It's better than Champloo for one thing, not that I wish for it to replace it as I'd prefer a new show in that slot. I don't care anymore about 3am unless something good shows up like KlK.
DeMarco's says Final Act's listing was a mistake btw
Not even remotely close, and I wasn't a huge Final Act fan.
It's nowhere near SAO, or Beware the Batman, or even Shippuden.
Well that's that then.
On a different note, I want to get a new avatar for myself. Thinking of going with someone from Fire Emblem Fates. I just don't know who to go with exactly.
DeMarco's says Final Act's listing was a mistake btw
It's better than Champloo for one thing, not that I wish for it to replace it as I'd prefer a new show in that slot. I don't care anymore about 3am unless something good shows up like KlK.
DeMarco's says Final Act's listing was a mistake btw
Scarlet is 'fu.
DeMarco's says Final Act's listing was a mistake btw
Hey guys...
In that regard, Final Act, even beyond just its outrageous pacing issues, was a complete misunderstanding of what made InuYasha work for me. The plot was front and center, and it was front and center to such a degree that the character interactions and the comedy got edged out in what ended up being a weird reversal of what the original show prioritized. By the time the show got to the end, I didn't give a shit about the payoff because it had made me completely indifferent.
The thing is, the pacing killed all of that stuff. Entire volumes got condensed into a handful of episodes. Hell, the first episode condensed like three volumes of content. When reading through the manga it all works just fine, they just fucked up the adaptation really badly with that pacing.
You can literally trace all the issues that show had back to it's abysmal pacing. They left no room for anything but the plot with that episode count. I'm afraid to watch Ushio and Tora because I'm scared they may have made the same mistake.
The thing is, the pacing killed all of that stuff. Entire volumes got condensed into a handful of episodes. Hell, the first episode condensed like three volumes of content. When reading through the manga it all works just fine, they just fucked up the adaptation really badly with that pacing.
You can literally trace all the issues that show had back to it's abysmal pacing. They left no room for anything but the plot with that episode count. I'm afraid to watch Ushio and Tora because I'm scared they may have made the same mistake.
Again the question is do you make the best condensed adaptation of a manga that you can like what Ushio and Tora is doing or do you simply not make one at all?
I feel like rushed adaptations have been waning a bit in recent years.
They still happen too often.
I feel like rushed adaptations have been waning a bit in recent years.
They still happen too often.
Hey guys...
There is exactly 1 person on GAF who likes Toriko, and you aren't him. Don't gimmick post bullshit
There is exactly 1 person on GAF who likes Toriko, and you aren't him. Don't gimmick post bullshit
Mainly because they're usually glorified advertisements for the manga version.
Umm depending on your definition of rushed we can count akame Ga Kill, Ushio and Tora, and Toriko as rushed adaptations.
Is Ushio and Tora rushed though? Isn't it doing a complete adaptation, even if it is at a fast speed?
DeMarco's says Final Act's listing was a mistake btw
Have we ever gotten confirmation that Samurai Jack is going to air on Toonami at all? They always mention Toonami when talking about new FLCL but never for new Jack. What if it's not airing (or at least premiering) during Toonami at all? At 12:30? Now, im not well versed in time zones and all that, but isnt that HxH's spot?
![]() At 12:30? Now, im not well versed in time zones and all that, but isnt that HxH's spot?
Interesting that it says it will start airing June 4th. What's going to be airing during those two weeks after DW concludes?