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Toonami |Mar15| the smartest anime is back!

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When you break your toys and get bored.

Gotta have a GIF tho.



Real talk, all that Chopper build up and the actual "fight" between Kumadori and Monster Chopper was lame as fuck. Weak directing and weak animation. Chopper just roars and "Hulk Smashes" once and the "fight" is over. Even as a curbstomping it wasn't that hype. It wasn't even that brutal (though I know being a kid friendly show they can't go much further). The bit at the end where Chopper just flings him away was legit funny though.

You'd think that, and I even posted it THIS TIME LAST WEEK but Sir Crocodile told me not to spoil people with it.

And don't you forget it :p

I dunno I just think this was an event that's more hype if you go into it blind. "Awesome things happen and the good guys win" isn't a spoiler so I wasn't opposed to it really for spoiler's sake but that visual spectacle is nice to see at all for the first time.


Food for thought:

The speed it took Lagann, Arc-Gurren Lagann, and Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann to go from the inside of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann to the anti-spiral homeworld would have to be billions of times faster than light.

But it's a parallel super-spiral universe, so fuck physics.

Pretty crazy when you think that if someone was standing on its head, it would take 10 million years just to be able to start seeing its foot.


Overall, I really enjoyed this week more than most. Lots of exciting things going on and while Shippuden continues to drag the block down, at least the rest of the shows were good to amazing. On to the reviews:

Dragon Ball Z: Kai - I’m still loving this battle. DBZ really did create the template for over-powered, hot-blooded fights. I’m not the least bit surprised that Krillin missed with the Spirit Bomb. It happens every time! Also, Yajirobi can die in a fire for all I care. :p There was a lot of new footage in this episode (which was cool to see) but it’s really jarring because the styles clash so much. I’ve mentioned this before but I don’t know why the new animators used such thin outlines on the characters. The original animation had really thick, dark lines. I’ve provided an example below of how different the two look. Even with the clashing I do like seeing these insert shots and the battle itself is still as hype as ever. Rating: Too much naked Gohon butt


Kill la Kill - One of my favorite episodes. I’m kinda stumped so many people didn’t enjoy it more. :/ There’s a real playfulness throughout the episode that’s just a joy to watch. Mako and her family are so damn adorable. Granted, they are also greedy to a fault but nobody’s perfect. At least they repented their ways in the end. Once Mako put on her goku uniform, the budget kicked in and the resulting fight was totally hype. And was that a legitimate smile at the end from Lady Satsuki?! *gasp* On the down side, not having the credits over the fireworks was a bad choice on Toonami’s part. Instead they showed the ED which was dumb and worst of all, they didn’t air the post-credits scene. Rating: ORAROAROAORAORAORA!


Naruto: Shippuden - The rivalry between Naruto and the obvious throwaway character of Sora is so terribly ham-fisted it makes my eyes roll. To the show’s credit, the animation in this episode was really quite remarkable. It’s jarring when the show can suddenly look this good when just one week prior it looked like complete garbage. Too bad the story and these characters are so completely uninteresting that the visuals can’t carry the rest. Rating: It ain’t no Raiders of the Lost Ark


InuYasha: The Final Act - In this episode, Sesshomaru challenged InuYasha to determine who is the rightful heir to Tenseiga. What? InuYasha battled Sesshomaru? Yes, Sesshomaru battled InuYasha by using the mirror power Naraku gave him. Did you say that InuYasha battled Sesshomaru over Tenseiga? Yes, it was Sesshomaru who fought with InuYasha with his Tessaiga to see who was the true heir of Tenseiga. I heard that Sesshomaru wanted to fight InuYasha over the Tenseiga using the mirror demon’s powers. That’s true. It happened in this episode. InuYasha fought with Sesshomaru over the Tenseiga before almost being pulled into the Underworld. I can’t believe InuYasha proved he was the rightful heir to Tenseiga in his fight with Sesshomaru. Yes, it was Sesshomaru who lost to InuYasha but ultimately saved his half-demon brother in their fight on the edge of the Underworld. Wait, did you say that Sesshomaru battled InuYasha over the rights to Tenseiga? Rating: My cow is a projector. Your argument is invalid.


Gurren Lagann - I’m not sure what to say that hasn’t already been said. Really an amazing ending to one of the greatest shows ever. You guys who hadn’t seen it before, you understand now why I was so desperate for this to air on Toonami, right? This show is in a class all its own. As for the post-battle ending and the epilogue, I know people’s feelings on those are mixed. Personally, I find the bittersweet ending to have a lot of impact and very enriching. Yes, it’s sad that Nia died but I can appreciate Simon’s sacrifice to not abuse the power of the spiral. It’s not clear if he really could bring her and the others back to life but even if he could, the temptation to use the power of the spiral is probably too great a risk. That’s why he secluded himself off from society in the end. The epilogue is very poignant and I enjoy seeing what happened to most of the main characters 20-something years later. I always get a little chocked up at the end of this series. It plays with my emotions in a way most anime shows can’t. Rating: 10 out of 10 Lights In The Sky


