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Toonami |May16| The Ministry of Silly Laughs

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Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F


Frieza saw Goku's gold hair and thought "I can wear that way better than that monkey." And then he did, all over his body.

This is it, the last DBZ film left for me to watch. And for the most part, it's ending on a high note. First I'll talk about the general stuff and what the film does right.

Frieza has been resurrected by his minion and now plans to exact vengeance upon Goku and Vegeta for his previous defeat. Premise is simple, to the point and progresses the story and the development of its characters. It also gives us some notable character interactions that help compliment the film, particularly the first half.

The animation, though still very good, is a step down from Battle of Gods. I say that largely because of the CG that pops up during the film. It's way too noticeable and it kinda sucks TBH.

The fights are also good although the first half being better than the second. Gohan, Tien Krillin, Piccolo, Jaco and Master Roshi (If he's here, why isn't Yamcha here) taking Frieza's forces is easily the best part of the movie for me.

That said this film has problems. Very noticeable ones with one potentially impacting the series going forward.

The second half is largely brought down by a lack of tension. Never did I feel the same sort of feeling that I got when Goku fought Frieza on Namek in F. It doesn't help that Goku doesn't seem to recognize the severity of his sworn nemesis coming back from dead.
At least it bites him in the ass.

The fight with Goku and Frieza, though still enjoyable, is nowhere near as good as it should be. Golden Frieza and Super Sayian God Super Sayian Blue are hyped up but completely fail to meet up to them. They're just kinda introduced with little foreshadowing and not helping is how insignificant Frieza's golden form is in the grand scheme of things. The CG is used quite a bit during this so it brings it down.

Vegeta is straight-up pointless during this. He spends most of the time standing and not doing anything (though Goku being a ball hog doesn't help) and when he does get a chance to shine it only lasts around five minutes and he doesn't even get to finish Frieza off. He's also inexplicably a Super Sayian Blue as well. What happened to Super Sayian Red is anyone's guess.

And then there's how Frieza is defeated.
Frieza essentially ragequits and blows up the Earth, killing Vegeta as well as most of the human race and technically winning the day. Or at least he would if Whis didn't have a reset button, undoing the damage and ensuring the Dragon Ball franchise will never be able to have any sort of tension with a serious villain, short of that villain being able to prevent the reset button from actually being pressed. To top it all off, Goku ends up being the one to kill Frieza cockblocking what should have been Vegeta's crowning moment.
It feels like a copout, kills a lot of tension that Super could have thanks to a device that makes it so that failure really has zero consequence and left me very unsatisfied with how it ended, much like Vegeta.

Also Gohan one OHKO'd by 1st form Frieza. That's also a thing.

It might sound like I didn't like the Resurrection F, but I did. It's still entertaining, particularly the first half of the film despite the second half having some considerable issues.

And with that I'm officially done watching the DBZ Films. It took longer than it should have but nonetheless I've done it.
survived college yr 1

Time flies at college. Remember to not loose track of it.

The real Dark Souls starts here.

Commencement tomorrow morning. Going for job interviews all next week most likely. It is going to be weird not having class for a while. Just one more week of test prep and I am done.

Congrats. I gotta get focused.

Gonna go see if a Center for Autism and Related Disorders will give me a job/internship this week.

In completely unrelated news, I've been going through Uncharted 4.

It's a good game. Don't get me wrong.

But sweet jesus does it hold your hand for too long. I'm eight chapters in, and I feel like the game is just now starting.
So a hand holding simulator?

Uncharted has always been a linear game, and that's fine.

But the first chunk of this game is in a constant stop go stop go stop go pattern.

Wait for character x to open the door/throw a rope/put down a ladder.

It throws off the game flow. The same problem is present in the other games, but damn is it more noticeable in this one.


Gives all the fucks
BTOOOM probably is one of the remaining Sentai dubs that might make it on the block. I mentioned before it's basically Battle Royale but every weapon is a type of grenade, with a dash of SAO due to the main character being really good at a MMO, which the survival game is based on.

......except his game skills don't really transfer to the real world.


Gives all the fucks
*watches review of Tenchi Muyo*

Wow, had no idea it wasn't based on an existing manga or franchise....or that it also aired on Adult Swim at one point after being on Toonami.

Or that the series began in freakin' 1992, that is OLD.


Sketchbook Picasso
Good to hear Gundam isn't bad, I'll probably really like it. I always enjoy Gundam series, especially when I can see all the episodes (have yet to see the final parts of... Z? ZZ? Kamille's story)

Bring Excel Saga to Toonami

I'd fully support this. Especially since it's like.. one of 2 shows (the other being Golden Boy?) that have some self-parody of the animation industry in it. No, wait, we also have Paranoia Agent! Somehow, I don't think Golden Boy could make Toonami... (But it surely has an adult swim...ing scene... err)

*watches review of Tenchi Muyo*

Wow, had no idea it wasn't based on an existing manga or franchise....or that it also aired on Adult Swim at one point after being on Toonami.

Or that the series began in freakin' 1992, that is OLD.
Heh, I remember wanting the Laser Disc for it. Had a few chances to buy them too...
My *OMG!* moment with the Tenchiverse is that it shares loose-ish continuity with a Hentai Ova. Or that references from that OVA make them into THE SHOW THAT SHALL NOT BE MENTIONED.

Of course, Ayeka is the SM Queen, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised...

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Heh, I remember wanting the Laser Disc for it. Had a few chances to buy them too...
My *OMG!* moment with the Tenchiverse is that it shares loose-ish continuity with a Hentai Ova. Or that references from that OVA make them into THE SHOW THAT SHALL NOT BE MENTIONED.

Of course, Ayeka is the SM Queen, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised...

Tenchi Muyo GXP is canon as fuck and takes place in the OVA universe.


UC4 is fantastic.

100% honest here, it is going to be pretty overrated. The game has serious pacing issues. I love the game but I liked UC2 and 3 better.

I need to go back and do a speed run before I make any more radical statements since doing collectibles really drags out the lulls in the game.


Sketchbook Picasso
You mean this? :D

I only own a couple of LDs and this is one of them. You gotta love LDs for their awesome sleeves. The Pioneer anime LDs even did this cool thing where you got the original Japanese sleeve and they simply glued an English overlay on top like this...


It's sooo purty! XD Though now I wonder which release I saw, since I remember seeing this box, but I thought it had a different coloring:


My dad had a Laserdisc player, and owned, at least, Dick Tracy and Ghost. If I ever go back and try to get some stuff myself, it definitely be Tenchi first, lol. I still love the art for this show so much... I think it even has more sway over the way I draw anime style than I'd like to admit. (And I still think WASHUUchan's hair is the best ever.)

Anime on laser disc? Oh my gooooooooood

Tenchi Muyo GXP is canon as fuck and takes place in the OVA universe.


Also, I really want to play Uncharted 4, but man, I just cannot get through Uncharted 1. That game has some terrible ass game design. People hype up 2, I hope to god it's better


Also, I really want to play Uncharted 4, but man, I just cannot get through Uncharted 1. That game has some terrible ass game design. People hype up 2, I hope to god it's better

Uncharted 1 is a time capsule. Good for its time but has aged terribly. 2 is much much much x10000 better.
I played UC4 and Doom back to back and Doom was a lot better

UC4 just like...goes on, and on, and on, and on. But all the UC games do that imo. Doom every level theres new shit to kill in new ways, it never gets old

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I posit that Uncharted 1 was never very good to begin with. Game just falls apart halfway through and doesn't have the spectacle that brought people into 2 so hard.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I did good business selling anime LD about ten years ago.

A lot of the people bought them just to hang the slip covers.
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