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Toonami |May14| Toonami just got a lot Cooler

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Sketchbook Picasso











at least it's a sword, and not something else more pornographic >___>


Magpie, I am disappoint. You didn't say enough swears!


Expect full OP...oh wait

Now time to sleep. Got a MK8 demo event to go to since I won't be getting a Wii U anytime soon lol


I've always thought your art was awesome! Even more so considering the time small time frame for each show and the amount of detail you put into them. Keep up the fantastic work!

Also just came back to say that was a really fun first time watch Toonamigaf. Looking forward to more with you guys!


Sketchbook Picasso
*Bow* Thanks much guys!

Raxus, great minds and all... I didn't have time to look at the thread as it proceeded tonight!

Seda, glad they're appreciated! :) One of the great pros of having a block of shows to work with.

Lazybones, after Black Lagoon, I kept waiting for Magpie to actually let something loose amongst all those SHINYs, ha. As soon as she started that, I knew what must be done, lol.

Schadenfreude, Thanks! Sakura was full of looks tonight, too fun. I can't believe my G3 Inspectors is this Cuuteee. So many lines... desu.

Takashi, thanks a lot! It's always a blitz to get them out in time, haha. Makes Toonami memorable for me in a whole different way. Quite glad you like them! Welcome to the oddball family!

Raxus Again, Thanks! I've been humming it since Batman, so this fits perfectly.

Rest well all!
Great stuff SAB

And now I'm wonder if that 3 hour nap was a good idea I feel 100 pounds heavier right now -.- zzz shower plus ALL the energy drinks

Attack on Titan
Man, this show pulled a complete 180 on us this week; the melodrama works much better when the show purposely portrays it in a comedic manner. The abusive sergeant was hilarious; picking recruits off the ground by their face, hurling verbal insults, sneaking in cheap shots...I think it worked so well because the show didn't seem to be taking itself too seriously. Potato girl was also a highlight, although the image/gif/meme thread spamming got annoying.

Another thing I really liked was how Eren got called out on his BS claims to 'kill all the titans' and that anyone who couldn't handle the training deserved to 'wash out.' Yet here we have Eren struggling to use the 3D movement gear (or whatever it's called); it was oddly satisfying to see him get taunted before the other recruits who have actually seen the titans helped him train. The whole broken gear thing at the end was kind of lame but helped show how Eren is a hard worker with a strong will to succeed.

I also had a problem with the confrontation between Eren and the other recruit in the dining hall. It seemed pointless, I was just waiting for someone to throw a punch, dramatic yelling, or a flashback. Nope, we get a handshake and some creep fawning over Mikasa. Eh.

I'm looking forward to next week, this show has been entertaining thus far.

Somehow they managed to screw up the positive momentum built up over the previous couple of weeks with this clunker. I feel like literally nothing of significance happened and the series biggest plot hole reared its ugly head. Why the heck couldn't Orihime just heal Ishida's wounds? Did everyone just forget that she has the powers of a god? What the hell was Kubo thinking!?

Space Dandy
Great episode of space racing shenanigans, Dandy really hits its stride from this point on and delivers great episodes the rest of season 1. Plants Are Living Things Too, Baby is the best of the bunch though, can't wait for that one to re-air.

I don't get this show and its need for lengthy exposition; I swear half of what we've seen so far has been flashbacks or recapping events that just happened. It's absolutely maddening, this pacing has really killed any excitement I had before Shippuden aired and apparently things aren't going to get better for a loooong time. the reveal that puppet guy is related to the old women didn't do anything for me, I just sort of shrugged my shoulders. Sakura might make herself useful next week so there's that.

One Piece
While I think the character designs are bad, the overall art direction in this show is stunning. The city of water 7 is an amazing backdrop and I'm a little sad that we're going to be moving away from it as the Straw Hat's follow CP9 to Enies Lobby.

Luffy being stuck for hours and then getting rage strength was stupid. Zoro being stuck upside down in a chimney was stupid. Chopper constantly yelling was annoying. Other than that though, I thought it was a decent episode.

Blue Exorcist
My favorite show on the block right now. This episode was all about the PLOT in more ways than one. I'm still scratching my head at why bikini-sama needed to stab Rin as part of some test. Too far man, too far.

Black Lagoon
Freaking hype, Roberta is a badass terminator. I can't wait to see the showdown with Revy next weekend.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Gooooood morning everyone. Nice to feel rested after sleep instead of like blaaaaah.

