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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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No Scrubs
U2 came out and every single person in the thread became so fucking insufferable I want to garrote all of them.

You know how GAF can be man.

Also, can I say The Wind Rises got fucking robbed. How the fuck did Frozen beat it out? The only difference between The Wind Rises and the nominees for best picture is that it is animated. If it were live action it'd not only be nominated, but a favorite to win the whole thing.

I don't feel like stepping in there, can you explain what you mean?

Basically U2 came out to do their song, GAF shit on them almost endlessly.
Also, can I say The Wind Rises got fucking robbed. How the fuck did Frozen beat it out? The only difference between The Wind Rises and the nominees for best picture is that it is animated. If it were live action it'd not only be nominated, but a favorite to win the whole thing.

Are you fucking serious? Fuck this, man.

Frozen is so overblown it's ridiculous. It's always the most overly advertised and promoted movies that win the Oscars.

No one cares about quality anymore.


You know how GAF can be man.

Also, can I say The Wind Rises got fucking robbed. How the fuck did Frozen beat it out? The only difference between The Wind Rises and the nominees for best picture is that it is animated. If it were live action it'd not only be nominated, but a favorite to win the whole thing.

Basically U2 came out to do their song, GAF shit on them almost endlessly.

Derp. For some reason I forgot U2 was a band and was confused by what U2 meant and why people were hating on it. I'm still curious about the whole "subjectivty" remark. As for why Frozen won see this woman:


I think she's awesome but she couldn't be a more ideal "self-insert" character. It's no surprise so many people all over fell in love with her and by extension the movie.


I'm so glad I don't even really know the first thing about the Oscars, besides that they are an award show for films.


I never take the Oscars seriously anymore. This isn't the first time the superior animated film lost.

I remember Caroline lost as well.

Disney power is a hell of a thing.

That said Frozen is still a good movie with some flaws but it does have some traces of classic Disney in there. Don't hate it to much because parts of GAF are a tad overzealous.


I never take the Oscars seriously anymore. This isn't the first time the superior animated film lost.

I remember Caroline lost as well.

Disney power is a hell of a thing.

That said Frozen is still a good movie with some flaws but it does have some traces of classic Disney in there. Don't hate it to much because parts of GAF are a tad overzealous.

Yeah the Oscars are whatever. Eminem has more Oscars than Alfred Hitchcock does.

It's funny because of all the shows I've seen more than once (Inuyasha, Samurai Jack, GITS:SAC, FMA:B, Naruto, One Piece, Naruto Shippuden) I'm enjoying Jack the least so far. Meanwhile I can watch these episodes of Naruto and One Piece and GITS and Inuyasha over and over again without getting bored.

Yeah sorry hehateme, but I'm finding Jack dull so far, I really like Aku though. Also,


Even got the dub names.

Shipudden: It's sad that we are 9 episodes in and we are still really "setting up" this arc. Reminder, the arc is 32 episodes.

I still think the Itachi arc is really well made and the
battle is best in the series. Don't think we'll get to that for a very long time though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Death of Naruto"


Kakashi, Neji and Twenty are looking over the Land of Birds. Kakashi says the mission is over. She asks about Naruto, will they just leave him? Neji says it is all his fault but Kakashi mentions that sacrifice is part of the shinobi way and they run off as these two weird looking fellows ooze out of the rock. The one closest to the rock asks the guy with the Kung Lao hat whose name is Nagare if he thinks they really abandoned Naruto. He says Perhaps. The other guy whose name is Hokushin is worried about the one in the mask who joined them later. Nagare says he will follow them if he's that worried. Hokushin says he will do it and for Kung Lao to report back. Moso is drinking tea and being a boss when he notices a man floating in his tea cup.


Damn ceiling ninjas, It's Kung Lao with the report. Kakashi joined the other two and they appeared to run off. Moso talks about the annoying pest that Lord Sagi took care of. Things are basically wrapped up as Kung Lao disappears.


Hokushin is following the ninjas who have been eating in a tree for half an hour when the above happens. Yeah, seems pretty suspicious to me too. He throws shuriken at them and they detransform into monkeys. Play me for a fool eh? Yep, that's what they did. Lord Komei is in his cell as some guards walk up. It's time for his execution. We head out to the execution grounds. Moso is up on the head table but some guards nod to themselves. Is a swerve a comin?


Komei is lead out and gets on his knees as Moso reads the verdict. Betrayed the former lord, conspired to kill him and his daughter, manufacturing the cursed warrior to cause panic and usurp Lord Sagi. He is a traitor who is commanded to take his own life! He laughs at this. He sees the truth at last and denounces Moso! He's activated his trap card. Moso is disappointed a warrior should die like one and orders the guards around him to help him carry out his sentence. They spring to. Komei opens his shirt and pulls out the knife, he's gonna do it. The arc of belly slitting. A headsman waits nearby to make sure no funny business goes on when suddenly a miasma appears. Is it Naraku? Is it the Hidden Mist Jutsu as one of the guards who nodded declares? It's a smoke bomb. Formalities be damned, kill the traitor as GHOST TALPA arrives on the scene and strikes the guard with the butt of his sword, then kicks two more in the face and dispatches the last guard off camera before flying away with Komei with his sweet quad kite.


