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Toonami |May15| Wasting Saturday nights for three years running

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Kill la Kill's plot exists for the sole purpose of having hot blooded action, silly sight gags, and tons of puns

These are the facts of this world and you will all surrender to them


I don't think Simon was ever an edgelord so much as incredibly depressed. There's a difference in my mind. Plus the way he pulls himself out of it eventually is great. Ryuko never really gets that chance.
the scene where she rips off junketsu and gets covered in blood is official as fuck.
These guys cant write edgy characters well, KLk was at its worst when Simon was edgemeister supreme

No way. Gurren was fine during that part and imo when the show started to get real interesting. Simon
making the turn and becoming a badass is still the second best part of the show.
The worst part of Gurren was during the beginning of the
timeskip until they went to the moon.
Unless that's the part you're talking about and I'm just dumb.



Gonna dump this here.

Satsuki would have definitely help the Rockets defense and scoring.
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