I'd rather have somebody take the time to apply a simple tag than potentially ruin a plot point for a fellow ToonamiGaffer (or guest viewing the thread, hi lurkers). I think the issue is when somebody posts something from the future in a series we're watching, that's vague and doesn't give away any information without proper context, but then somebody complains. Really, it's a tough thing to regulate and I don't have much of an opinion on where the line should be drawn so I'll leave that up to Seda and be okay with whatever he deems appropriate.
Kururi shushed her sister and took a step towards Aoba, her eyes still fixed on the ground.
She said only two words to the boy who was about the same height as she was.
"I'm indebted... (to you.)"
Raising her face and closing the distance, she covered Aoba's lips with her own.
Aoba's mind turned blank at the incomprehensible situation, and could do nothing but look as Kururi, cheeks flushed, pulled herself away. But the situation was just about to get even more incomprehensible.
As Kururi retreated back behind, Mairu stepped forward as if to take her sister's place and suddenly pulled Aoba into a powerful embrace followed by a deep kiss.
<!? !? !? !?>
The female and male roles looked decidedly reversed - an impression not helped at all by Aoba's rather childlike facial features. Aoba's mind was again reduced to a state of blankness; as he stared at Mairu, however, the latter had already resumed her chirping without even blushing.
"Yay I did it! Indirect kiss with Kuru! Heehee!"
She let go of Aoba and continued in a tone as if nothing had happened.
"Sorry! It's a little surprising to be treated like this by girls who aren't even your girlfriend, isn't it! But don't be fooled by Kuru's looks, she's actually even more aggressive than I am!"
"That's... not true..."
Here's the extended promo for episode 12 of Space Dandy
Didn't get any replies to my post on episode 11 so I'm going to pimp it out one more time since everyone was left thoroughly mindfucked by it and I'd love to stimulate some discussion.
Here's the extended promo for episode 12 of Space Dandy
Didn't get any replies to my post on episode 11 so I'm going to pimp it out one more time since everyone was left thoroughly mindfucked by it and I'd love to stimulate some discussion.
I think its funny, in the same post where you say you're accepting that Dandy is episodic and has no continuity, you get excited because this show seems to hint at the bigger continuity. Just thought I'd point that out![]()
I feel like there's only been a few episodes that fit into traditional narrative structure anyway. Mostly Dandy episodes seem to consist of "This. And then this happened. And then this happened. Then this happened. Wasn't that weird?"
I'm begrudgingly accepting that there's no continuity and warming up to that kind of series; I still prefer an overarching storyline though!
Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope by the end all this talk of Dandy being the chosen one or some kind of over arching story is a troll and all of these adventures are just Dandy doing an Usopp to some chicks at boobies to explain how all this shit happened and he "got better" lol
I actually got mad reading this
I actually got mad reading this
Its still weird seeing Nicktoon instead of the Cartoon Network logo.
Not every anime needs a overarching story, anime fans have alot of trouble accepting this from what I noticed.
Not every anime needs a overarching story, anime fans have alot of trouble accepting this from what I noticed.
Tumblr filters and DRRR, together at last.
Not every anime needs a overarching story, anime fans have alot of trouble accepting this from what I noticed.
So I'm watching to watch FMA 2003 and to be honest so far I agree with BassForever. I think the Shou Tucker storyline was better in the 2009 version, much more grim directing.
Yo fuck you Bishop.
*fma brofist gif*
Subtle but powerful > over the top in your face grim dark
Don't forget the random super BDFF spoiler. ;____________;
I WAS ONLY ON CHAPTER 1. Now why am I gonna play the game? GAMEPLAY?!!?Don't forget the random super BDFF spoiler. ;____________;
Don't forget the random super BDFF spoiler. ;____________;
I'm reading through the Titanfall delay thread on the gaming side and sheesh, people can be pretty mean to other users. I don't post on that part of the board very often but that will probably change once I get my PS4; is it always nasty over there? I'm hoping it'll mellow out once the 'console warz' thing ends.
Back on topic, do we have any idea when the Space Dandy replacement is getting announced? I tried to look at the TV listings but it only goes until Monday 3/31. Attack on Titan is the favorite, right? Any clue on when Dandy would return?
These seem like the most likely scenarios
1- Dandy repeats in that slot, s2 simulairs in the summer, AoT replaces it in the fall or is Bleach's replacement
2- AoT takes over Dandy's spot, Dandy slides down to 2:30 to repeat bumping naruto and gits down and bumping fma:b out of the line up. Line up shuffles again in the summer when its time for dandy s2 to simulair
I imagine next week if it doesn't leak saturday they'll announce when AoT is gonna air on Toonami at anime con even if its not for awhile
So is Black Lagoon sliding into the 2AM spot?
Yeah makes sense to keep the shonen block from 12-2
Cool, I think we could see a nice ratings boost with a premier that far back. Maybe it'll convince those ~60K viewers who drop off after Shippuden to stick around for One Piece and we'll get a quad mil or penta mil.
Bones Eater was a premier as well at 2pm fwiw