wait, why do they do this during [adult swim] time anyways
you're losing viewers that way
just do it live during not night
quit watching the west coast streamIt's not on for another hour for me
quit watching the west coast stream
All I have access too atm
Okay, so the extra special promo is premiering during Shippuden.
but vampires & zombie nazis eating babies = a-okWow, so apparently the hot springs episode would be problematic even today.
Like how come Toonami can't get Rahxephon? How much can that really cost?
I honestly have no idea. It used to be ADV, but I don't think Funimation rescued it, which I find surprising. I imagine it's got to be "just air this fucking thing" cheap.Who even has that these days?
I think some company called "AEsir Holdings".Who even has that these days?
They better fucking not redub it...whole thing sounds like a shadow corporation.I think some company called "AEsir Holdings".
....who is owned by Section23 Films, the same company who owns Sentai.
Maybe you'll have to break into Tokyo Jupiter.I can find who owns the Australian rights for it of all things (Siren Visual), but US-wise, having more trouble.
*Sits on lawn chair*
Yup.Wait, did she survive her encounter with Truck-kun?!?!
I'd imagine that Toonami would go straight to Stardust Crusaders with JoJo, seeing as it'd be the dub's premiere. Not sure about Unicorn, though.I wish as an "anniversary present", we were told what Jojo (which has a month left) or Unicorn's replacement would be, but considering we just learned of Tokyo Ghoul a week ago, I can't see that happening.
I figured they'd have a sgow between Parts 2 & 3 to not run into "long running fatigue" & lets Viz have a few more months to finish up the dub.I'd imagine that Toonami would go straight to Stardust Crusaders with JoJo, seeing as it'd be the dub's premiere. Not sure about Unicorn, though.
Judging by the Twitter account of Richard Epcar (the English voice ofI figured they'd have a show between Parts 2 & 3 to not run into "long running fatigue" & lets Viz have a few more months to finish up the dub.
If we got Part 3 right after Part 2, that'd be neat, but I also can see why they'd wait until after another show got its timeslot for a few months.
Judging by the Twitter account of Richard Epcar (the English voice of), they seem to be nearly done with the Stardust Crusaders dub.Old Joseph Joestar
That said, I wouldn't be opposed to having Mob Psycho 100 keep the bench warm between Battle Tendency & Stardust Crusaders. Though I'd imagine having a show in between would be better served for the time between Stardust Crusaders & Diamond is Unbreakable, especially since Viz Media doesn't have a cast for that, yet.
Even if Toonami went straight into SC it'll end up being over a year for toonami to run the whole series with marathons and such viz will probably have part 4's dub ready by then.
*chew*Can't wait for the inevitable Toonami | | What A Beautiful Duwang
Can't wait for the inevitable Toonami | | What A Beautiful Duwang
True, but I've been waiting 3 years for the Stardust Crusaders dub.I'd also bet that Tokyo Ghoul will be replaced by Lupin III (unless another slot opens up somehow), 'cause they probably have that ready too.
Mob's only 12 episodes, so it wouldn't be that long between BT and SDC.