Back to the three guards who nodded, one of them sounded like Kakashi...I think you know where this is going. Shadow clone pop, it's the Leaf Ninja who leap after the cursed warrior. They are in hot pursuit, Kakashi is going on ahead to check something as the cursed warrior does an aerial drop to the temple. Twenty accuses Komei of being in on it when he recognizes them as Leaf Ninja with a brief FLASHBACK. He wanted to know who the cursed warrior was that night. The thought he knew who he was and went to investigate. Tenten wants to solve the cursed warrior mystery RIGHT NOW.


He's comically begging off! Kakashi has a good seat in the trees and tells them to let it go. Where was he asks Twenty. Never mind that, go with Komei and the Cursed Warrior as Kakashi prepares for battle with an as of yet unseen adversary. He tells them to come on out! They don't. Kakashi summons Pakkun! Sniff out the hidden visitor. He finds him in the rock, It's Kung Lao who laughs that he can't hide from a dog. The gang are in the secret tunnel and Twenty wants to know what is up with it. Komei says that the feudal lords have used these tunnels to mingle with the common folk for generations and only they know about it. She thinks that means that the Cursed Warrior must be connected to the feudal lord somehow. Neji knows one thing, he isn't a ghost. Komei says he will reveal himself when the time is right.


Kung Lao and Kakashi are clashing in the courtyard. Kung Lao wants to know why a hired ninja like Kakashi is still here after the mission is complete. That's the idea, but he's not sure the mission is complete, too many loose ends. Kung Lao retorts that he stuck his nose too far into this business and should crawl on home like the dog he is. Pakkun is offended but not shocked, don't make it personal as he clamps onto Kung Lao's hand. He gets tossed off and goes for Universal Assimilation Jutsu with the rock behind him as Pakkun goes for the jugular!

He breaks his teeth! Kakashi is shook and explains the jutsu to the audience and tells Pakkun to get out of here. Assimilation Rock Tank, a copy of Human Boulder crushes Kakashi into the wall. Nope, clone. Sorry you missed as a paper bomb is on Kung Laos back. Cloud of dust and the sound of rock shattering as we head back to the other group. They are at the palace. The Cursed Warrior comes out first followed by Komei, Twenty, and Neji. Neji says it is far enough and Ghost Talpa agrees that it is far enough. Twenty points and says no way.


It's Naruto! Neji knew. Komei thinks this means it wasn't Lord Sagi but of course the timeline doesn't match as we get a FLASHBACK to the nigh his mansion was attacked. They have a conversation during this that wasn't in the original where he asks Ghost Talpa if he was Sagi. When he got no answer he was sure he was right. Naruto chimes "You're probably all wondering what I'm doing in this...


He gets slapped in the face. What was that for? She doesn't like being kept in the dark! As for Neji how long has he known about Naruto. I dunno, awhile? She was really worried about Naruto. Neji starts up another FLASHBACK that we haven't seen. Kakashi and the two are running from the village when Kakashi mentions they are right to worry, they are being followed. Don't look it's pale guy, they aren't going home they are going back to the land of birds. Twenty thought they shook that guy with the substitution jutsu. One of them, agrees Neji. But when they went to the cursed warrior Kung Lao did his rock appearance trick. Wonderful she says, she's the only one who didn't know jack and was actually worried. Lord Sagi was safe says Komei who collapses. He was tortured by Moso, that heel. Naruto says that he and Lord Sagi will explain everything inside.


Kakashi is turning away, a job well done when SWERVE, Assimilation Rock Shower. He's a nomadic shinobi who wanders from village to village stealing jutsu as they go. He's the Megaman of Ninja as he says he might recognize some of them. Sharingan! Assimilation...SAND COFFIN! That's Gaara's jutsu! He's caught up in it and...


