He finally put his nipples away
Not a valid excuse in my opinion
Dr. Motoi was pretty terrible at names.
Thank you.Its a very valid excuse, trigger knows you can make any story you want with animation. Theres no restrictions, it can still turn out bad, but it can be dumb and fun an enjoyable and etc.
Wait, Reevox?
It makes more sense in Japanese. Like a lot of other "generic" names.
So a show can't have a silly plot?
Has this show EVER asked you to take anything seriously?
Some of you are calling this dumb, but transforming clothing is passable for some reason.
I've seen other anime with more ridiculous plots than this.
Not Reeboks!
Revocs... aka Covers. Get it?
So a show can't have a silly plot?
This is supposed to be dumb. If you take this seriously you're doing it wrong.
It works, but it's still really dumb. It's just the reveal of the true big bad that kind of fits in with the original story.
Sure but Kill la Kill takes this plotline seriously. Similar to how even though TTGL was super over the top it took itself seriously as well.
The visuals in the whole episode show that this clearly isn't supposed to be taken seriously. Did you even watch all the exposition?Sure but Kill la Kill takes this plotline seriously. Similar to how even though TTGL was super over the top it took itself seriously as well.
That is NO EXCUSE as to why the fucking Internet was trying to overhype it like it was the greatest thing ever and trying to make it AOTY 2014.