Attack on Titan
The obligatory "get to know everyone" episode. Now to see people's guesses on who will live and who will become Titan food.

Yep, something happened I guess. Seriously, Facebook looks so much like Aizen it's not even funny...
We also meet Not-King Bradley and Not-


One Piece
Luffy's back baby! Time to kick some ass!

Blue Exorcist
See, this is what happens when you pace a monthly series like a weekly one. BE really should have been in Weekly Jump instead of Jump Square. Also, tits. Tits everywhere. Again.

Black Lagoon
Jeez, Roberta is insane. This whole show is insane. It's like an action movie on PCP or bath salts.

Beware the Batman
You suck Batman!
I still wonder how they got away with that outfit for Magpie. Then again, Blue Exorcist got away with Shura and that's a kids show too. Plus, all the stuff Bleach and One Piece does.

You know, there's a lot of similarities between Beware the Batman and Arkham Origins.
Both follow a rookie Batman.
Both feature (spoilers for future Beware episodes, if you really care)
Anarky, Lady Shiva and Deathstroke
Both are incredibly mediocre.
I started to nod off during Black Lagoon so I decided to watch it all after I woke up today.

Hot DAMN it flies by too fast and makes me want to watch the next episode right now. My hammer is cocked!


Sketchbook Picasso
I think SAB uses Art Academy

Yup, for all the color and large-panel stuff. So weird using that when you're used to Photoshop!

Fantastic stuff there SAB. Great work. How long does it take you to sketch each panel and what do you use?

For the little small 100% B&W stuff, it's the miiverse drawing tool on Wii U's Miiverse. For the cover images, I generally start about 2~4 hours before Toonami, and make a cover in AA. Which I normally finish about 30 min before the shows start.

Most things drawn during Toonami take something like 10 ~30 Min. My general way is to try and either start a pic mid-episode, or at the start of a show. If I'm making good time, I'll take a total break during later-night premieres, but then I pay for that by basically taking no breaks at all after that one, haha.

If I was amazing-fast, I'd love to draw pics only on the commercials between shows!


On Bleach: You can tell I'm an Orihime fanboy, I'm enjoying just seeing her be a
(semi-breast related pun here)
Well...Rounded? Developed? character. It just feels like we NEVER get to see people react and just... live in Bleach.

As far as not having her heal Ishida... Well, she wasn't around for all of it. But beyond that... I'd actually like to see what goes through her mind when people get hurt during sports in school, or if she sees an accident on the road. We could have some REALLY odd stuff happening in town, with dead lost animals returning to life the next day mysteriously, wrecked cars for poor families suddenly being OK in the morning, and super-hero Tatsuki never ever feeling the pain from her previous day of heroic saves of silly classmates.


Attack on Titan- this show seems Bipolar. At least it was better than the first 2 weeks

Bleach- would just glance up at occasionally. Masturbation and pure brother FTW

Dragon Ball Z commercial- I think I would rather have an hour long uncomfortable bowel movement than watch this for an hour.

Dandy- Skip

Shippuden- Skip

One Piece- Any emotional impact is destroyed by the fact that the heros were stuck in between a wall and a chimney.

Blue Exorcist-BOOBS (still the best show). New ending sucks compared to the old one, though. Also, Eat all kinds of food would make a great tattoo

Black Lagoon- "Nothing serious, just a concussion" is a phrase that started to make me angry back in 2007, and much more so in 2014. Legitimately hurt my enjoyment of what was otherwise an excellent episode

Both are incredibly mediocre.

See, now we need to fight to the death. It's a way better game than Arkham City ever was.


Morning ToonamiGAF. Good block overall with a few dips here and there.

Another solid episode setting up all of the characters. Good balance of comedy with Sasha, because without her the whole episode would have been very angsty with Eren.

It didn't feel like all that much happened in that episode other than the Uryuu conversation and pandering. The plot did move forward a bit, but it almost felt like a wasted episode. Also, Orihime more useful and Ichigo? Maybe she should start using them healing powers if that's the case.

Outlaw Star Redline Space Dandy
Probably the best episode of the season. The space race with Mr. Sparkle, the "last resorts", the other racers, and that ending...oh man that ending. Really blew me away the first time and it was just as good the 2nd.

Naruto Shippuden
90% talking about what to do, 9% ninja dance, 1% Sakura PAWNCH!

One Piece
Luffy and Zoro back in the game. While relatively nothing happened outside of saving their dumb asses, still a pretty solid episode. Pacing has definitely started to slow down.

