Sword Art Online Episode 24: Gilded Hero
In which there are no good ideas, anywhere, ever.
Okay, so the teleport finishes and Yui (now full-sized again) and Kirito find themselves in one of the hallways Asuna saw earlier. Yui says there's no map data and she doesn't have admin powers anymore, but she can sense Asuna. They start running, and Yui starts doing
something to knock down the walls blocking them from getting to her, though apparently whatever it is isn't an admin power even though it's breaking down level geometry. They find themselves in the branches of the world tree and they run to Asuna in the cage.
Yui shouts "Mommy!" and Asuna turns around, she's shocked and starts crying. Yui, who doesn't have admin powers, simply makes the cage wall disappear and runs into Asuna's arms. Kirito joins in the hug and everybody loves everybody else and everything is good.
Then something starts happening to the floor and everyone is being sucked downwards. Everything starts to go black save for a circle on the ground, and Yui yells that something is wrong before dissolving or something. Oh look, it's Creepy Raper Guy. He's using gravity magic which is coming out in the next patch.
He starts taunting them and there's some standard hero vs villain banter. Looks like his plan is 80 percent complete. He's going to know how to control the human soul, become a god, all that cliche standard stuff, and he's yelling and it's way over the top. I'm probably missing a thing or two the characters say to each other here, but it can't be that important. Anyway, the guy decides that he's going to have some fun with Asuna, so he uses his admin powers to make chains come from the ceiling.
He chains her wrists and raises the chains so she's just hanging there, then starts hitting her with gravity magic. He loves her cries of pain and says NPCs don't make sounds like that. At some point he smells her hair and says how hard it was to get it to smell right in this world and talks about bringing some kind of scanner into the hospital. He's taunting Kirito this whole time, of course.
I forget the order this all happens in, but at one point he stabs Kirito through the back with his own sword, pinning him to the ground, then says he's turning down the pain prevention threshold or something, so it'll hurt more and more as time goes on. Asuna sees Kirito worried and says don't worry, no matter what he does to her it's just in the virtual world, and Creepy Raper guy says he wonders how long that pride will last before ripping her top off.
I'm probably getting the order of some stuff mixed around here but who cares.
Creepy Raper Guy tells Asuna not only is he gonna rape her here, but he's going to get a video playback of it, go to her hospital room, and play it while he rapes her body in real life. Then he like, licks her face and then specifically drinks her tears. This is played for drama, by the way.
They put this shit on Toonami, huh?
So anyway, we cut to Kirito talking to himself in an inner monologue, wondering if this is all a punishment on him for thinking he's a hero or whatever. Suddenly, a voice asks him if he's giving up. Kirito says he's accepting reality. The voice tells him that he is giving up, and starts saying something about how he didn't give up before and OH MY GOD THEY'RE GIVING THIS INNER PEP TALK SPEECH TO THE MASS MURDERER KAYABA AKIHIKO FROM THE FIRST ARC OF THE SHOW. HE'S HELPING KIRITO FIND HIS INNER STRENGTH RIGHT NOW.
I can't.
I can not.
Kirito wakes up and stands up, and suddenly logs into the system under the Heathcliff username and takes control of everything from Creepy Raper Guy. That's right, the villain of the show in the first place is the deus ex machina to save Kirito and Asuna right now.
Anyway, Kirito asks Asuna if she'll give him a minute to deal with the big bad, and she's like sure bae. I mean don't use your magical admin powers to delete her chains or summon up any clothes for her or anything, just let her hang there with her tits a-swayin in the breeze. Creepy Raper Guy tries to summon Excalibur, but nothing happens. Kirito does it for him, then picks up his own sword, which I will remind everyone he just randomly picked up from a vendor. He fights CRG and it's a total curbstomp battle. Kirito then frees Asuna, she says she believes in him, yada yada yada he logs her out.
Now here comes fuckin Heathcliff Kenobi to talk to Kirito and wrap all this shit up in a nice bow. "Thanks" "We're not really friends but here's this Seed, if you let it sprout you'll recognize it, use it if you still have fondness for the virtual world." I cannot believe literally anything that is happening in this episode.
Anyway, the darkness disappears and Yui comes back, asking about Mommy. Kirito says she's fine and he's about to go see her, and asks how Yui is. She's fine because she saved herself to the SD card on his VR helmet. They hug, she says I love you, Kirito logs out while kissing her on the cheek.
Kazuto wakes up and Suguya is hovering over his bed. He says sorry it took so long, blah blah blah they hug and everything would be cool here if it weren't for that incest plot from before making everything super uncomfortable right now, and don't get me started on the fact that they are still doing the fanservice-y camera angles at this fuckin point. Suguya says "go get her, she's probably waking up and wondering where you are" as Kirito gets on his bike and rides toward the hospital.
There's still another episode of this shit.