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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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I love to just imagine Tuxedo Mask is just passing through always, my favorite times so far though were
him coming in out of nowhere in a floating bus and the other time in which he literally did nothing to help, picked up one of the crystals and was just like "later bicthes"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Tuxedo Mask stalks Sailor Moon just waiting for a barrier to come up so he can shatter it with a rose. He'd be insanely useful in the Inuyasha world. Moonlight Knight is a Mystic Knight from FFV, good on any Fiesta team.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
A Shino episode? What's next a Twenty mini-arc?

A five episode arc of Hinata, Naruto, Choji that will last all work week.
You can post now, haha.

Jeebus christ my phone/mobile gaf piss me off I had this whole thing typed up but then it freaked out and I lost all of it.

Tl;dr version is why does the rules of the gate change in fma 03? Early on we establish the gate has some kind of sentience which enables it to take the body parts of the alchemist who do human transmutation in exchange for access to all the knowledge and then uses the failed remains to create a homonculi. That's all good and makes sense, but then where the hell does the other world shit fit into it. Later on the series establishes that when fma world does alchemy it pull from the energy of the other world, and ed and hoehnhiem end up in our world when they pass through the gate a second time. If the gate was just a door that's make sense, but its established the gate has sentience, why would it let anyone pass from one world to another? If human transmutation opens the door wouldn't it just pull the alchemist into the other world instead? Trapping them in a world with no alchemy seems to make a lot more sense and would make more sense why human transmutation became taboo.

What it comes down to is that I think fma 03's story would have been better served being completely removed from fma at all as most of its problems come out when it tries to tie its own ideas into the ideas established in the manga. I would like to see a Summer Wars take on FMA 03 by bones because then I feel they could structure the story better around the two world mechanic.

And yes that is the short version, my original post had episode numbers and quotes and shit (work was really slow today)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The gate itself might not be sentient like in FMA:B, more like a group of evil spirits who in turn become part of the homonculi when they are created. While in that universe they retain most of the memories and maybe even the soul of the people brought back to life there is another part of them that just hungers for more philosopher's stone, more life essence. The truth as it is is likely just the memories of uncountable loss souls trapped in this nexus of all possible realities or something, likely considering the reaction of everyone passing through the gate for the first time is a knowledge overload. It could quite possibly be hell or purgatory.

When Ed and Mister Ho are sent through the gate, presumably for the second time for both, it is by a specific act done by Dante and not the normal pay the toll, get to see "the truth" and get clap alchemy and your very own homonculi.
The gate itself might not be sentient like in FMA:B, more like a group of evil spirits who in turn become part of the homonculi when they are created. While in that universe they retain most of the memories and maybe even the soul of the people brought back to life there is another part of them that just hungers for more philosopher's stone, more life essence. The truth as it is is likely just the memories of uncountable loss souls trapped in this nexus of all possible realities or something, likely considering the reaction of everyone passing through the gate for the first time is a knowledge overload. It could quite possibly be hell or purgatory.

When Ed and Mister Ho are sent through the gate, presumably for the second time for both, it is by a specific act done by Dante and not the normal pay the toll, get to see "the truth" and get clap alchemy and your very own homonculi.

Still though under your suggestion wouldn't the spirits in the gate tear apart Ed and Ho for their life energy instead of just watching then get flung into our world? Also if they want more life essence why let the knowledge overflow happen, why does it let them gain the power to transmute without a circle? Also when did Dante figure out she could manually open the gate?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
People retain different bits of knowledge after going through the gate. Ed for example figures out the proper array to do the big switch at the end. Dante either learned it from the gate or figured it out in her hundreds of years of research, she is the second most accomplished alchemist in the world after all and the expert on Homonculi.

If the theory holds that they are tortured souls from hell or whatever they might want a chance at a real life again besides just the insatiable lust for life. Either that or like many literary demons/spirits they seem honor bound to live up to their end of the bargain when a human transmutation is envoked. (Ed and Al still got ROBBED though in either universe, everyone else gave up one body part or a philosopher's stone, Al gave his entire body and Ed still had to give something)
People retain different bits of knowledge after going through the gate. Ed for example figures out the proper array to do the big switch at the end. Dante either learned it from the gate or figured it out in her hundreds of years of research, she is the second most accomplished alchemist in the world after all and the expert on Homonculi.

