantly more versatility and use.but third gear isn't inherently superior to second gear. they seem to be separate modes rather than incrementing powers (like super saiyan 2 and super saiyan 3)
American Dad.Pretty good night overall, hopefully whatever replaces AoT won't be something I've seen a dozen times by now and I'll want to stay up for the end of the night
Pretty good night overall, hopefully whatever replaces AoT won't be something I've seen a dozen times by now and I'll want to stay up for the end of the night
Also this was my huge issue. I feel like next to nothing happened.
I'll still take a slower OP episode with some good humor over what we got in Shippuden, the former at least you can see where this set up is building towards ie all the lose ends are tied up now everyone remaining is going to focus on the bridge to fight for Robin.
but... that's exactly what happened in Shippuden?
Naruto training, whatever you think of it, has it's role in moving characters into position.
And the attack on the fire temple is literally what sets the events of the arc in motion. If it didn't happen, it really would be just a training arc and nothing elsethere'd be no motivation for anything else to happen.
For a second-in-the-arc episode, I think it's pretty solid, honestly.
Restarting Bleach from the beginning wouldn't be the worst. Might even be fun!My big hopes, Space Dandy Season 2 or Cowboy Bebop HD.
Worst case scenario: Bleach.
This is like the 4th episodes of Naruto just trying to master wind chakra and it doesn't feel like it's ending anytime soon, and the 2nd episode of Hidan and Kuzan off screening people to hide their power. It's not that Shippuden isn't building towards something but it truly did nothing new this week.
Worst would be something Adult Swim like family guy followed by IGPX.
Second Gear is a speed boost and Third Gear is a power boost, they're like those combo modes in KH2 that boosted only one of your abilities.
Restarting Bleach from the beginning wouldn't be the worst. Might even be fun!
Worst would be something Adult Swim like family guy followed by IGPX.
Hidan and Kakuzu killing those monks set up like this entire arc
I'll give you that Naruto training is important but it feels overly stretched out because it got bisected by the filler arc.
now's probably a good time to mention that the next two episodes are probably the weakest in this arc
It's a little odd that someone in a scout regiment would be in charge of the scientific research.
*looks it up*
Yeah, my point stands nothing in this episode was truly necessary,Tsunade could have dispatched Ninja teams over the fact a Jinchuiki was killed just as easily as a random fire nation temple was attacked, heck the former is really a bigger deal then the latter. Nor does Naruto's training need to be this dragged out
Not really since the attack didn't happen in fire nation land, nor was it even a ninja from their village. And the caveat with Gaara was that they have an alliance with the hidden sand and had to send help.
Kirito not being in an episode is always a plus.
AS is not airing Kill la Kill ova, right? Is it anything substantial?
AS is not airing Kill la Kill ova, right? Is it anything substantial?
Next week SAOII's episode is called "The Queen of the Lake?"
Dear god, tell me they're not going to do what I think they're going to do...
It's just a flashback that goes into detail about Ryuko's relationship with Maria Robotnik on board the space colony and how she ended up in suspended animation.
Not really since the attack didn't happen in fire nation land, nor was it even a ninja from their village. And the caveat with Gaara was that they have an alliance with the hidden sand and had to send help.
Not to mention the fact thatKakuzu is looking for a bounty plays into how the eventual encounter is set up