Doctor Decimate
wonder how long the InuYasha deal was
wonder how long the InuYasha deal was
Well when did they announce it was coming back/premiered on newnami and when did it end? There is your answer![]()
DeMarco has a tweet that says this particular deal was "years and years ago", so i guess it restarting on Toonami after a hiatus was just a coincidence (unless his definition of "years and years" is "two").
Well when did they announce it was coming back/premiered on newnami and when did it end? There is your answer![]()
DeMarco has a tweet that says this particular deal was "years and years ago", so i guess it restarting on Toonami after a hiatus was just a coincidence (unless his definition of "years and years" is "two").
yeah you should def read the last like 3 or 4 pages bass, we talk about your favorite thing![]()
Whoops had to miss a week. Was at home with a crappy connection and Ive already established that I dont have cable.
Will catch up on Brotherhood, Samurai Jack and Space Dandy this week.
I'm not caught up on,the first 3 shows(not really sure i want to) and I'm not sure I like Blue Exorcist yet.You've already seen bleach/shippuden/onepiece/blueexorcist?
Something seems fishy about GMN today.
I'm not caught up on,the first 3 shows(not really sure i want to) and I'm not sure I like Blue Exorcist yet.
Will have to watch a few more episodes first.
Long behind the chat, but Eureka's Toonami run wasn't on its original deal. Its original deal was a two year contract that expired in 2008. They made a new deal to bring it back because 1) they still had the tapes and 2) they liked it.
They just made the new deal RIGHT BEFORE Bandai went dark. And by "right before," I mean Eureka debuted on Toonami 2 weeks before Bandai announced it was ceasing all distribution a few months later.
Shipudden: It's sad that we are 9 episodes in and we are still really "setting up" this arc. Reminder, the arc is 32 episodes.
Yeah, out of those three, That's the one show I would consider going back and looking at all of the episodes. It's also one that I enjoy watching.Well if you're gonna pick one pick One Piece, trust us its good if you're enjoying fma so far you'll like one piece
Yeah, out of those three, That's the one show I would consider going back and looking at all of the episodes. It's also one that I enjoy watching.
Shipudden: It's sad that we are 9 episodes in and we are still really "setting up" this arc. Reminder, the arc is 32 episodes.
It's funny because of all the shows I've seen more than once (Inuyasha, Samurai Jack, GITS:SAC, FMA:B, Naruto, One Piece, Naruto Shippuden) I'm enjoying Jack the least so far. Meanwhile I can watch these episodes of Naruto and One Piece and GITS and Inuyasha over and over again without getting bored.
Still got two weeks until I've seen every episode of IGPX, though I've seen the ending of season 2 a ton.
I think this summer I'm going to catch up on Bleach dub.
Luckily it picks up at the end of next episode for a bit, then slows down slowly after a few episodes, and then ramps up again.
Kill la Kill: 9-12
So being the spoiled Southern LA resident I am, the rainy weather gave me an excuse to be unproductive and stay indoors. Took the time to watch through these episodes Saturday morning, and I have to say, Im glad that I watched this particular group of episodes back to back. I think it must leave a much better impression than if I was to watch them separately.
Starting out, I was wondering how Ryuuko planned on pulling it off.. And episode 12 is such a loop. Of course I didnt see that coming. I dont know how to feel about that but I think it was really all pretty exciting. Damn, shit really hit the fan there and things are only going to get more dangerousShe got her ass handed to her with one elite, I couldnt imagine her fighting all 4. So it was a stupid move regardless of the outcome of ep 9 and 10 and so on. Its not like she knew that these powers were going to awaken yet shes dumbly confident. Speaking of powers, I was starting to call bullshit. So many powers out the ass, but it seem that the quick advancement will be explained or maybe already explained by episode 12. Her powers seem connected directly to her emotions. Kind of cliché but the powers a non-issue to me now that they have been explained and I enjoyed them in the end. Now I'm actually more interested to see what else they'll be able to pull off since Senketsu is not a static transformation. It could get pretty insane if all you need is a strong will and a bit of high emotions to shape the transformation
She has a great presence whenever shes on the screen and fighting because of her unique way of fighting, and of course the music makes her very distinct. Her Goku suit was pretty crazy but it made for an interesting battle.The tournaments were pretty good, I think. Her battle with Gamagoori was a tad bit on the awkwardly funny side just because of all the punishment and innuendo but exciting and it had its moments. Inumuta was pretty lame, though. I didnt really like anything about him. Glad the battle only lasted half an episode. Even his Goku uniform is a cheap ass Raiden uniform. Jakuzure was the most fun really.Then came what I thought would be the grand finale battle between Ryuuko andAround this time, Ryuuko and Senketsus asspull moves was getting pretty fun actually because I had started to enjoy the episodes for the all-out-beat-the-shit-out-of-everyone tournament it was.They were really building it up with some hype and thenSanageyama. I was a bit disapointedFrom the moment the character showed up, things got pretty insane but in a good way.Nui shows up with the revelations and shit. In the end, it was a good tradeoff, I guess. Though I dont really like Nuis character so far, when you make Satsuki get her ass down there, youre okay.
And throughout all 4 episodes, bless Makos heart.
Overall exposed count as of this episode: 64
Overall almost exposed count as of this episode: 29
Number of times to convince yourself that you really do watch it for the plot: 93
Gosh this is getting crazy. Guess that marks the end of the first half.
Correct me if I'm wrong but all of Kageroza's bs powers so far have been done without using a Bankai.
Correct me if I'm wrong but all of Kageroza's bs powers so far have been done without using a Bankai.
Mhm, though I imagine nazomi will become possessed/evil through shenanigans and it'll be her Bankai Ichigo will have to beat in the end
Nah I think she's less crazy Hexadecimal and will merge with Megabyte to form Gigabyte, a super virus.
Season one was (maybe still is) on Netflix and I enjoyed every second of it. Tons of 90's programming jokes and pop culture references though.
Glad your still enjoying it, whenshows up it lead to the most hype moment in the entire show for menui
Yeah. I am kind of shocked how extraordinarily boring it is this year.Watching the Oscars right now.
Don't ask why, but I feel like I'm supposed to be watching it for some reason. Even though I could care less and it's reeaaaaally boring.