If the theory holds that they are tortured souls from hell or whatever they might want a chance at a real life again besides just the insatiable lust for life. Either that or like many literary demons/spirits they seem honor bound to live up to their end of the bargain when a human transmutation is envoked. (Ed and Al still got ROBBED though in either universe, everyone else gave up one body part or a philosopher's stone, Al gave his entire body and Ed still had to give something)

Again it feels like the reasons for things just changed for plot convenience and not for good story telling. I have no problem with the gate being largely as you say, but its forever hurt by the fact its tied into the other world plot line. Even if you ignore Shamballa (which I'm not) it still has no place in the story outside of giving us a grim dark ending of ed and al being WORLDS APART!

Honestly fma 03 would be 10x better with that plot line cut, instead they should have just had Ed give up his alchemy powers to bring Al back after Al had used the stone/himself to revive Ed. It honestly feels like the other world plot line was thrown in at the last minute to enable a movie to be the finale of the series. I know you say "herp derp ignore shamballa" but I can't its that bad and it massively hurts the overall quality of FMA 03's story.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Nah I like the other world concept a ton. That's where they are getting the energy from. The energy was always the missing component in "equivalent exchange" after all and a bunch of souls of the dead sound like a great fantasy show source of energy that meshes perfectly with the philosopher's stone's origin.

Meanwhile FMA:B never really explains where the energy from Alchemy comes from, only that Father can stop it and that philosopher's stones work the same way in both versions.
Nah I like the other world concept a ton. That's where they are getting the energy from. The energy was always the missing component in "equivalent exchange" after all and a bunch of souls of the dead sound like a great fantasy show source of energy that meshes perfectly with the philosopher's stone's origin.

Meanwhile FMA:B never really explains where the energy from Alchemy comes from, only that Father can stop it and that philosopher's stones work the same way in both versions.

It is explained in brotherhood, it comes from the gate that is inside everyone which is connected back to the main gate which is where truth/god/the world is. This also ties into fma manga/brotherhoods theme of alchemist playing god and being closest to god which is established in chapter 1 (or episode 3 cause brotherhood opening fail). Alchemist learn to tap into the gate inside themselves to borrow the energy they need to do alchemy. The only real difference is that in manga/brotherhood the energy comes from truth/god/world where as in fma 03 it comes from another world.

But that doesn't make sense either, because what the hell is "energy" in fma 03? The life force of the person from the other world? Why can't fma world alchemist just use their own life energy? Also why can't people in our world do alchemy then why does energy only flow one way? This isn't tales their isn't some mana mcguffin that only exists on one side of the gate it's just energy. Also in fma 03 its established that years ago the few alchemist were treated like witches so this boom of alchemy is fairly recent, how does a recent boom cause wars and shit in the other world?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It doesn't cause shit to happen in our world, it just uses the residual soul energy for alchemy.

Also you just reminded me that Dante somehow figures out that everyone has a gate/link to the gate in FMA '03 (and that it's most powerful/easiest to summon forth when the soul is freshest, which is why she wants that baby!) It's all a big metaphor in both universes really, just that they both happened to figure out practical uses for it.

The big thing to remember about FMA '03 is that it's presented as a parallel world to our own where the only difference is that hedge magic evolved into alchemy in their world (and dante/mister ho wiped out Christianity in its infancy to make the first philosopher's stone) and in our world it died out and was replaced by science. Actions from one world don't change the other and it's only poetic license that Ed loses his arm and his leg in our world, not some weird balance issue (otherwise real world Ed would have lost his limbs three years ago and not when Alchemy Ed showed up in his body)
I think I agree with Bass that the concept of fma 3s end would work pretty well done again as a standalone thing thats more nuanced and worked out.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ






"See ya, Taro Tanaka!"
It doesn't cause shit to happen in our world, it just uses the residual soul energy for alchemy.

