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Toonami |May14| Toonami just got a lot Cooler

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Kikiyo is dumb as bricks. Kaede is probably the smartest human.

EDIT: How many more episodes before Come is no longer in my ears?

COMBO EDIT: A two part clip show episode? What is this, Wolf's Rain or various late 90's Gundam shows???

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Next episode has different ending.

Speak of the devil...

Also should we do a special 7:00PM (all times eastern) watch for next week considering anyone who misses the 7pm episodes won't be missing much at all and then watch the next two episodes after that? 4 episodes, two hours.

EDIT: NEXT EPISODE ends with...
Kagome's Birth
if I remember right. Is her dad mentioned at all?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Real Black Lagoon spoilers for those interested in what Roberta adds to the show/what sort of level she is on.

She's strong but not quite on Revy's level. She's more focused on doing her job but less talented in the art of murder. The one who is actually much closer but still a peg below is the nun from the rip off church. Revy is still the Goku/Luffy of this show though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I don't know if this is news to anyone but me but I checked for no reason and Digimon Season 3 is now on Netflix. Sub and Dub are different shows and as usual both are up, too many edits to the US version to not put them up separately.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yeah, I'm going to watch the dub myself when I finish GXP.

I used to fall asleep to that show after working the graveyard shift...until it got too good and I forced myself to remain awake and watch it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
If you're going to go the route of making a joke about someone failing their code check at least have the courtesy of fixing it for them.


Magi, Kill la Kill, and Gurren Lagann.


I think I know what I want to do next. Recently dug out my old Yugioh cards and I started admiring my absolute favorite, Junk Warrior. Time for a 5D's rewatch.


I can't word it well, but that seems like one of the better cut lineup promos. Watched it twice because it's pretty good. They seem to enjoy making them.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Finished watching Toonami.

Let's do it by show instead of a ranking here.

Attack on Titan - Not bad! Still not entirely into it though.

Bleach - Really surprisingly good. I love Ichigo's boss and all the interesting stuff going on post timeskip.

Space Dandy - I love this episode. The dialogue between Meow and Dandy in this one is superb and the ending is one of the best in the entire run.

Naruto Shippuden - I'm guessing I'm in the vast minority here but I can't lie my man, I love this episode. Naruto waiting to burst his top, Deidara's betrayal five, breaking out into a GITS like philosophical debate, Symmetrical fighting breaking out between Team Guy. The only thing missing was the holonet voice filter. Also did my ears deceive me or was that the whole, awesome, unedited ending???

One Piece - Countdown to the 4 kids parody video being posted...it's coming. There's other stuff coming I don't even dare hint about.

Blue Exorcist - Great episode. I might have joked about PLOT busting out but if you actually think about it the plot did jumpstart with this episode.

Black Lagoon - I nearly broke into non stop maid puns last week because of Roberta. She's a real gem.

Beware the Batman - Not attractive, but the reactions were good and it's a fun group watch. Worth it for the DC Nations short alone.

Naruto - Best episode of the first arc, best of the first season (possibly second best) best animation of the original show. I'm going to go back and just gif this one soon.

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Like the FMA '03 version better. This version makes the teacher seem more cruel all those years ago.

Samurai Jack - I love this episode, continuity be damned.

Star Wars: Clone Wars - This one brought around a case of the droopy eyes.

Symbionic Titan - Beautiful episode, best the show has to offer. The action picks up dramatically after but I prefer this sort of show.

Ranking wise...

One Piece
Black Lagoon
Space Dandy
Symbionic Titan
<This right here is the line of amazing>
Naruto Shippuden
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Blue Exorcist
Samurai Jack
Attack on Titan
<This here is the line of greatness>
Beware the Batman
<This here is the line of at least mediocre>
Star Wars: Clone Wars

Other thoughts: Deidara and Kimbley should have a spinoff detective show where they solve crimes by blowing up people and debate philosophy.


Beware the Batman was kinda enjoyable as posters were poking fun at the show or batman himself. For example:

Batman got ejected.

Batman got rocked...

Batman ran like a little bitch. Beware the Bitchman.

Batman hiding behind a dumpster....

Why are you so lame, Batman?

This string of posts is hilarious for some reason. I'm probably just tired though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So in other news I've had a week now to practice on this Tekken 2 WII U stick, playing mostly TvC while the online still works. Pretty fun. I actually might prefer the cheaper made TvC stick though. Friend who was over last night whooped me convincingly though. His straightforward style and mechanical know how always trumps my attempts at flashy combos and super move shenanigans. Still better at Smash than he is at that's all that matters.

Also Baja Blast in cans was had this weekend...Yeah, It's very nice, but I remember why I quit soda now, it just wires you up for a crash and makes you thirsty.

Today I had fun finding the Doritos mystery flavors. This is like crack for me when the primary rule of my diet is I can only try new junk food, so having three new flavors is an excuse to be a professor pyg for a bit. No Blue but Red was decent. Yellow is okish but I wouldn't buy it again.
As I feared, I didn't make it long at all last night, but I've watched most of what I taped, so I'll give some quickie reviews.

AoT - I just wish we didn't have to show how emotional we are by SHOUTING IT, because kid Eren's shouting is tough after a while. Hopefully his balls drop going forward and the screaming can have some more low-range in it. Ram Titan was pretty boss. So was Bread Girl, who I will refuse to call anything else.

Bleach - This is far more watchable that it has been for me in quite a while. Is this what it was like in the beginning? Or is it just the lack of Kon?

One Piece - Still moving our pieces into place this episode, but having a good bit of Sanji made me realize how much he's been missed. Great gag how the important stuff was all "Oh, yeah, by the way..." in his letter. And Overtaken can start playing over a shot of the crew reading a phone book and it'll hype me up.

Blue Exorcist - I find myself enjoying the show if I approach it as a mostly non-serious affair that happens to get serious every once in a while. So far, nothing I'd plan to watch again after it's done, but I don't feel like I've wasted my time either. I guess that's about as a back-handed compliment one can give.

Black Lagoon - Paperwork or pumping info out of little kids, Rock's got this on lock. I do like how his concern for the kid was pushed more by his concern for the crew. Thought Revy took a little step back after last week, because now her complaints feel more like the kid who lost trying to remain cool in the shadow of large Rock balls. Also a place setting episode, so not a lot happened, but it looks like business will pick up quickly. Fighting the urge to watch ahead.

Beware the Bats - huh, Dum Dum Girls did the theme? Not much to talk about here. Short was damn fine though.


No rankings, because I didn't watch everything.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Reading the One Piece manga and I've finally reached the point where Toonami started (Long island).


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Shippuden has amazing episodes. You just got to stick with the crappy pacing for a bit.
The third canon arc is arguably my favorite in the entire series. However, it starts with episode 72 lol. The end of this arc and middle-end of the next arc are quite amazing as well.

It doesn't get much better than the Immortals and Pain arcs
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