Assimilation, Sand Funeral! Naruto brings the gang to Lord Sagi's and wants to know about Chishima's condition. He's recovering in special quarters as we see him hooked up to medical equipment. That's good news. Twenty wants to know what happened and Neji wants to know who did it. Lord Sagi wants forgiveness from Komei, but Komei asks for his own forgiveness in this whole situation. Sagi says that this is all thanks to Chishima and Naruto leads us into another FLASHBACK. Sagi was going to execute Naruto but then Chishima appears with a nasty shuriken wound. Sagi is going to call for doctors but Chishima has to tell him first that Moso is the big bad. Framed Komei with the shuriken and tells him that Komei probably figured out the plan which is why he is now going to be executed, he needs to call off the execution. Naruto agrees but Sagi says he can't; it would reveal his plans to Moso before he got his revenge. Naruto calls him out on his revenganance plan. Sagi says Moso has too many soldiers and it would cause a civil war to get him back by force. Naruto goes rogue cop on him and thus the Cursed Warrior plan was forged. Neji and Twenty know the rest so we end the FLASHBACK. Sagi reveals he was the cursed warrior they saw the other night, the first one with the kite. He tried to find the real traitor but was used to implicate good guy Komei. Komei knew the one he met was Sagi and knew about the abandoned temple connection from people who had seen the cursed warrior. That one wasn't me, says Sagi. It was probably one of Moso's henchmen. Komei is disgusted at Moso and Naruto wants to kick his ass. Sagi says no, he wants to act alone until this is settled.


Don't Forget 3.Oct.11. His heart is broken forever just like this watch and stuck in the past!

NEXT EPISODE: "When Time Stands Still"


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I think neji having the balls to fight kakashi over food is a everyday occurrence, dont know why they got suspicious.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Twenty shines in OG Naruto filler and leads to her true star turn in Rock Lee SD

It's because she's been in two of the three six parters and Neji is boring. Lee isn't in this one so it makes her the only interesting side character in this arc.

I do have a slight bias in that I have put pictures in of Twenty that I probably could have skipped because I thought they were funny.

thats because twenty is the secret best girl of toonamigaf



thats because twenty is the secret best girl of toonamigaf

Current Shippuden arc spoilers:
She's in the next episode of Shippuden although she doesn't do anything of course. Actually I'm not sure Team Guy going to back up Team Kakashi is even canon.


Is there any reason why Kishimoto decided to sideline the K11 (except Team 10 and Hinata) after the Sound Four arc? I remember Neji and Rock Lee were said to be the strongest alongside Sasuke and Naruto, but they don't do anything. Must as well have just let Neji did in the original series.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Is there any reason why Kishimoto decided to sideline the K11 (except Team 10 and Hinata) after the Sound Four arc? I remember Neji and Rock Lee were said to be the strongest alongside Sasuke and Naruto, but they don't do anything. Must as well have just let Neji did in the original series.

Blame The Sauce.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The Hyugas probably are hurt worst by the Sharingan obsession part 2 has.

EDIT: People aren't just being petty when they say that part 2 is like it is because of how popular Sasuke is. The entire story shifts in that direction. Naruto of course has to keep getting more and more powered up to keep pace with it as well and everyone else is left in the dirt.

Sakura has a very competent skill set right where Toonami is right now in Shippuden. She'd kick the crap out of all but the top tier part 1 characters but in just a few arcs she'll be back down with everyone else. She's one of the relatively lucky ones though as most of the rest of the former genin are ignored.


The Hyugas probably are hurt worst by the Sharingan obsession part 2 has.

EDIT: People aren't just being petty when they say that part 2 is like it is because of how popular Sasuke is. The entire story shifts in that direction. Naruto of course has to keep getting more and more powered up to keep pace with it as well and everyone else is left in the dirt.

Sakura has a very competent skill set right where Toonami is right now in Shippuden. She'd kick the crap out of all but the top tier part 1 characters but in just a few arcs she'll be back down with everyone else. She's one of the relatively lucky ones though as most of the rest of the former genin are ignored.


Despite many saying how useless Sakura is, she does get her one moment, which is more than most of the characters can say. Shikamaru gets his as well, and Hinata has one tiny bit in the spotlight. The rest, even Ino and Choji, are mostly useless/ignored.

(has only seen halfway through Pain)



Despite many saying how useless Sakura is, she does get her one moment, which is more than most of the characters can say. Shikamaru gets his as well, and Hinata has one tiny bit in the spotlight. The rest, even Ino and Choji, are mostly useless/ignored.

(has only seen halfway through Pain)

Choji and Ino just beat a revived Asuma, but they still at least get a lot of screentime. Team Guy barely exists from what I remember, and Team 8 is ignored outside of Hinata. Oh, Garra has quite a lot of screentime if you count the Sand People

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's basically all done by popularity.

As much shit as we give Bleach for burying characters at least they get tons and tons of screentime.


The biggest mystery is why Toei sidelined the Inner Senshi in Sailor Moon. It made sense in Season 3 to make room for the Outer Senshi, but the entire first half of SuperS is mostly just Sailor Moon/Sailor Mini Moon adventures. Thankfully things went back to normal for the second half of SuperS....until the final season came and it all became about those ass Starlights.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
When it comes to shonen anime and probably other mainstream manga, characters do infact get more screentime depending on popularity contests they do in japan.
for instance, medaka box(watch the anime and read the manga, seriously, its like satire on the shonen genre and made by the guy who makes the monogatari series which is pretty much satire on the harem genre) a certain really, really, REALLY awesome character gets alot of screentime because he consistently got number 1 in the polls because of how extremely unique his character is.


thanks, I am now at peace

( I wasn't being really serious, but it's funny to dart over the post and mentally panic when I see unclosed parentheses)


For all the criticisms DBZ got for sidelining the humans when it became Z, at least it made sense in the concept that Goku had proved he was the worlds strongest and the series was moving onto bigger and better things except for the cyborgs built in caves.


