It's oddly satisfying that Wonder Woman got the good movie instead of Batman or Superman.
She's cool.
It's something.Don't worry they have Justice League to ruin her.
Oh damnDon't worry they have Justice League to ruin her.
Don't worry they have Justice League to ruin her.
To, slightly, defend it. There is a reason for that. It is a scar from a I was looking at this and realized
did they fucking put his abs on his chest
To, slightly, defend it. There is a reason for that. It is a scar from a fight.
The poor direction and the pacing don't help things.
The ones outside the buckles might be scars, but what's the stuff in the middle supposed to be, then??
Highlights from the thread:
is toonami good
It was probably cheaper to copy paste the ab texture up there than it was to actually animate a scar. I still think the funniest thing was Zodd throwing a troll and Skull Knight and it simply just glides across the screen and shrinks a little I was looking at this and realized
did they fucking put his abs on his chest
Possibly delayed due to Monday being a holiday.Marathon ratings where?
when's my sao vs .hack vs. log horizon crossover fighting game
So with that Capcom psn sale, a lot of people can probably afford to experience the wonder and majesty that is Lost Planet 3.
...Yes, I know you probably forgot it existed.
...I did too, to be honest.
Pink Lars is best Lars...also Garnet president 2k20
Anyway I'm really curious when we're gonna learn what Genndy's next project is, like when do you think they could announce it if they're gonna this year?
Marathon ratings where?
Sam Jack doing better at 3:30 than Shippuden does at 2:30Stolen from Reddit:
11:00 Samurai Jack (r) 1031 0.47 606
11:30 Samurai Jack (r) 939 0.42 545
12:00a Samurai Jack (r) 888 0.40 519
12:30a Samurai Jack (r) 843 0.39 495
1:00a Samurai Jack (r) 786 0.37 481
1:30a Samurai Jack (r) 841 0.42 534
2:00a Samurai Jack (r) 784 0.36 468
2:30a Samurai Jack (r) 704 0.32 415
3:00a Samurai Jack (r) 681 0.32 408
3:30a Samurai Jack (r) 642 0.28 355
Those ratings are good, but nowhere near "let's lead the block with it again" good.Stolen from Reddit:
11:00 Samurai Jack (r) 1031 0.47 606
11:30 Samurai Jack (r) 939 0.42 545
12:00a Samurai Jack (r) 888 0.40 519
12:30a Samurai Jack (r) 843 0.39 495
1:00a Samurai Jack (r) 786 0.37 481
1:30a Samurai Jack (r) 841 0.42 534
2:00a Samurai Jack (r) 784 0.36 468
2:30a Samurai Jack (r) 704 0.32 415
3:00a Samurai Jack (r) 681 0.32 408
3:30a Samurai Jack (r) 642 0.28 355
Those ratings are good, but nowhere near "let's lead the block with it again" good.
Sam Jack doing better at 3:30 than Shippuden does at 2:30
Why was there a sudden spike at 1:30?
.......oh, it was the episode where all of you were freakin' out over a naked girl. THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING.
Pink Lars is best Lars...also Garnet president 2k20
Anyway I'm really curious when we're gonna learn what Genndy's next project is, like when do you think they could announce it if they're gonna this year?
I heard Lost Planet 3 has a surprisingly good narrative.
I might be thinking of something else.
.hack//SIGN for Toonami
Does that show hold up at all
Is 59 the one with his classic face?We're gonna get some great Hisoka faces in the next couple episodes of HxH.