The more podcast people, the more interesting the discussion, lol
There's a limit of questions on the number of people a podcast can support, and it's somewhere around 5-6. More than that and there's just too much cross chatter.
So if you were to flame Line_HTX, would that mean that you just...crossed the Line?
So if you were to flame Line_HTX, would that mean that you just...crossed the Line?
So if you were to flame Line_HTX, would that mean that you just...crossed the Line?
So if you were to flame Line_HTX, would that mean that you just...crossed the Line?
So if you were to flame Line_HTX, would that mean that you just...crossed the Line?
So if you were to flame Line_HTX, would that mean that you just...crossed the Line?
So if you were to flame Line_HTX, would that mean that you just...crossed the Line?
So if you were to flame Line_HTX, would that mean that you just...crossed the Line?
It's so obvious I wanna be the Twintail was made for Toonami.
Who really wants Jojo on Toonami anyway?
I'm trying to find an appropriate reaction gif, but I'm too busy laughing at everyone's replies.
What I imagine ToonamiGAF wants to do to me:
Real talk: Thanks for giving me a good laugh before I went into work, guys. It was a rather sucky day for me, so I needed a pick-me-up as to not let my mind focus on the negativity that I was dealing with today.
Real talk: Thanks for giving me a good laugh before I went into work, guys. It was a rather sucky day for me, so I needed a pick-me-up as to not let my mind focus on the negativity that I was dealing with today.
We're already missing Seda on the podcast
It's so obvious I wanna be the Twintail was made for Toonami.
Real talk: Thanks for giving me a good laugh before I went into work, guys. It was a rather sucky day for me, so I needed a pick-me-up as to not let my mind focus on the negativity that I was dealing with today.
You want to turn into a twintails?
So apparently they mailed me a Tom pin while I was at school.
But the pin itself broke off.
We're already missing Seda on the podcast
That's sucks, bro. Can you try gluing it back together?
I believe the perfect amount for a podcast is between 3 to 5 users. 2 can work but you need to have a good amount to talk about and why you agree/disagree to create a good discussion between the two. Any more than 5 & it gets too crowded. Even 5 can see a little too much if you're not aware of the cross-talk, & I think that only works if you're doing something like a group vote/discussion on a type of award show, like Best of 20## thing like Giant Bomb does at the end of the year or the Toonami awards.
I was thinking of shooting customer service or whoever an email for a new one.
Line, deep down, aren't we all twintails?
Line, deep down, aren't we all twintails?
Yeah, 4 (or 3) feels like the perfect number. 5 is fine but pushing it.4 tends to work for me.
Yeah, 4 (or 3) feels like the perfect number. 5 is fine but pushing it.
One of these days, I need to see what anime is on Amazon Prime. I think the Gurren Lagann movies are on there. My friend said he never saw the series, debating if I should just show him the movies or let him see the series first, then show him the 2nd film.
Twintails are wintails. Apparently.
I'm still not sure if that show is real, or just a fever dream
Who would consume that?
I'm still not sure if that show is real, or just a fever dream
Who would consume that?
I'm still not sure if that show is real, or just a fever dream
Who would consume that?
I'm still not sure if that show is real, or just a fever dream
Who would consume that?