One Piece - Yay! Back to Ennies Lobby! Monster Chopper is awesome. Even if he didn’t do a whole lot, I really love his design and how over-powered he is. While regular Chopper can be cute and endearing, there are times I find him a little annoying. But Monster Chopper is just a pure badass. As for Kalifa’s Bubble-Bubble fruit powers, it’s pretty ridiculous but I like it! It’s typical of One Piece to be this silly. Also, we get lots of naughty shots of her in the bath which I liked. :D That part where Nami is so overcome with Kalifa’s sexiness that she talks like a pervy old man was hilarious! In fact, this episode is a great example of why I think One Piece doesn’t play well on Toonami. There is a very childlike quality to everything. The way it looks, the humor, even the way the characters behave. I’m not surprised it doesn’t do better on a network called “Adult Swim”. Still, that doesn’t mean the show isn’t great. I am really enjoying it, especially now that we’re back into the main plot. I can’t wait to see Lucci’s and Luffy’s fight! Rating: A rich and soothing lather


Deadman Wonderland - Very underwhelming. I’ll give the creators a little slack since the tsunami is what caused the series to end prematurely but this episode was really not a good one to end on. It was just your typical Ganta being a puss for 80% of the running time and then suddenly manning up at the end. That little girl Undertaker was brought back for five minutes only to be killed off… AGAIN! The fight with the Uber Monk was bland and not really threatening. I never once thought he could win, especially once Shiro magically healed herself. None of the series questions were answered like: what is Branch of Sin? What was “the event”? Who was that old guy in the wheel chair? Why makes Shiro different?! What’s up with that blue hair boy who sounds like a girl?!? Why does the world allow this ridiculous place to exist?!?! However, the biggest crime is that we never once got to see Shiro go all out in a fight which is what I wanted to see happen more than anything! The tacked-on epilogue scene was mostly pointless and added nothing. At least Ganta and Shiro made up, I guess. As a series, the fights were decent, the animation was great and the setting wacko but it deserved a better ending than this. Maybe I’ll check out the manga. Rating: Not That Shiny After All


I’ll be here next week to witness virtual bullets coming out of Ethernet ports. Hehe. I really hope SAO II delivers in one way or another: great or terrible. I don’t care either way. Just please don’t be mediocre and boring.

Man God

Non-Canon Member

Yep, sort of how it is for me.

I came so close to posting this an hour ago. So damn close.

The Bleach Manga thread is a guilty pleasure, especially reading the posts from the guy who thinks Bleach is twice as good as any other Shonen manga out today.


I came so close to posting this an hour ago. So damn close.

The Bleach Manga thread is a guilty pleasure, especially reading the posts from the guy who thinks Bleach is twice as good as any other Shonen manga out today.
I'm not convinced him and DTL aren't the same person playing two different schticks.


Everybody still actively reading Bleach has a strong case of Sunk Cost Fallacy. They all should really just wait till it ends and hear/read up on how it ends.

Incredibly amazing, completely lived up to all the hype I'd heard

I know you had the DVD set for a long time. What stopped you from watching it all this time? Just time constraints?


Everybody still actively reading Bleach has a strong case of Sunk Cost Fallacy. They all should really just wait till it ends and hear/read up on how it ends.
I'm already reading One Piece on Thursday morning, might as well take 2 minutes and read Bleach as well.
Everybody still actively reading Bleach has a strong case of Sunk Cost Fallacy. They all should really just wait till it ends and hear/read up on how it ends.

I know you had the DVD set for a long time. What stopped you from watching it all this time? Just time constraints?

I still read Bleach because it generally comes out at the same time as OP and is a real quick read, my brain doesn't get much out of it but it's dumb fun.

And as to why I never finished GL, my buddy borrowed my copy for like a year after we watched the first 10ish episodes together. When I finally got my copy back I was invested in other shows and I just never got around to jumping back into GL. In the end it worked out as I was able to experience first time with the Toonami crew.


No Scrubs
I still read Bleach because it generally comes out at the same time as OP and is a real quick read, my brain doesn't get much out of it but it's dumb fun.

And as to why I never finished GL, my buddy borrowed my copy for like a year after we watched the first 10ish episodes together. When I finally got my copy back I was invested in other shows and I just never got around to jumping back into GL. In the end it worked out as I was able to experience first time with the Toonami crew.

You need to go watch the second movie or at least the final sequences now, just so you know how much bigger and hype filled it gets.

I'm not convinced him and DTL aren't the same person playing two different schticks.

That would be impressive.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yeah I'm thinking Extra Edition will be in three parts. It's just too meaty otherwise. I've got a good start on it and should release them on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday.



Man God

Non-Canon Member
I guarantee in the next five years Gundam Wing will see an HD remaster and will be released with either a brand new dub or its old one in the US. It's free money and the only proven seller in the US.

Also next week is probably my favorite episode of KlK, I can't wait to see it dubbed.

