Ehh I generally try not to think about how shonen powers work, I go "you have time powers ok" and just move on. Its like wrestling if you think about it too much you realize it makes no sense
Ehh I generally try not to think about how shonen powers work, I go "you have time powers ok" and just move on. Its like wrestling if you think about it too much you realize it makes no sense
Ehh I generally try not to think about how shonen powers work, I go "you have time powers ok" and just move on. Its like wrestling if you think about it too much you realize it makes no sense
Ehh I generally try not to think about how shonen powers work, I go "you have time powers ok" and just move on. Its like wrestling if you think about it too much you realize it makes no sense
Oh my I didn't realize the girl had that much plot.
They sure do... They sure do.Also, we got this:
You know your fanbase well, Blue Exorcist:
When we need her most, she'll return.Is she banned or just taking a break?
Yoooo chill with the HQ GIFs man. My computer can't handle all these frames.I made some gifs.
Behold the mind blowing animation:
But don't be a smarkJust become a mark and enjoy it brother
Well gentlemen, I'm now the proud renter of an apartment.
Exactly! It's like he just smoked some crack, came up with an idea that made sense when he was high out of his mind, and kept it in for shits and giggles after coming down. It's frustrating to say the least.No one really understands it. The explanation may as well just be wibley-wobley timey-wimey.
My favourite thing about that blue exorcist image is that sword lady has the :3: face.
Well gentlemen, I'm now the proud renter of an apartment.
Exactly! It's like he just smoked some crack, came up with an idea that made sense when he was high out of his mind, and kept it in for shits and giggles after coming down. It's frustrating to say the least.
Congrats man, that's exciting!Well gentlemen, I'm now the proud renter of an apartment.
Noticed this thread mentioning that Akira 25th Anniversary Blu-Ray/DVD combo is $15 on Amazon & has both the re-dub (Blu-ray) & the original dub (DVD) along with the subs.
Hmm, didn't feel like the audio was out of sync, rather that Viz Dubs Voices didn't match the mouth flaps.
Is this your first time watching? That opening hit some nostalgia strings.
This GIF is amazing.
No, what I'm getting is both sounds and voices like a second off from when they are supposed to occur.Hmm, didn't feel like the audio was out of sync, rather that Viz Dubs Voices didn't match the mouth flaps.
Is this your first time watching? That opening hit some nostalgia strings.
I have yet to play a Persona game :|
I'm near the end of 3 and it is already one of my favorite jrpgs. I even have 4 sitting here but i've been told to wait awhile after playing 3 before staring that.
have you beat every level with all characters? If not well, get back to 3D world.
No offense but fuuuuuuuuck that. I need to clear other games and I don't want to justify in clear x in (month) threads that I beat the same game 5 times. I still have Pikmin 3, DK Tropical Freeze, and Wonderful 101 I need to clear too. I haven't hopped into Monster Hunter in the past week sadly.
I am clearing The Wolf Among Us. Seems a new steam sale is approaching. God help me.
What I'm getting is the voices are appearing at a different time when the mouths move.No, what I'm getting is both sounds and voices like a second off from when they are supposed to occur.
Yep, first time.
Persona 4 is amazing. One of my favorite games. Wish I played Persona 3 first though. The improvements in 4 make that one hard to go back to.
So in order to take my mind off Titan and One Piece (subbed) so I don't skip ahead or spoil myself, I've finally started Hunter x Hunter. Been putting it off forever, but some hype that was floating around here compelled me to finally give it a serious shot. That and the fact that I don't think it'll get on Tonnami anytime soon. I started off slow, but picked up the pace a bit once things started getting more interesting.
Probably watched 5 episodes today though. Maybe one or two more. I think the last one I watched was Episode 47 or something.
Holy shit.
I really liked everything last night. Even the bad shows were very entertainingly so like BtB and Shippuden.
Welcome to a new age of shonen anime enjoy
Also finally started my ff5 fiesta run, completely normal run because I'm boring, got white mage woo new job
I gave you my advice in the Fiesta thread but it basically boils down to.
1. Grind the undead in the ship graveyard and don't forget the Flail.
2. Heal Siren to death when she's undead.
3. Silence Magisa. Silence wears out quick in this game but she has no magic evasion so it should hit almost every time.
4. Get Heal Stick in Tycoon castle.
5. Only have the one with the Flail hit Galura while everyone else has protect up, healing themselves and big heals with the heal stick. Flail is back row ok, remember.
I hate Persona 1. I think 3 and especially 4 are massively overrated; too easy with awful dungeons and too hand holdy in general. Both P2 games are where its at.