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Toonami |Jun14| Lu Lu Lala Lu

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Gives all the fucks
Oh yeah, since we started the 2nd season of Black Lagoon, here's the total count as of yesterday's episode:

Total swears said: 304
Total bleeps made: 143


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Hahaha, love the reference to Akiba's Trip in the sketch dump.

I must look this up in order to see if your facts are indeed true....not to mention it would help to know which chapter contains the scene in question.

Chapter 15.


I wanna watch that black lagoon episode again
Cant wait for this arc to be over. So over the top. Chick is using guns double her size and weight

"We haven't done it with an Ivan (?) before sora mea"


Edit: batman might be my new favorite on the block









Good stuff! Love the colored Sniperking.
Lol did you notice my Clayface comment during BtB or do we share the same brain :p
Edit: Is that NB from GXP?


Happy father's day everyone!



goku was actually an ok dad

Srsly tho, hope you guys have fun however you decide to spend today.
Impressions from last night:

Attack on Titan
Alright, I am officially convinced this is a stealth comedy; I really can't tell if this show is trying to make me laugh or actually attempt to create drama. Even if the latter ends up being the case, Attack on Titan is so over the top that any emotional impact the show might have been going for ends up ruined because I can't take anything seriously. I don't tend to take topics like suicide lightly but Titan managed to make me fall into a hysterical laughing fit with this scene:


It was just so over the top and out of left field, who the hell was that guy anyway? Don't even get me started on Mikasa's 'Lol screw you noobs I'm about to go solo the field' speech; it was supposed to be inspiring but came off as equal parts arrogant and comical. Mikasa's a badass for sure but I could do without the 'I can't go on without u Eren-kun' moments, that whole scene was kind of cringeworthy.

The swerve at the end about the intelligent Titan caught me by surprise the first time I watched this episode but on the second viewing, seems kind of...underwhelming. Oh well, I laughed way more than I should have at Eren's shitty friends getting wrecked, that was comedy gold. Once you stop taking this show seriously it actually becomes pretty entertaining.


get sum lol

This arc has been excellent despite what a few haters will say; it's classic Bleach which is what most of us fell in love with in the first place. I can see how Riruka comes off as annoying to some but I think she's funny; the whole 'I no like u b-baka' shtick hasn't gotten old yet and her on screen interactions with Ichigo are enjoyable, the two definitely have some chemistry. Chad said more in this episode than in the previous 200+ combined but his VO was terribad to the point that it actually became funny. His whole 'My Abuelo taught me to be proud of my skin color' speech had a good message, but seemed kind of forced into the situation, not sure what Kubo was going for here.


b-baka, it's not like i like u or anything

For those confused about how fullbring works, everything in this world has a soul. Ginjo and company have the ability to manipulate the souls of objects and use them as weapons or to gain physical boosts.

Space Dandy
2nd best episode of the series and a perfect fit for Father's Day. I still can't believe it took these fools 108 days to figure out they were stuck in a time loop, but that's Dandy for you! The lesbian swerve managed to catch me completely off-guard AGAIN, I had totally forgotten about that but it made me burst out laughing!

Shit writing. Shit pacing. Shit animation. Shit characters. Shit music. This might be the worst episode of anything that I've ever seen on toonami which is saying something because Bleach has had some stinkers.

One Piece
Sniper King is way better than Usopp's useless ass so this episode was a win in my book. One Piece is awkward when it comes to comedy, I didn't really laugh at any parts but none of it was bad. This upcoming fight is pretty terrible but afterwards it's nothing but awesomeness.


Blue Exorcist
I don't get why manga purist say Blue Exorcist goes to shit once diverging, it's actually the opposite, last night was the first entertaining episode we've had in a while and it drove the plot forward.

