That's what I do to stay awake during the commercial break between Naruto and One Piece.
I level capped in like 30 hours or something silly I remember. XCX is a game that goes a ton faster if you powerlevel in set spots (I found most of them on my own) by killing things 20 levels above you. Game is fairly broken time wise if you do that, and no real reason not to~
Easily in the running for the absolute worst ToonamiGAF post of the year.
Why in the absolute fuck would you destroy any sense of combat design for the entire game?
elf girls are best girls
-because the gameplay is broken by design, there are things that can one shot the hardest enemies in the entire game
-because you're going to level up naturally anyways, grinding is not new to rpgs when you're underleveled, nor is level capping
Worst post of toonamigaf for the year is not going to "I grinded in a JRPG where you can beat it way faster if you grind". Breaking the game is hiring max level with blossom dance from the start and going to the hardest area, since Blossom dance with certain classes can kill anything at any level in under 15 seconds.
We call this combat design flaws on the devs part, not on the players part. If you can be a 20 and kill a 40 on the spot and get a level or two, why would you ever fight walls of 20s for leveling? It's easier fights (read: more mindless, if I can hold my own against something twice my level) and less exp.
This reminds me of Lost Dimension (a an Atlus-localized FuRyu-developed SRPG thing), where near the end of the game, there's a sidemission you can complete in one turn, many times over, to get loads of money and EXP. It's not a cheat DLC, it doesn't even seem like it's meant to be be a booster mission or anything, just for some reason it's easily beatable and and can be used for exploitation. If the game it self is going to give me an "I win" button, it's kinda difficult to analyze game design.
The best challenges in games are where you have to utilize everything the game has to offer to succeed: from knowledge of mechanics (ie skill) s to using the best equipment/collectables, and maybe even a tidbit of luck. One reason why I like The Last Remnant so much. Some of those sidequest bosses are TOUGH and there's no way to cheese them (there is no standard EXP). You just have to know how the play the game and create a team to counter them effectively.
Although self-handicaps are fun too. I've played Fire Emblem 7 with so many self-imposed various limiters (only mages, only pre-promotes, etc). Can be pretty fun.
-sits down to watch sailor moon because she feels like an old lady and wants to feel older by watching anime she watched as a kid-
-can't pick between original sailor moon and Crystal, dub or sub-
Goddamn it.
And yep, endgame "using what the game has to offer" is my leading argument for KH2FM+ being the best iteration of kingdom hearts. It goes from "easy button masher where if you lose you're just a bit underleveled or out of it" to an actual game with skill on the hidden bosses who will run you into the ground if you don't learn the mechanics.
Then again, critical is easier than proud mode for end game, so KH is kinda janky as an example in many ways.
The new dub is pretty fun I find. Better than what I've seen of crystal, which isn't much. Apparently that gets better as it goes along.
I found KH2 incredibly disappointing until I played Final Mix, which does bring the good boss wise.
KH1 on hard is a very fun game for the most part besides the shitty camera and lame platforming. KH2 was a cakewalk before final mix, all that form swapping nonsense made it too easy, all of the bosses were mindless wait to counter, counter, repeat affairs.
Well I guess if I want the "7 year old StarSketch" experience, I should go with 199-whatever Sailor Moon, dubbed.
Grexeno lol get ninja'd
^also Retro4ever when you said xenogears is unfinished, I have no idea if you mean your playthrough or the game. Arguably you never finish the story of Xenogears.
-because the gameplay is broken by design, there are things that can one shot the hardest enemies in the entire game
-because you're going to level up naturally anyways, grinding is not new to rpgs when you're underleveled, nor is level capping
Worst post of toonamigaf for the year is not going to "I grinded in a JRPG where you can beat it way faster if you grind". Breaking the game is hiring max level with blossom dance from the start and going to the hardest area, since Blossom dance with certain classes can kill anything at any level in under 15 seconds.
We call this combat design flaws on the devs part, not on the players part. If you can be a 20 and kill a 40 on the spot and get a level or two, why would you ever fight walls of 20s for leveling? It's easier fights (read: more mindless, if I can hold my own against something twice my level) and less exp.
You're deliberately devolving the experience to, at best, a button mashing A to B simulator. How is that, in any way, shape, or form, enjoyable?
You cripple both the exploration and the story bosses, the only major redemptions for the game, and it's already easy as is. Why on earth would you exacerbate the problem exponentially?
ZOMG! Soul and Grex are the same person! How did I not see this?!
The only way to play FF8 is the break it.
Is it truly that bad
or it's just so easy to break
I remember nothing of what I played as a kid besides a rental car with gas limits.
Is it truly that bad
or it's just so easy to break
I remember nothing of what I played as a kid besides a rental car with gas limits.
triple triad is the best part of ffxiv
Triple triad is a fantastic card game with an awful jrpg around it
That's why I always keep a balanced party, because you never know when that might happen or if a side-quest requires you have a certain party member to be in your group.
Also damn it, tonight is when we see how they shorten OPM's OP.
Im playing the new Shiren game and man I missed these sorts of sprites.
I'm trying to explain my view on why my choice of grinding according to their own design is perfectly valid - and yes, it is by their own design, as the exp multiplier is insane at such level gaps. However, XCX has more to it than just story bosses and exploration. Story bosses are such a small fraction of the game that they aren't really worth mentioning beyond an offhand note. Exploration is still fun regardless, but the combat in XCX is broken and certain methods are 10x more efficient and effective at killing everything.
edit: I'm confused why you're worked up over me playing a game in a certain way, it seems like it doesn't affect you, and that it's still a way to play it within the original game (not breaking the games code or anything), so I don't think it should be something where I need to defend a point.
There's a crazy thunderstorm going on in my town.
50/50 chance my power might get knocked out like BatDan. :__: