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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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If I had a sig it might be Gund~uguu~m.



Gives all the fucks
If I didn't already switch to my new avatar a few days ago, I'd totally make one of SERIOUS DANDY. Maybe later this year.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Yep. My second favorite, after that guy who pretended to be Japanese, was caught, denied, was given proof, and then posted a crazy message about how he would return and then posted a whole chapter of a Halo novel

My favorite was that guy who was in ToonamiGAF and other anime threads pretending to be Jerry Jewel for a few weeks.


Sorry, totally forgot the thread about a guy who kept detailed notes about masturbation, and SolidusDave started making charts and doing data analysis on it. I have no idea what the thread was though

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Open for Business! The Leaf Moving Service"


A castle on a layer cake like plateau is burning. Some purple haired goobers are watching the place. It's the Land of Greens. Sure doesn't look like much, but it's a start. Half of the village officials have been bought and paid for and when they give the signal the castle will be overthrown from within. By day's end they will be feudal lords and the brothers like the sound of that.


Tsunade is playing with her rookie pogs. No matter what combination she tries she can't find a leader for a mission she has accepted. Shizune says it is only escort duty for a caravan of merchants, they can handle it fine. She's not worried about the difficulty but about impressing the client, the Land of Greens hired them and the Lord was very good to her once. Shizune remembers him paying off one of the fifth's gigantic gambling debt, and ethers her with the barb that she wasn't sure he was doing Tsunade a favor. Tsunade is lost in her thoughts though; the Land of Greens is a nice little place, lovely and peaceful. She remembers a young princess with two foolish ninja bodyguards, both fighting over Tsunade's love. They must be all grown up now but Shizune tells her not to hold her breath.


The caravan is trundling along. They'll cross the border soon. We also find which impressive team Tsunade sent out. It's Naruto, hooting over his real mission, Hinata trailing along behind urging Naruto not to go so fast and our man Choji. Naruto doesn't hear her though and goes on about how this is the first real mission in ages, no more stupid chores around the village. He was sick of hearing about everyone's adventures. Choji tells him not to get too excited, this is a basic escort duty for some merchants. Naruto thinks that is fine; they'll just make up a story of a thousand bandits attacking them... so he can brag about it, says Choji. Naruto catches up to the caravan and tells them to hold up. They pull up and ask who the three are. They are hear to help if they are the caravan from the Land of Greens. They are. From where? He points to the head band, Leaf Village baby. They are here to protect them from bandits. The caravan says it is true and Naruto makes formal introductions for Hinata. Choji also gives his full name, Choji Akamichi. Hinata presents a bundle from the Hokage as a final piece of identification, which a young scamp takes and opens on top of a cart. An old lady chides the young girl Momiji but the girl says it must be true after opening it, revealing a jacket that says "Leaf Village Moving Service" Choji and Naruto are not impressed but the caravan laughs. The leader introduces himself as Kikusuke, the man in the chef's hat is Yurinoshin and the
obviously another disguised daughter of the feudal lord like the last time this happened
totally manly man behind them is Shun. Momiji says she is glad they came, they always need more pushers.


They are not impressed but lo Naruto and Choji are pushing the carts. Momiji says Choji sure eats a lot, that's why he's so fa...earlessly strong as Choji glares. Choji changes his tune and offers her some chips. Momiji likes strong people to which Choji claims this ain't shit and begins pushing the cart so fast that the man pulling it is lifted off his feet. Naruto is with a big cart alongside Yurinoshin and Shun trailing behind. Choji is a show off but Shun chides him, less talk, more pushing, they are behind schedule. Hinata is silent besides him but Naruto tells Shun he is not used to being a pack mule and why isn't Shun pushing. Kikusuke says he can't and Yurinoshin says their cousin Shun is in poor health. Shun smugly says that nothing that idiot could say would offend him and that good for nothing boys like him are always finding excuses. Naruto takes this about as you'd expect and begins pushing the cart all on his own at a high rate of speed. They stop up ahead and Hinata is worried that they might have pushed too hard. Kikusuke tells him to forget about Shun's rudeness and offers him some water, but it's empty. So is Naruto's but Momiji claims to have the cold stuff right here. Naruto is surprised, how did she find water in a place like this? Her grandma taught her and grannie steps forward with two dousing rods. Concentrate on what you are looking for and they react when you get close to it. It's a trick passed down the generations. Naruto lost some money the other day so he'd love to learn it as he passes the sack to Kikusuke, who takes a sip. Not as sweet as the water of the Land of Greens, and Naruto inquires what the LoG is like. It's a small place says Yurinoshin and says it was like a paradise on earth, everyone living in harmony. Hinata notices the was and Naruto follows up on it. Yurin tries to backpedal but Naruto wonders why they need outside protection. Shun steps up and says they took peace for granted so they lost it. Naruto wants to know what that means. Shun says peace seems like a great thing but it makes people soft and unprepared. In times like these you'd be a fool not to expect the worst out of people. One of the gray haired old women tells him off saying that he shouldn't disrespect their feudal lord like that, they were just passing through. Shun laughs and returns to the road. Naruto says he has a serious attitude problem and asks his cousins to teach him some manners. They offer excuses instead, he's had a tough time. Choji notices Momiji running off along the raised roadside she was on and tells her to be careful as she approaches the cliff side. She points out that over the hills there are large plumes of smoke and asks what that is. He calls for Naruto and says that's where the Land of Greens is. Naruto is going to investigate and Choji tells the girl not to worry the caravan by telling them and she promises to keep the secret. Hinata asks where Naruto is and he claims the bathroom while the cousins exchange knowing looks.