I think there were too many people looking to cry 'this is stupid' when Rin's friends helped him defeat Amaimon, but then gave him the cold shoulder when the ordeal was over. Like I said last night, it's not hard to dig below the surface and see that these characters are conflicted when it comes to their feelings towards Rin. They weren't going to let their friend get murdered by some psycho demon, especially after he proved he was the only one capable of fighting him on an even level, which explains why they got the sword fixed. Still, this dude is the son of Satan, how can they trust him? Does it makes sense that a son would want to kill their father? Haven't these guys been raised their whole lives to believe that demons are a threat to mankind and need to be eradicated? They have no clue Satan possessed Rin and Yugioh's father before killing him, which is the main motivation to defeat him. Of course they are going to have doubts as to if Rin is really on their side.

Also, we got this:


You know your fanbase well, Blue Exorcist:

Black Lagoon
This episode was so damn creepy, I'm surprised I didn't have nightmares last night. I wonder just how violent this arc is going to get...

Beware the Batman
This was awful, I don't even remember what happened. Something about a dude getting rejected for being ugly I think.


Sketchbook Picasso
Glad ya'll enjoyed the Sketch Bros!

Yes, that'd NB sneaking into the R2 pic. Ever since Excel Saga, I've enjoyed "cute" things that suddenly get all Golgo 13 face out of nowhere... Thanks to you guys for not taking more offense at referencing some of Neo'Nami's "shows that shall not be named", heh heh.

Totally made me think Akiba's as soon as I noticed I was actually drawing a man in underwear, lol. #manservice #ThoseWhoHuntElvesVampires

Thanks for the props Bass, I'm... somewhat surprised I made it, lol. This was one of the first Saturdays in a while I've put Toonami on a lower rung than something (SMASH!), so I wasn't prepared at all, ha.

Hehateme, I actually followed GAFnami pretty well until through Shippuden (Hence the power of GEOMETRY!), but nope, Clayface comments is one of a shared mind, lol Glad I wasn't the only one. I think I just stared at the ep, and summarized as "HARVEYHAGEN, NOOOOOO~~!" Was sleepy enough to run with the wrong reference villain's name all night too, it seems!


Rewatching Jubei Chan: The Ninja Girl again (leading to finally watching S2 which I've had for years), I thnk Jiyuu's father is simply Maes Hughes... if he got a chance to actually LIVE and watch his daughter grow. Tempted to draw them both having a GUSH-Off over how much they love their daughters.

Is it odd that I actually find Shura being one of my favorite Wendee Lee performances in a while? She's so straight to the point, fast talking, and honest about her thoughts. So different than the slower talk of Yoruichi, and pretty different from Faye.

Mikasa's Idolization of Eren is so... she could be so strong without him. The first time I heard Mikasa make a comment on "This titan reminds me of something Familiar, something Primal!", I thought we'd find out the Titans and old Japanese bloodlines were interwoven somehow. That's not at all how this turns out, but I kinda wish it did in some ways. I want her fantastic Talent to MEAN something major.

Is it weird that I really liked the way Riruka looked in all that heavily shadowed light on Bleach?

Much like in our Invading Army arcs earlier eps, Bleach can look awesome at the height of it's animation art. And yeah, I agree... this whole episode felt like it was full of STAND explanations. They really like making "Stop doing that, I can see your panties!" jokes on this show, which conveniently has no real pantyshots. Feels odd. It's almost like a desperate cry for fans to make art for such situations themselves.

In sharp contrast was Shippuden. Ugh. Sakura had some especially derpy looking moments in that flashback. I kinda feel bad for how much Oba-san Chiyuu is speaking her up, only to know this goes nowhere. I don't mind the fact Sakura's trying to be this more intellectual Ninja with strength only being a tool to help achieve well-thought goals, but is this really a reaccuring theme in the new Shippuden world? I'd like it to be!

It's odd, I expected the Twins to look much... crappier on Black Lagoon? Especially from that first not-a-kiss scene. Maybe I was oddly expected more of a "moe" cute look, whereas they have more of a Gothic Lolita 90s Vampire Anime look to them. Their way of speaking reminds me of a very messed up take on Gunslinger Girl. Balalaika is pretty awesome at this point. RipOff church Nun sucks. I'd rather have Chinglish back. At least I could laugh at her sounding like an overly pissed off Min from King of the Hill / Amy from Futurama.