Also you just reminded me that Dante somehow figures out that everyone has a gate/link to the gate in FMA '03 (and that it's most powerful/easiest to summon forth when the soul is freshest, which is why she wants that baby!) It's all a big metaphor in both universes really, just that they both happened to figure out practical uses for it.

The big thing to remember about FMA '03 is that it's presented as a parallel world to our own where the only difference is that hedge magic evolved into alchemy in their world (and dante/mister ho wiped out Christianity in its infancy to make the first philosopher's stone) and in our world it died out and was replaced by science. Actions from one world don't change the other and it's only poetic license that Ed loses his arm and his leg in our world, not some weird balance issue (otherwise real world Ed would have lost his limbs three years ago and not when Alchemy Ed showed up in his body)

But where does that energy come from? Why does it come from the other world? Its not like alchemy is switching an item from one world with an item from another, they're using another worlds energy to deconstruct and reconstruct atoms. If it's just soul energy that comes from the gate in everyone then why the heck does it leech from another world? Basically world a gives energy to world b so people in world b can remake things however they want YAY equivalency! World a does not get any equivilient exchange they just get boned. And heck the fma 03 world does have technology its just not as advanced as the stuff in our world but there was nothing to stop it from becoming that advanced in the future. Trains, cars, and phones are things invented out of the science boom in Europe, but oh wait that didn't happen in the fma 03 world because Alchemy, but its there all right. I guess someone must have brought those over from our world. It's not really parallel worlds then and it means that people in our world should still be able to do alchemy as you're just borrowing soul energy from the world opposite yours. It's not like in the manga/brotherhood where Ed gives up his gate he just literally can't use alchemy because "oh this world has technology not alchemy" when that shouldn't stop him at all.

Again if you want to make a one world has technology one has magic that's fine, but be consistent with it. Bones take on the story didn't work because the original fma world is set in a what if version of our world where people discover the ability to do alchemy along with the technology they were developing.

Spoilers for Tales of Xillia below please do not read if you care about that games story and haven't finished it

Xillia is a decent example of what I'm talking about, everything in rieze maxia has a magic/spirit reason behind how it works and everything elympios has a technology reason behind how it works. We see how radically different these worlds are and a great deal of the plot comes from the two sides not understanding the powers of the other side. People from elympios can't use magic because they lost that ability and even when they go to rieze maxia and learn how magic works they can't cast it because of the way they are born (no mana lobes).

End of xillia spoilers

That is what fma 03 should have done if they wanted to have a split world story line. The problem was it was still tied to the original story they had been adapting up to that point and that original story had a mix of technology and alchemy. Fuck the car was invented in 1886 and the plane was invented less then 20 years later, fma 03's world has cars the only thing it doesn't have are planes and nukes (and nazi robots lolol)... This isn't fucking parallel worlds at all, heck there isn't anything remotely equivalent about it its just one world where everything is awesome and another world where they give up alchemy for 20-40 years ahead on technology. Again it doesn't work at all like people try to argue, its just an excuse world to separate the brothers at the end of the series.
Tomorrow I'm going to write up my "how fma 03 should have gone to better incorporate the other world mechanic it tries to establish" have some interesting ideas but I don't want to try typing it all on my phone

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Laughing Shino"


Shino is walking down a dirt road when we hear Naruto's voice from somewhere behind. He wants to take a break. They've been walking all day and he's tired. Shino says if he has enough energy to complain he has enough energy to keep on walking. Naruto curses his luck for being stuck on a mission alone with him. An old lady approaches going the other way and Naruto asks if they are getting close to Motoyoshi village. The old lady (voiced by Steve Blum, I'm sure of it) tells them that the village is just over the rise. Naruto is relieved but the old lady warns them to be careful. Motoyoshi is a place where even the dead laugh. If they start laughing they'll be finished and she starts cackling. Uh oh, non comedic crow as they look down on the village and a narration by Naruto begins. They didn't know what they were getting themselves into at Motoyoshi village, they didn't even know what the mission was, that should have given them a clue that things were about to get scary.