Momiji is riding on top of the carts again but is out of chips. Shun offers her a new bag...but only if she tells what she saw up there. She gives it up right away, black smoke rising from the Land of Greens. Yurin calls Shun my lord and says it is finally come. Naruto meanwhile is reading a map when a bunch of ninja stars come flying towards him, who's there? What's the big idea? A voice comes from the brush saying that judging by the headband he must be a leaf ninja. Naruto counters saying its a headband not a target and what's to know what gripe he has with him. The chatty mystery man says that the ones they want are coming and Naruto got in the way, and those that get in the way must die! Paper Bomb.


Naruto escapes before taking a bunch of shuriken in the back! Two purple haired ninja from the opening show up to look at the body.


Of course its a log created substitution jutsu. He's up there. A jacketless flight of Naruto shadow clones head for the two ninja who split up, as do the shadow clones following them. One of them turns and cuts through the shadow clones with some fancy sword work while the other jumps up and kills a few with shuriken and then with his sword. Two Naruto are back to back, these jokers are pretty good. Only two left so one of them must be real as both of the bad guys throw shuriken at the two Naruto...


Who disappear and the shurikens plunge into the two bad guys. Naruto tells them too bad, they were off by one as he heads back to warn the others. Choji asks what he has found when he returns. Trouble. He tells everyone to take a break and the three have a powow. Hinata goes over what Naruto said. They're from the Land of Greens and want to stop this caravan, but why, they are just traveling merchants which were treated nicely by the LoG. Naruto doesn't know and Choji asks what are they going to do. Naruto wants to stop these bad guys but Hinata brings up the fact that the caravan is full of old people and children, which Naruto forgot. Choji has an idea, go around the trouble instead of threw it. Choji thinks they're probably not the real target and should just go around and Naruto agrees while the idiot music starts playing. Just take a different route. Change of plans everyone, we're going a different way to avoid some nasty ninja. The people don't know what to say to this and Hinata thinks he could have phrased it better. Choji pipes up and says not to worry, the ninja aren't after you but we'll take a different route to avoid any complications by taking the side trail, it's out of the way but better safe than sorry.


Three of the evil ninja are in the feudal lord's palace. Is this all the treasure, what kind of feudal lord was he? One too nice to line his pockets says the leader, but that all changes right now. More importantly, any sign of the girl yet? No but two of the ninja they sent out were attacked so they know the direction. The girl alone is not enough, if any of the rest get away they might get a hold of reinforcements from another land. If only the sun was up longer he could have burned the entire mountain with his jutsu. One of the other ninja spins his tonfa and says leave it to him. Someone is coming up the stars and begs the pardon of Lord Renga. All of the people who've pledged loyalty to him are gathered. Good, without turncoats like yourself he never would have breached the castle so easily. Two of the evil ninja excuse themselves saying they want to greet their new supporters and the turncoat stays to ask Renga about the reward. He can take as much of the booty as he likes. He thanks the new lord and his generosity and begins stuffing treasure into the sack, not noticing Renga standing up and grabbing a sword. "Isn't it funny how some people are gullible and so easy to deceive?" You can say that again, oh wise one, the previous feudal lord was an idiot. Don't stuff too much treasure in there, you might way down the ferry boat to oblivion. You're quite right, only a fool would trust a fat greedy weasel who already betrayed one master. He had him gather everyone together so he could kill them and Renga gives his reward.