I guarantee in the next five years Gundam Wing will see an HD remaster and will be released with either a brand new dub or its old one in the US. It's free money and the only proven seller in the US.
Hopefully they don't re-dub, or if they do they bring back most of the original cast. Heero and Treize's VAs were fantastic.

IIRC there was some weird crap going on with side characters, would be ok if they fixed that. There were lot of random soldiers that coincidentally sound exactly like the protagonists!


Stupid question, but I'm trying to find the name of an animated movie and I'd think to ask toonamiGAF before I make myself stupid with a seperate thread.

Animated movie. I'm fairly sure it's disney, but going through the list of stuff they made nothing I saw rang a bell. There was a fairly big train fight scene, and the primary villain either summoned or turned into a demon. Time period is late 1800s (or really early 1900s).

It was made no earlier than 2005, although I'm fairly certain it's much older. I think the name of the movie was the name of the main character, and IIRC it had 3 syllables and started with an S.


Do you remember what it was about, generally? Could be a dreamworks thing. What kind of animation - clay, traditional, CG?


I rewatched Gundam Wing somewhat recently. I felt it didn't hold up too well but still some neat characters and moments.

Wufei sux.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's a Non-Canon™ retelling of a classic legend, so of course I know about it. Never actually seen it though.

EDIT: Literally the only things I remember about it are that it has a train fight and that Rasputin is basically an unkillable Vampire Sorcerer who summons demons. All that from the previews and seeing it flipping through the stations.
I rewatched Gundam Wing somewhat recently. I felt it didn't hold up too well but still some neat characters and moments.

Wufei sux.
What I remember taking away is that the cast are all so likeable (even the minor characters... basically everyone except Wufei, who is, conversely, a huge dick) that not much else really matters. And that the plot was better than I remembered, it's actually pretty focused once you get past the premise.

Also, the OST kicks ass.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Wing has amazing suit design. I'm not even talking about the five gundams either, no its the jabroni suits that rule the roost.
Wing has amazing suit design. I'm not even talking about the five gundams either, no its the jabroni suits that rule the roost.
Also true. The Leos and the Talgeese are the best.

Which reminds me, the ZERO system is also a wonderful scifi concept that I'm sure was stolen from somewhere, but I'm not sure where...


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 90

Yes indeed we have arrived at last Hulu watchers to what is considered to be the best season of Sailor Moon, not sure about that as my watching of Sailor Moon S is disjointed and sporadic since I hated the changes made for the Cartoon Network version. More on that as we progress this season. First off we get a new version of Moonlight Densetsu done by an outfit called Moon Lips. I do admit it takes some getting used to after 89 episodes of the old version but it is not too dissimilar that I can't enjoy it. At any rate, we begin this season with a premonition that the world is going to end and the Sailor Guardians are going to end up destroyed and turned to stone for some reason. This is still a less horrifying opening then starting with Chibi-Usa.

Seems this glimpse into the future is only being viewed by Rei and it is giving her an ulcer. Everybody else is getting over entrance exams, which is a thing Japanese high school prospects have to engage in. Well, except for Rei, at least that is how it should go since she goes to a privately run Catholic school that doesn't do entrance exams. Anyway, on the dour note, the villains of the season make their grand entrance as well. I will say that Tomoe is one of, if not my favorite villain of the anime series. Anyway, this mad scientist and his assistant Kalonite are looking for three talismans that will light the path to the holy grail and then of course the world. This leads to our McGuffin of the season, pure hearts and the Daimons that will extract them for examination.

Rei is the first target of this new cabal and she is blindsided, the troops are quickly rallied but Sailor Moon S wants you to know this is a new season, so it is time for all of the old powers to be about as useless as week old underwear. Indeed everybody is decimated until the run-in occurs. Well, that is to say mysterious powers as a pair of shadowy onlookers examine the pure heart before returning it. I'll talk more about Hakura and Michiru in depth once we get further into the season. Anyway, this is a strong start the establishes both the new stakes and the dark tone rather superbly and it is much a much better start then what either arc of Sailor Moon R saw. Strongest recommendation to watch.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 91

Right, so we in the second episode of the S season and par for the course the formula returns as the enemy has been given a name, The Death Busters as they restate their goals for world domination. This time the monster of the week attack a random little girl who takes care of stray cats and none of this is interesting in the least. What is interesting is that after two god damned season of bullshit, this series is finally forced to deal with Mamoru and Usagi as a couple and it is a refreshing change of pace. Also, this episode gives us one of his more hideous shirts. Anyway, the typical happens and since we are still dealing with the powers of last season, the team gets an asskicking until the shadow guardians appear again to sort of save the guardians, but that is incidental to the goal of talisman examination and general standoffishness towards the other guardians. Anyway, the real upshot of this episode is to give Sailor Moon her upgrade of the season and I will say even the stock footage seems to have gotten a budget and animation increase this season. Anyway, this episode is mildly recommended since it has importance to the overarching story this season.
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