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Toonami |Jul15| Sentai finally noticed us!

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Dragon Ball Z: Kai - I love how Goku always blatantly ignores his enemies before a big battle so he can help his friends to their feet. As for him suddenly developing mind reading powers, well, I don't buy it. Sounds more like a lame plot convenience. Still, I loved this episode because it shows just how insanely powerful Goku has become. DBZ is the master at building up super powerful characters. Goku's nonchalant attitude makes him come across as godlike before these previously fearsome Ginyu force members. Watching them suddenly tremble in fear is just delicious. Rating: Super D. Duper

Kill la Kill - Of all the scenes I expected to be edited out in this series, this week's opening was shockingly left uncut. The standards and practices people must have just given up at this point. As for the rest of the episode, I really enjoyed it. I like how it's all one long battle to rescue Ryuko from herself. Ryuko does make a great villain but she's still the protag and needs to be snapped back to her senses. Every character was featured prominently in the episode and had something to contribute (except Tsumugu who has sadly become a joke). Satsuki on the other hand was simply amazing and a master tactician. *bows* This series is notorious for its shoe-string budget so I'm not surprised by the copious amounts of still shots. On the other hand, there were a few nicely animated moments in the episode regardless. Overall, I'm just glad the "edge lord" arc is over. With Senketsu's and Mako's help, Ryuko was able to literally purge the angst from her body and we can proceed with the final showdown. Rating: Her Sunday Best

Michiko & Hatchin - This show continues to impress both visually and storytelling wise. There wasn't much action this week, which is okay. I kinda expected it. I am definitely getting tired of Hatchin constantly getting shit on, though. She's by far the smartest character in the show but because she's a little girl, she is the butt of jokes, constantly getting shot at, and being forced into slave labor. I hope things get better for her at some point. It's nice to see that Michiko actually cares for Hatchin's safety (in her own way) but she's probably the biggest idiot in the show. She does make a humorous foil for Hatchin, though. I wonder if that Chinese guy was as stereotypical sounding in the original Japanese. All in all, another good episode. Rating: Tig ol bitties

Sword Art Online II - I'll give the show props for having Asada actually give rape-boy the final blow to the head. I fully expected Kirito to be the one to save her outright. With that resolved, we spend half the episode stuck in Talk no Jutsu at the restaurant where FBI guy explains everything they were able to learn *WITHOUT* Kirito's help making me wonder what him going into GGO even contributed to the investigation. Then the show became a literal after school special about bullying before mack-daddy Kiroto shows up on his bad-ass motorbike to turn Asada briefly tsundere. The following 'Welcome to the Harem' party in the bar was to be expected but the following scene with the bank teller and her daughter was all kinds of messed up. While mostly boring, it's still SAO II so it still provided plenty of hilarious table-flips. Rating: Harem +1

Naruto: Shippuden - These new villains are already 100x more interesting than the previous filler enemy whose name I've already forgotten. Back in the Leaf Village we're stuck watching more repetitive training as Naruto tries to cut a waterfall in half in order to 'change his chakra nature' or something. I'm not even sure what that will do for him. Sakura worries about Naruto because Kishi can't write a female ninja who does anything but buys the groceries and worries about men. All in all, this feels like more filler and I thought we were out of filler territory. Hopefully the story will get back on track soon. Rating: All wet

One Piece - Compared to One Piece, Naruto's story is actually blazing along. Not much happened this week aside from the Franky family being killed. Damn, that sucks and you can tell Franky took it hard. Luffy and Lucci exchanged a few punches but that's all that happened with them. The comedy bits with Sanji and the mermaid stuff was kinda funny and it's certainly nice to see almost everyone back together but it was really slow going. I'm ready for Lucci to be defeated and this arc to end. Rating: Bridge (and episode) of Hesitation

This week started out really strong with great DBZ, KLK, M&H, and SAO II episodes but then fell kinda flat with the Shippuden and One Piece episodes.


Gives all the fucks
Thanks <3. This is great LOL
Yeah, both of my previous avatars were from Hiimdaisy's Persona 4 comics. I might return to it in the future just because of how funny it is. But I started reading Saiki Kusuo No Sainan last night because J-Stars and I just couldn't help but at laugh at the main character's attitude, then came across a panel with that face and I couldn't help but think of my tag.

Maybe I'll return to my old avatar, except with the hand replaced with Migi once Parasyte premieres, but I need help making it.





Good stuff! When I saw that crazy neck stretch in DBZ, I *knew* you were going to draw that. Lol.


IIRC changing his chakra nature is to allow him to expand his jutsu pool. Sasuke is normally fire nature but needs to change to lightning for chidori, for example.

At least I think that's how it works.


IIRC changing his chakra nature is to allow him to expand his jutsu pool. Sasuke is normally fire nature but needs to change to lightning for chidori, for example.

At least I think that's how it works.

I think it's clumsy wording. Naruto has to add "change in chakra nature" to his abilities. Which effectively means 'add your natural wind element to your abilities'. Like, going from neutral to wind.