The two genin are praying at the funeral alter of some man. Their client comes in and introduces himself, Futa Kagetsu, the chief mourner. The boys introduce themselves. The man wants to get down to business and hands over the will of the deceased, Tobei (Obitoe?!?) Kagetsu, his dad. The will reads "In the event of my death Futa Kagetsu shall inherit the entire Kagetsu family estate. HOWEVER... a FLASHBACK interrupts us. Naruto and Shino are at the Hokage's office. The Kagetsu leader died and he was a wealthy land baron. She wants them to go to the funeral. A security detail. Shino wants to know why she'd send Naruto. What's that supposed to mean. Shino says he wouldn't want that goofy face showing up at his funeral. BURRRRRRNNNN. Tsunade couldn't agree more but there's no one else. Shino is placed in command and there is a reason he is well qualified for this assignment. Shizune goes on saying this mission has some odd requirements and Tsunade says he'll understand when he reads the will, which happens right now. If Futa, the chief mourner and inheritor, laughs at all during the funeral he forfeits all rights and it will be divided among the rest of the family. The mountain lands of the estate are rich in medicinal herbs and he'll be very wealthy if he successfully makes his claim.


His family will do everything in their power to make him laugh! He doesn't think he has the strength! You can see where this is going. There's a loophole in the will, he can use a stand in. That's why he hired the Leaf and that's why humorless Shino is perfect for the job. Naruto reassures him that Shino never laughs. A young girl named Mai tells Futa it is dinner time. Mai is his youngest sister and looked after the old man in his last days. He introduces Shino and Naruto. Around the dinner table Naruto is about to dig in when Shino volunteers to act as a taster. Are you suggesting poison? Well, better safe than sorry. Shino is immune to poison because of his parasitic insects or so he claims. Shino breaks into a smirk and a quick ha-ha escapes his lips. Naruto guesses it is alright until he does a double take. SHINO NEVER LAUGHS. He stands up from the table as Shino breaks into laughter.


The food was poisoned! Futa says Shino must be in good spirits so the food is probably great. Naruto warns him off, Shino doesn't act like this ever. Shino slams his fists on the table and grits his teeth, the food has a laughing drug in it. Who the heck prepared this food? Mai did but the door to the kitchen is never locked. Someone must have done it. Shino says the drug has overcome his insects, which are shown laughing inside of him. Shino says there's no time to get another humorless person from the leaf so Naruto will have to do the deed. Naruto is the new substitute Soul Reaper Chief Mourner. No way. Futa doesn't know if he's the man for the job and Naruto has the same concerns. Shino laughs through the entire night.


The next morning dawns and Naruto and Futa are in traditional black morning attire. The first of Futa's relatives arrives, it's his sister Tsukiko. Of course she'd be here early for her father's funeral. She asks who Naruto is and he claims not to be feeling well so Naruto is his stand in. He's just staying long enough to greet everyone. She slyly mentions how troublesome the will is and offers Naruto good luck for his attempt to not laugh. She's the next oldest and married into a rich family, but she still wants the estate. Shino is watching over from a nearby tree and notices how greedy everyone's eyes look.


The funeral is about to begin and Naruto is already in trouble when the monk arrives. He almost loses it when he loses a hair from his head. This wasn't the monk Futa met before. He stifles that but almost loses it when the ceremony begins and he loses another hair...and HE BREAKS! Luckily at the exact same time a bucket falls outside and no one notices. The wind saved him. The sister accuses him of beginning to laugh but Mai says he didn't. Naruto notices the bugs coming from the bucket and thanks Shino.


Mai tells everyone that they can come up one by one. This guy goes first. The next guy named Kiyoyasui has a trick that never fails and everyone is waiting for it.


Sorry, hay fever. Pretty good. He sucks it up and then it comes out the other nose. Naruto is holding his breath and banging his head against the floor and then begins pinching his thigh. The evil eldest sister thinks he is a harder nut to crack. Shino is meanwhile following the old women from yesterday when he notices Mai coming up to her. The next man does a silly dance but Naruto is fairing better. The old women hands Mai a jar and says that if she puts a drop of this into everyone's tea it "will all be over." Yes but, take it Mai it will work. Shino laughs and says not so fast. He heard everything!