Hinata has set up an early warning system while the two cousins talk. There can be no doubt about it, they are being hunted and Yurin must protect lady Haruna. What is K man going to do? There's too many to defend in the caravan so he is going on the offensive. Yurin tells him there are three rogue ninja of unknown strength following them. He knows but he is confident in his jutsu. Shun tells Kikunojou good luck and to go. "Thank you...Lady Haruna." Well I'll be damned. Hinata comes jumping back, she tells Naruto she set up traps. Naruto calls her a worrywart but she asks Yurin where Kikusuke went. Oh, he needed to do something. Naruto says he can't just run of whenever until it dawns on him "something he needed to do" and laughs. Hinata asks what that means and Naruto giggles, saying he needed to go water a tree. Oh Naruto, she says. K-man is running, thinking he will protect lady Haruna with his life and avoiding some shuriken as Tonfa man shows up. He's Ruiga and he didn't expect for the quarry to come to him, quite bold. She must be in the caravan. K-man wonders where the others are and says he can beat one rouge ninja with his Flower Ninja Art.


Flower Shuriken. Flying Flowers: Falling Foliage. Ruiga blocks them easily but the attack continues to keep him in place as K-man circles behind him. Flower Ninja Art: Release! Myriad of Flowers. It's raining flower bombs. Ninja Art: Mirror Flower Water Moon! It shoots a stream of petals at the not very well blown up Ruiga, who laughs at this latest Genjutsu which he dismisses easily. But wait trails of fire are coming in from all sides. Flower Ninja Art: Bloom! Myriad of Flowers. Big kaboom this time as Naruto, Yurin and "Shun" stop when they hear it.


Nope. Ruiga laughs and says if this was a garden party your Flower Jutsu would take first prize but is useless against him. Water Style: Liquid Memory as bubbles rise up and the episode ends.

NEXT EPISODE: "Mystery of the Targeted Merchants"
Isn't that getting cancelled though?

Yeah but they could have done a Bleach/Fairy Tail/InuYasha and just had the plot stop at the
time skip
which they were pretty close to instead of giving the series some kind of filler conclusion just to wrap it up. It's being replaced by DBZ Kai Buu Saga in Japan so I would have assumed they'd just resume the series Toriko Z style or something after the time skip in a year..... who knows if we'll ever see Toriko's
second half


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Isn't that getting cancelled though?

The anime's last arc is the Cooking Festival, which was the last arc in the manga before the
. From what I've read, it goes in a very different direction.

No idea if it's coming back.


Yeah but they could have done a Bleach/Fairy Tail/InuYasha and just had the plot stop at the
time skip
which they were pretty close to instead of giving the series some kind of filler conclusion just to wrap it up. It's being replaced by DBZ Kai Buu Saga in Japan so I would have assumed they'd just resume the series Toriko Z style or something after the time skip in a year..... who knows if we'll ever see Toriko's
second half

Shueisha is finally giving up on Toriko being the next One Piece?!?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
To be fair, the Toriko anime kind of sucked. It removed all the violence, making some of the more brutal moments really lame (like Toriko vs Tommyrodd). They also added Tina, the less said about her the better.

I guess the next property for them to push to try and be the next big thing will be World Trigger as it's survived for over a year now

Probably not...
World Trigger is mediocre as hell, and it barely moves volumes.

We're more likely to see a push of High Kyu, AssClass, or Soma. I haven't read High Kyu but it's popular so that's more likely.
Hell, I see Isobe getting a big push before World Trigger does.
To be fair, the Toriko anime kind of sucked. It removed all the violence, making some of the more brutal moments really lame (like Toriko vs Tommyrodd). They also added Tina, the less said about her the better.

Probably not...
World Trigger is mediocre as hell, and it barely moves volumes.

We're more likely to see a push of High Kyu, AssClass, or Soma. I haven't read High Kyu but it's popular so that's more likely.
Hell, I see Isobe getting a big push before World Trigger does.

You mean Haikyu? I don't think they're gonna push a sports manga the same way they push something like a shonen fight series.
I've read the title both ways.

I don't think I've ever seen it that way lol

But still even looking at sales for 2013 manga http://www.saiyanisland.com/2013/12/top-selling-manga-in-2013/

Not only does Toriko sell better then Haikyu, Bleach and Gintama do as well. Obviously Haikyuu will get an anime bump from the fujoshi that help sell it but I don't see it getting a much bigger bump then Nisekoi has from it's anime. Ass Class and Soma seem more likely for anime that could really help push their already fairly popular series to the next level


AssClass probably needs some sort of genera/plot change if it wants to last for years. HQ is sports, and has a large bit of popularity from the Fujoshi crowd. I like World Trigger, but it's art and blandness is going to keep it at the level it's at. And Soma is a Food Smut.
So while looking back though Toonami GAF's history apparently I have been around since the beginning, I've actually posted in every single OT at least once except for the 3rd one which is a surprise to me I don't remember that at all lol


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
guys why is Rick and Morty so good

Dan Harmon is a genius
And Justin Roiland is amazing.

So while looking back though Toonami GAF's history apparently I have been around since the beginning, I've actually posted in every single OT at least once except for the 3rd one which is a surprise to me I don't remember that at all lol

It wasn't you, it was a Chameleonian.
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