And the fact they pretty much FORCE every single arc to have some overblow Bad B**ch of a woman to challenge Revy for the spot... it actually seems kinda forced, and diminishes Revy's overall impact. I'd be happier with just Roberta and Balalaika, as they at least seem like they add unique twist to the idea.

Sogeking Themesong was great too, BTW. Did Usopp really slip out of SogeKaracta into normal speech this much normally in Japanese? He seems to be doing a fail job at maintaining the persona. It's kinda bad I still don't associate English Franky voice with Franky yet, eh? The games leave me liking his JP voice a lot.

We get Bebop Back in July,eh? Wohoo! I get to continue figuring out what in the world I haven't DUMPED from Bebop all over again! If all else fails, there's always an excuse to draw FayeFaye. I'd acutally kinda like Space Dandy and Bebeop back-to-back, though this is impossible. Much better than Black Lagoon and BewareTheBlaht. Even if Rex Mason's love interest was actually kinda hot enough to help the episode feel a bit more mature than normal. Felt closer to a normal DCAU beauty than some of the female designs of the show.


Completely missed Toonami last night, which sucked mainly for missing the live reactions to the first episode with the twins in Black Lagoon and some of the stuff from AoT. Glad you guys liked the first episode of season 2 so much. Those reactions were awesome.

Also, nice sketch dump this week.

Edit: nm
The Blue Exorcist characters have no ass D:

I guess that makes Shura perfect for a Dead or Alive cameo >_>

So I had a pretty eventful day yesterday. Went to the Smash demo event again, but I wasn't all that interested in the Smash. The Nintendo Rep that was running the event was retiring and the demo event would be his last (worked with Nintendo for almost 20 years). Known the guy for over a year and he was cool as hell (hooked me up with lots of stuff, including Kid Icarus AR cards since Nintendo themselves were too fucking lazy to distribute them). So me and a few friends (we're part of a Streetpass group) made sure to get to the Best Buy before the rep did to help him set up stuff (tables, promo items). The event was a lot more organized and lot less hectic than Wednesday. There was a proper line, not a bunch of people huddled around in aisles, people with wristbands got to play before the noon start time. A few people got some cat ears, but a majority of people playing got to take a Mario Kart 8 flag with them to go with the sticker or pin. Less people did show up than the Wednesday event, but that's kinda of a moot point because at least 300 people showed up (and there were over 100 preorders). Funny thing happened before the event was supposed to end: the computer that's connected to the system made this loud ass beeping sound which froze the demo thus prematurely ending the event (it was a sign cause it happened again with the Mario Kart 8 demo lol)

Anyway, event ends, we're still in the Best Buy vicinity for like 90 mins. We helped the Rep pack things up, MK8 demo froze, Rep was helping customers, we took a group photo (should have brought my camera >.<), talked in the parking lot for like 30 mins (if you listened to this man's stories, you wouldn't want to leave lol). He even gave me some extra goodies (Bravely Default AR card packs, MK8 posters, Pokemon X/Y post cards?, etc.). After that, we treated him to dinner at a nearby restaurant. We was there for three hours. That includes eating, listening to more stories both at the booth and in the parking lot again lol), and hugs/goodbyes/thanks. Not gonna be the last time we see him. He said he'll make it to the next demo event headlined by the new Rep.

So I had a long day, but in the end it was totally worth it *sniff*


Sketchbook Picasso
Nice Story, Lazybones. Where does one go about meeting a Nintendo Rep? I figured they just fell out of the sky when needed, and went back to Star Road when on break...

Great work. I love everything. Is that an Inklet I see in there. Nice!
Edit: Hah! I just noticed hardass adventure toad too. Think he's my favorite.

Those little Inklings are awesome. The way their inspiration and actual gameplay is so tightly wrapped around EVERYTHING they can do... it's crazy inspiring character design.

And I'm glad Captain Toad got some notice, lol. So squeezed in there, but as a Toad fan since SMB2, the pic summarizes how I feel about the game. Along with sitting in line for like 3 hours to play 2 minutes of Smash, this is the most *Nintendo Fan* I've felt in like a decade.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Funimation posted a list of anime dads to celebrate Father's Day (I'd link it, but it contains a major One Piece spoiler).

