- I don't really like Sonic 1 in the same way I don't like the first SMB in that it's still technically a "good" game & I acknowledge the importance, but it hasn't aged as well as the sequels
- Sonic 2 is good, but not my favorite & every time I replay it, I seems to always forget about a zone or two
- Sonic 3 & Knuckles is flat-out one of my all-time favorite games
- Sonic CD is good, but you start to notice the level design isn't as good if you try to play it more seriously to get the "best" ending because it feels like you stop dead in your tracks if you don't find just the right location to time travel....also JPN soundtrack was better
- Sonic Adventure has not aged well & I fully accept that, but damn it if I don't buy it every time it gets re-released for nostalgia
- Sonic Adventure 2 was a bit better (I actually find the Tails/Eggman stages fun), but uuuggghhhhhh the Knuckles/Rouge stages.....
- I need to replay Sonic Heroes. I didn't mind it, but my main issue is I felt like I was replaying the same game 3 more times with slight variations
- lol i ain't touching sonic 06
- Unleashed was......sort of a step in the right direction, but honestly, only Rooftop Run & Windmill Isle (daytime) were flat-out fun, everything else was way too trial-&-error or tedious, also EGGMANLAND IS THE WORST SONIC LEVEL EVER JESUS BLOODY CHRIST.
- Colors was good, easily the first "good" Sonic game in some time
- Generations was good as well, great anniversary game
- Lost World was alright, but as mentioned, I understand why the mechanics didn't work for some people
- The Advance games are good, though I think the first is my least favorite & earning the emeralds was waaaaay too hard, especially in the 2nd game.
- I enjoyed Rush, Rush Adventure, & Colors (DS), but I accept their flaws like too many bottomless pits at times
- Generations (3DS) was....fine, but nowhere near as fun as the console version.
- I didn't even finish the 2nd world in Lost World (3DS), having to hold R to run was a strain on my hand compared to the Wii U version
- Sonic's Schoolhouse on PC is an educational game that exists & I actually own.....I don't know why I'm including it