No Scrubs
It's basically all done by popularity.

As much shit as we give Bleach for burying characters at least they get tons and tons of screentime.

Except all the Bleach characters outside of Captain Old Man Genocide, who gives the least amount of fucks ever seen, are boring.

If there's one thing Naruto did right it was building a good ensemble cast, the problem is that it's completely wasted. If there's one thing Filler Hell did right it was the structure of the stories, teaming Naruto up with a different team for each arc was a great idea and should have been how Shippuden was structured.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Shippuden really could have gone that way before forming the team that they eventually do and doing that plot. It would have been fun.


Part of the reason Rock Lee and his Ninja Pals (series) is so great is because all the side characters get tons of screen time and get to play off each other on top of some really funny jokes.

Bleach just adds and adds characters at the expense of leaving everyone underdeveloped.


No Scrubs
Shippuden really could have gone that way before forming the team that they eventually do and doing that plot. It would have been fun.

I wish we had gotten Naruto the floater. We could have gotten all the same arcs we did, and then some, but with different team combinations. If anyone ever goes back and picks up Naruto to redo in the future, as an adapted series like they do for american comics, I hope they realize the wasted potential there.


I wish we had gotten Naruto the floater. We could have gotten all the same arcs we did, and then some, but with different team combinations. If anyone ever goes back and picks up Naruto to redo in the future, as an adapted series like they do for american comics, I hope they realize the wasted potential there.

Probably how I'd do it.

Sound Four Arc - Choji and Neji stay dead.
Shippuden Arc - Give Tenten/Rock Lee/Might Guy a legit battle
Immortals Arc - Temari fights instead of Kakashi, Ino actually does something
Itachi Arc - Team 8 beats Sasukes homies, Sasuke/Itachi kill each other in a draw. Don't think the retcon stuff is needed.
Pain Arc - I guess Sakura/Sai can beat Kabuto or something.

Probably just end the series there.


Random comment

I really liked Kakashi's line in Saturday's episode of Naruto: "There are people out there younger than you, but stronger than me"

I dunno, it just frames how collected Kakashi is, how he understands his limitations and that he realizes the nature of talent.


I hate to continue to gush over HxH but
the series does a great job of balancing out characters and bringing them back as necessary. One of the most beloved arcs is a Kurapika arc.


Random comment

I really liked Kakashi's line in Saturday's episode of Naruto: "There are people out there younger than you, but stronger than me"

I dunno, it just frames how collected Kakashi is, how he understands his limitations and that he realizes the nature of talent.

I think Wittenberg does a great job with him.


No Scrubs
Random comment

I really liked Kakashi's line in Saturday's episode of Naruto: "There are people out there younger than you, but stronger than me"

I dunno, it just frames how collected Kakashi is, how he understands his limitations and that he realizes the nature of talent.

That is a great line, it just sums up his character really well. He's crazy strong, but he knows where he stands in the grand scheme of things.

I hate to continue to gush over HxH but
the series does a great job of balancing out characters and bringing them back as necessary. One of the most beloved arcs is a Kurapika arc.

HxH just does everything it tries to perfectly. I can't remember a single time it messed up a scene or didn't hit the right note. That's probably due to all the time Togashi takes to get it right, seriously it's been like 2 years since the last chapter. The only reason anyone puts up with the release schedule and scribbles is the insanely quality writing. It's the sort of thing that could easily be turned into an award winning HBO mini-series.


I hate to continue to gush over HxH but
the series does a great job of balancing out characters and bringing them back as necessary. One of the most beloved arcs is a Kurapika arc.

Just out of curiosity, what will the new anime do when it catches up to the manga? End, filler, or go its own direction?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
That is a great line, it just sums up his character really well. He's crazy strong, but he knows where he stands in the grand scheme of things.

Pfft, he just hasn't unlocked his
teleporting death laser eye

He's seen a lot of shit yet is able to cope with it and that's his real super power.


Likely end since the 'last' chapter of the manga is a good stopping point. I won't say anymore than that.

Probably adapt the special chapters Togashi made and then...go on HIATUS! Then we'll have the true HIATUSXHIATUS!

Ah oaky.

Although I do think HxH has superb writing, I'm not sure if its a fair comparison considering he has like a whole year to come up with a good idea for a chapter compared to most series on here that have like a week to do it.
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