I just look at this list and think "most of these dads suck".
Nice Story, Lazybones. Where does one go about meeting a Nintendo Rep? I figured they just fell out of the sky when needed, and went back to Star Road when on break...

It would probably be best to know someone who works in retail (preferably Gamestop) and find out if there's a Nintendo demo event happening at that store. Or joining a Streetpass group that has people attending Nintendo events around the area


It was just so over the top and out of left field, who the hell was that guy anyway?

Just a random unnamed character (i think?)

Don't even get me started on Mikasa's 'Lol screw you noobs I'm about to go solo the field' speech; it was supposed to be inspiring but came off as equal parts arrogant and comical.

It was supposed to be arrogant. She was just bluntly laying out that if they want to survive then they should be strong and do something about it, and if not then whatever just die. The speech was intended to rally them in a way yes, but I was glad it wasn't the typical power of friendship inspiring speech.

Mikasa's a badass for sure but I could do without the 'I can't go on without u Eren-kun' moments

Agree with this, it can be a bit much sometimes. Would've been a bit better if she was more stoic when it came to that and only let those "Eren" moments surface every once in a while, giving them more impact. However, I do understand where she's coming from though; she is damaged goods after all.


More than Goku does most of the time :p

DBZ Abridged <3

Well okay, Gohan did inherit Piccolo's ability to "get a free power-up that makes him stronger than everyone including the villain, fail to win anyway, and then all that happens as a result is that the enemy just got stronger" in the Buu Arc.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
People who like to play up the Goku is a terrible dad thing pretty much ignore just how well the two bonded during the Android and Cell training. Sure, he probably should have come home from space earlier (considering he could have just teleported there) and his decision to stay dead as to keep his enemies (who are pretty much all converted good guys or vaporized at this point) from showing up is sort of dumb in retrospect he does actually care quite a bit for his son and taught him some important lessons.

It's not his fault that Japan loves him more!


I think Chichi is overhated too.

I mean sure, it's really annoying how it is a fighting manga and doesn't want her kids to fights, but realistically, I probably wouldn't want my son going to outerspace to resurrect an evil demon incarnate either.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It happens when you try to overationalize any work of fantasy like this, you start nitpicking and tearing down stuff that doesn't need to be.

Chichi is acting like quite a few parents would. It's played for comedy because she knows her son is a god like superhero after he comes back from beating Vegeta but doesn't want him going into space that time, let alone the rest of the times. It's not like she can physically stop him.

Her bit with Goten is kind of an apology for all that/a reaction to her husband being dead because she actively raises him to be more like his dad...and then he ends up as Yamcha in GT...


Gives all the fucks
Funimation posted a list of anime dads to celebrate Father's Day (I'd link it, but it contains a major One Piece spoiler).

I just look at this list and think "most of these dads suck".
Yeah, soon as I saw the OP one, while it seems to only be a character we haven't met yet (I read it & don't think it spoiled anything for me aside from him existing), I figured I'd save myself from the spoilersno.gif wrath.

Also, how was Chichi in the original DB series in comparison to being older/a mother?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Chichi wants the D from Goku. Goku doesn't notice. She challenges him at the final Budokai for his hand in marriage and gets wrecked, but he agrees anyway. They have a fun honeymoon arc and the series ends.


Gohan and Goten were both failures though. Gohan never beats anyone unless someone is babying him/holding his hand. The one time he tried by himself in the Buu Arc, didn't go so well. Goten was just a naive wall for Kids Trunks to bounce off. But hey, that's what Uub is there for.

Also, how was Chichi in the original DB series in comparison to being older/a mother?

Jobs to Yamcha, shows up like 5 arcs later (makes filler appearances though), jobs to Goku then marries him.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Yeah, soon as I saw the OP one, while it seems to only be a character we haven't met yet (I read it & don't think it spoiled anything for me aside from him existing), I figured I'd save myself from the spoilersno.gif wrath.

Also, how was Chichi in the original DB series in comparison to being older/a mother?

This character appeared in Loguetown, before they went to the Grand Line.
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