Dragon Ball was so good last night. Love "I got this Goku."

Kill la Kill was ok. Seriously trigger might as well just be using flash or some crap. Whole evil switch was resolved way too quickly even though it wasn't even that good in the first place.
Next week SAOII's episode is called "The Queen of the Lake?"

Dear god, tell me they're not going to do what I think they're going to do...

So tentacle monster or beach episode?


And... what? Deconstructing it?

I actually never saw the 2nd half of SAO II. I only remember how the GGO arc was like... Wow, that sure was something, haha.

I can't say it enough, the person voicing Lisbeth and Nonon made those characters better than I originally thought.


What, does Kirito's one friend from SAO whose name I can't remember end up having sex with Asuna after proving himself the biggest badass with a sword?

Because I can't see this show doing a Lancelot situation.
What, does Kirito's one friend from SAO whose name I can't remember end up having sex with Asuna after proving himself the biggest badass with a sword?

Because I can't see this show doing a Lancelot situation.

If you really want to know

*next arc spoilers*

Klein is in the next arc, he falls hard for an NPC girl during the world quest


I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but does that bartender friend of theirs actually do anything? He looks like a cool character, but I don't know if he's just there to be one of Kirito's friend also.
I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but does that bartender friend of theirs actually do anything? He looks like a cool character, but I don't know if he's just there to be one of Kirito's friend also.

He owns the IRL bar they hang out at

He goes on a quest with them in the recap/movie thing that takes place between SAO I and SAO II


Sketchbook Picasso
Haha nice job. That SAO one killed me.
Haha, Glad you liked it! As Cholker points out usually, last night seemed like "Bad / Silly / Childish Drawing Night" with our premieres.
Haha, love the Spike and Shinon the murderer picks!
Glad that was recognizable as Spike, even with that little bit :) I could totally imagine the little girl imagining Shino as a Heroic Fighter, and letting kiddy innocence toss a violent scene into a crayon fantasy... that would have totally ruined everything, and we'd all be laughing to days, ha.
My god the spike and the Sinon pictures. You are my hero SAB!

Did you read my post and then draw that?

Keh Keh Keh... Yea, you helped inspire it, lol. And the mentions of Hiroshi Spiegel too. I wanted to mess with her crappy drawing of Hatchin, but a chance to draw one of Toonami's greatest fathers cannot be missed!

Though I didn't get to draw my "Narto guy said fire emblem = crossover = series staring pop idols and gravure models" Joke... XD

On a scale of one to perfect, how much would this avatar fit my tag? I know it'll be hard to top my previous two avatars, but would be nice to have a change in avatars.

I like it :) Maybe I should change to a B&W Avvie sometime... always a fan of such works.

Good stuff! When I saw that crazy neck stretch in DBZ, I *knew* you were going to draw that. Lol.

Haha, Well guessed! Stuff like that is too fun, and I don't think I generally think to draw that kinda stuff when I make original works. I love how Toriyama's works can get Looney Toons like stretchiness when appropriate, and yet this show can still be crazy dark with it's violence at time... and then really comical with it, too. Similar to One Piece, but I don't ever find it as charming or well executed in OP...


Oh, and Parasyte is coming to Toonami? What's it replacing? My times YEARS ago of seeing the manga series in MixxZine / Tokyopop definitely have me wanting to finally watch it... glad I didn't jump on it streaming...


Rewatched SAO last night on the west coast feed just to see that tasteless "intervention" again. As Sinon starts getting apprehensive about the whole thing, I noticed Kirito had the gall to actually grab her to keep her from leaving as she clearly didn't want to be there. Like even if you ignore the tactless way this is approached and just chalk it up to him wanting to help a friend, he still don't have the right to force Sinon to be there if she was that uncomfortable. But fuck her feelings right, Kirito's solution can be the only solution. What a self-centered prick.

I had more of an issue with her giving the gun back to someone that just tried to kill her with it.

A little late, but I thought it was supposed to be an airsoft gun.

Here's a four-part video review of the GGO arc that goes into the many reasons it's bullshit.

In the first part he shows a comment someone sent him saying, "I know you don't want to check out SAO 2, but I think the new character Sinon is going to be interesting. You should check it now that there are only 3 episodes." Reminds me of how hopeful I was for Sinon in the beginning. How naive I was.


No Scrubs
Holy shit, you've gotta be kidding me. He's gone? He can't be gone! H--he just can't.

This is going to be the worst week ever. :(


Gives all the fucks
I feel rather glad about changing my avatar now since I didn't want to use such a silly avatar when expressing my condolenses + adding the ribbon.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I jokingly asked yesterday for a Nintendo Direct after that Devil's Third tweet by Nintendo.

Now I'm afraid for the next one. They won't be the same without him.

I don't... I don't want another Nintendo Direct.
Not right now.


The world of gaming will never be the same.

He was a genius programmer, and while the Wii U had some problems, I was looking forward to seeing where he'd take the company.

Iwata will be missed. :(
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