Blue Exorcist
Other than the massive amount of tits in the last two weeks, I've pretty much lost all interest in this show. I'm really not sure what's actually happening or where all of this is going other than Rin's the son of Satan and he's going to kick his ass...eventually. I get that he's basically being used by Mephisto here, but we are already half way through the series and that's about all that's been established outside of some minor amount of depth for a few of the other characters.

I'll finish watching it, but right now it almost feels like a waste in the block.

Black Lagoon
Fuck yea! Fucking Roberta fucking up tons of bitches for being tit-sucking mama's boys!

With that out of the way, this is another solid episode of Black Lagoon. The heartbreak when Garcia leaves with Rock, when he finds out his beloved maid is really a badass killer, Revvy getting knocked the fuck out, the direction; it was all perfect. I'm fully prepared for the climax of this arc next week.

Beware the Batman
The only good thing was the crazy twist at the end showing who Magpie really was. The rest of the episode ranged from meh to outright terrible. Seriously, all of the characters in this show suck, including Batman and it one hell of a drag on the block. ToonamiGAF the only thing keeping me awake at this point.

OG Naruto
A bit long with the whole "Naruto sucks at being a ninja" routine, but at least there's a nice followup with the Sand Village making an appearance. The Sauce is so dreamy!

Better Greed showing up and Ed throwing down. Starting to get into some of the meat of the story here after a weaker version of Ed and Al's training arc. I'm still in awe at the overall story and glad we got the entire manga animated.

Samurai Jack
Welcome to the Thunderdome! Two men enter. One man leaves! Break a deal, spin the wheel fight everyone! Okay, the last one doesn't rhyme, but this was a fun single episode of Jack going nuts in as a gladiator and stripping during the fight.

Another fantastic dump this week. Best is Potato girl because she is the best.
I really thought the dub for AoT nailed it this week, the main cast and supporting cast all sound good now that they're not trying to do kid voices. The Sargent was amazing and he alone makes the dub far better then the sub "YOU ARE OFFICIALLY ON MY SHIT LIST" lol /dead


why is Black Lagoon so good

it's not fair

assuming they don't fuck it up somehow in the rest of the series, BL is on the fast track to becoming my favorite anime.
I think Jean's initial portrayal is a douchebag is way too transparent. It's like, we need a foil for Eren, right now! It is important to show that there really are people like that in the series' society, but he's such an obvious foil to the main character at first. Though with the first battle Jean becomes a much more likeable and relatable character than Eren, who continues to just yell and be shocked/ angered by everything going on.

And there is no love triangle, if anyone was actually worried about that. Jean's thing for Mikasa isn't brought up again.


I'll agree as of right now they made Jean come off as too much like an asshole and not as someone who is obviously thinking smarter and more realistic then Eren and his "UGGGH AVENGE AVENGE KILL DEM ALL LET'S GO 2 WAR YALL" mentality.

Overall I liked everyone's voice expect for the big 2, MIkasa and Armin. I'll get over it eventually. Other than that I'm ok with it.


yall were arguing about that for like 5ish pages. I forgot what show was on but it was literally all of that back and forth.

DBZ on Toonami isn't worth losing sleep over. If it happens it happens, if it doesn't show up, it doesn't.
Yeah the whole DBZ on toonami debate happened during Space Dandy, I barely commented on the episode. Regardless of whether or not you like the show I think these facts remain the same:

1. It is the most requested show
2. It would be a ratings behemoth
3. It would bring in additional revenue allowing toonami to aquire new shows/create more original content
4. Kai has never aired uncut in the US

Not sure why anyone would be adamantly opposed to having Kai on the block, if you don't want to watch the show just do something else for 30 minutes. I'm pretty sure it'll end up being the Bleach replacement.
Yeah the whole DBZ on toonami debate happened during Space Dandy, I barely commented on the episode. Regardless of whether or not you like the show I think these facts remain the same:

1. It is the most requested show
2. It would be a ratings behemoth
3. It would bring in additional revenue allowing toonami to aquire new shows/create more original content
4. Kai has never aired uncut in the US

Not sure why anyone would be adamantly opposed to having Kai on the block, if you don't want to watch the show just do something else for 30 minutes. I'm pretty sure it'll end up being the Bleach replacement.

Really it was mostly shard going on about how Toonami doesn't need it and how toonami needs to escape the shadow of dbz and most of us going "its a matter of when not if"
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