Haha, everyone will have to wait 2 weeks for the exciting finale of Champloo
Well, looks like I can just skip July 4th in terms of Toonami,
Haha, everyone will have to wait 2 weeks for the exciting finale of Champloo
Depends on how good your data plan is...
I'm curious to hear some opinions on this. Do you prefer to read the manga first then watch the show or vice versa? I've heard both sides of the argument in when it comes to reading books.
I'm curious to hear some opinions on this. Do you prefer to read the manga first then watch the show or vice versa? I've heard both sides of the argument in when it comes to reading books.
no interest in manga
This thread had waaay more activity than usual during Naruto. Karin is a certified draw.
I know that probably is weird.
Seriously though, how did those prisoners hear about Orichimaru's death?I dunno about everyone else, but I think I post more during Naruto because I'm trying to maintain interest somehow.
I dunno about everyone else, but I think I post more during Naruto because I'm trying to maintain interest somehow.
I dunno about everyone else, but I think I post more during Naruto because I'm trying to maintain interest somehow.
I tend to post less when I'm really enjoying the show.
I tend to post less when I'm really enjoying the show.
I tend to post less when I'm really enjoying the show.
I tend to post less when I'm really enjoying the show.
Super same.Huh. Never heard of this one.
Stole it from Hunter x Hunter.
I tend to post less when I'm really enjoying the show.
Hunter - interesting "fights". Gon continues to be really likable. Kurapika's voice actress continues to fail to sound like a boy. Show continues to be interesting, despite the fact that you guys keep saying this is the most boring part.
Kurapika in English almost sounds identical to the Japanese voice. Him sounding like a girl is probably intentional at this point.
LOL, those E3 sketches. Good pixels, SAB CA.
Give Orga Jin Kazama's movelist. I dunno, it's Orga's hair and bang that makes me think it would fit.
Good thing one of the selectable stages is a volcano with walled section and then whoever's on match point first it transitions into an infinite stage. Throw them into a volcano... one last time.
Man do I love those E3-themed Toonami sketches.I can't even pick a single favorite; they all are.
I enjoy reading manga. It is the closest I can get to the comic fandom.
Plus there are some gorgeous manga out there that can almost never be done justice in anime. I think out of all the anime I am watching at the moment I am currently reading most of them with the exception of JoJo.
Speaking of anime fans on prom night. MN9 seems to be arriving in to the station in flames.
Edit: I was knocked out after Anime Ambien. Will catch up Monday.
Great stuff SAB.
It's 4 in the morning.
Adult Swim posted this Father's Day pic
And we're getting a DBZ Kai marathon on July 2nd.
And we're getting a DBZ Kai marathon on July 2nd.
Weird thing is, after seeing it mentioned earlier, I looked on Toonami's tumblr & Facebook, but saw no mention of the news. Where was it confirmed/where did they see the news in order to ask Demarco?
We were due for one. Iron Blooded Orphans are next.
Anyone watch Miami Connection and now can not hear the word Orphans and think "Oar Pans" everytime? Just me? Ok.