Naruto has already withstood most of the freak show. The sister wants to know how Naruto made it to the end. Naruto thanks everyone as chief mourner for coming. Mission accomplished. Once the priest leaves, the funeral is over. Not so fast, the evil sister wants her husband to say something.


Oh my. Thanks for the great funeral! That was the bestest funeral ever. The wife sprays the eyes and the face starts crying. Naruto tries all his tricks, holding his breath, pinching his thigh and then decides to think of something sad.


Wrong, not pervy sage. The face is melting. The wife takes off her husband's toupee to reveal another face. Futa has lost it. Naruto must be next. Naruto is about to crack when a noise from the front of the funeral shocks the evil sister with its mad cackling laughter.


The old man is alive. Not only that he hired stand ins to represent his own children when they were young, teaching them that a family shouldn't fight, they should laugh. He makes a silly gong song and everyone starts laughing, Naruto included. The kids have a moment where they remember how funny the old man was. The old women appears with Mai and says this is what he wanted to see all along.


It's the real not dead old man! Shino was the fake old man! The dad begs forgiveness and says that Mai helped him stage the whole thing. The kids ask why he did it. He did it to remind them of the good times where they all laughed together before they were rich. When they learned the herbs were valuable everything changed and they became greedy, not even smiling anymore. He wanted a smile and if he made a ridiculous will everyone would try to make Futa laugh, and the fake laughs would turn into real laughs. Futa remembers those times and agrees with his father. Evil sister is not so evil anymore and winks at her brother, saying it'll be a nice change to not be so worried about money. Futa wants to see this as she's always been greedy and she starts coming up with her own gong song, which everyone starts laughing at.


The old man sees the two young boys off and shows them the experimental laughing drug. He knew his son would find a humorless person to be his substitute so he wanted to test it on that person before giving it to his family at the post funeral tea as a last resort. But then Shino found them in the woods and mentioned that chemically induced laughter isn't from the heart and is instead a state of living agony. The two depart and Naruto asks if they really accomplished their mission. Shino thinks the Fifth knew all along what the real mission was. Naruto then asks the important question; did Shino come up with that Ding dong song all by himself? Shino grabs him by the collar and threatens Naruto. Not a word. It never happened. Understand? Right, never happened as the comedy crow comes out and Naruto says Shino was a joy to work with as the episode ends.

NEXT EPISODE: "Open for Business! The Leaf Moving Service"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The funniest episodes of filler hell so far are the Fake Lee and Guy episode, this one, the Onbaa episode, and possibly another episode that airs this week.

None of them have anything on the king of king comedy episode that I covered on a snow day a few months ago, the Kakashi mask episode.

EDIT: OH FUCK I FORGOT HOW GOOD THE EPISODE IS NEXT Toonamihangoverday. I will wake up and do that one right away.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Tomorrow I will start my assault campaign to bring Durarara!! season 2 to Toonami. Weekly tweets every Monday to key voice actors like Steve Blum as well as the official AS account and the Lich King himself.

I will do this every week until DRR s2 is confirmed for Toonami.

I may be doing this alone but I feel as if I were apart of Saika herself. We are legion. We cannot be stopped. We will succeed.



ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Obviously I don't expect them to announce it, like, tomorrow. But if I make some noise now and keep at it, then it'll be in their minds for whenever they do consider it (which will probably be a year from now, if we're being optimistic.)

Obviously best case is a Space Dandy-like simulcast situation but DRRR didn't get fantastic ratings (not dissimilar from almost all AS anime in the several years before Toonami) so that's a way, way outside chance.


Remember the gaffer who manually copied in a signature into his posts? I think he only lasted a couple threads until he was banned.


Remember the gaffer who manually copied in a signature into his posts? I think he only lasted a couple threads until he was banned.

Yep. My second favorite, after that guy who pretended to be Japanese, was caught, denied, was given proof, and then posted a crazy message about how he would return and then posted a whole chapter of a Halo novel
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