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Toonami |Nov14| Brought Final Act to Toonami

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Master of the Google Search
No this is probably the most brilliant opening ever


Is this Keebler Elves the anime?
Does Final Act have a recap of the previous series in the first episode?

We ain't got time for that crap we have to cover like 15 chapters worth of content in one 20 minutes episode.

Honestly i don't think the series has any kind of recap, and honestly if the first episode does have 2-5 minute recap it'll make the pacing of the first episode even crazier o.o
So I shouldnt watch FA since I havent seen Inyuasha, gotchya

I mean if you want to sure, I can give you a quick recap so you can understand what is basically going on, but as Metatron said you're jumping into a series basically half way though. InuYasha is very repetitive so in a sense even though you've missed a lot if you understand the basic concept of the show it's very easy to pick up what's going on.
Guys, just watch Final Act. Our Inuyasha mega fan already made a super cool post with a bunch of info and even if you didn't see it, then there's not really a lot you missed. It's not like there's a lot of super intricate plotlines in Inuyasha.

73: Darkness on Umbara


We’re not done with Krell yet in episode 74 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. His unit, the 501st Legion, remains under heavy fire, only now they face another threat: Umbaran ships. Obi-Wan calls to inform Krell that an airbase near their position is causing problems for the entire invasion, as its ships are resupplying the troops at the capital. Krell vows to capture it. After retreating and regrouping, reconnaissance reveals that the airbase is heavily fortified. The only obvious route to the base is along a narrow gorge that will force the clones to travel close together. Rex suggests sending scouts to look for a more secure path, but Krell says that Obi-Wan is counting on them to capture the base as quickly as possible; they don’t have time to search for another route.


At the opening to the gorge, Rex reveals the plan to the troops, who are unhappy with the decision. After their disastrous attack on the capital’s roads, the clones have no faith in Krell’s strategies and reference his clear disregard for their lives. The only ones who support Krell’s plan are Hardcase, who thinks it might be “fun” because it will give him some things to shoot at, and Dogma, who agrees that there is no time for recon. Rex compares Krell’s unorthodox methods to Anakin, but Fives draws a distinction between the two: Anakin was always in the front with his men, while Krell leads from the safety of the back. He mentions that despite Krell’s status as a war hero, he has the highest number of casualties by far. Eventually they realize they don’t have much of a choice and continue with the plan, moral at an all-time low. Along the way, a massive centipede robot emerges from the ground because the Umbarans are creepy bastards, with guns mounted everywhere on it.


After many deaths, the clones realize that the head of the centipede is ray-shielded and can only be harmed by explosions as a result. As more emerge, they manage to take one down with a rocket launcher. Rex orders the clones to regroup in an area that forms a bottleneck, and to plant many bombs at the entrance. They act as bait to the get the centipedes to come for them and detonate the bombs, destroying the rest. Victory is short-lived, however, as the clones soon encounter walking tanks that force them into a retreat. As is typical, Krell is displeased with this and barks orders to continue the assault at Rex from the safety of a ridge overlooking the gorge. A clone asks if the other platoons should go in to provide reinforcements, and Krell says that he hasn’t given the order yet.


After dragging the wounded to an isolated area (and shooting away the flying scavengers from last episode), Rex orders the assault to continue, much to the chagrin of the other clones. Rockets prove ineffective against the tanks, so Rex formulates a plan: send Fives and Hardcase to infiltrate the airbase and steal weaponry to use against the tanks. Krell is against this plan and orders the remaining troops to attack the tanks head-on or Rex will be relieved of duty; Rex resigns himself to the attack, trying to hold out as long as possible. We cut to Fives and Hardcase. Before they arrive at the base’s electrified gate, Hardcase hilariously reveals that he’s so hyperactive because his growth chamber had a leak in it. Fives lays charges around the base of a tree near the fence as Hardcase climbs it, grumbling about how they’re sneaking around instead of shooting. He manages to descend a branch down into the base, with Fives not far behind. Fives is attacked by one of the flying creatures, which Hardcase silently kills by spearing it with the grappling hook on his gun.


As Fives and Hardcase go deeper into the base, they detonate the charges on the tree in order to create a distraction. The Umbarans abandon their posts to run to where they believe the attack will come from; the two clones use this opportunity to commandeer two of their fighters. But because the technology is so foreign, they have some trouble getting them under control. In an amusing reversal, Hardcase is scared as he tries to pilot a fighter while Fives laughs like a maniac, even firing at some of the Umbarans while his ship is upside down. They manage to destroy the remaining fighters before the Umbarans can board them and fly off, rather shakily, to lend support to Rex. The fighters destroy the tanks, and Krell gives the order to the troops in reserve to assist in taking the airbase. There’s a really fucking cheesy zoom in on Krell’s eye as it reflects a bunch of fire. In his debriefing, Rex informs Krell that many men died to take the airbase, and Krell simply says that it is the cost of victory, and he hopes Rex will realize that someday. "NO YOU," says Fives.

The strength of this episode compared to the last one is that Krell isn't necessarily wrong. I mean yeah, he's still clearly a dick who's going about this the wrong way, but he's right when he says that Obi-Wan is counting on them to do things as quickly as they can. He has a reason for his methods here. And on top of that, we get a great look at the clones' ingenuity as they deal with different Umbaran threats using different strategies. Apart from some on-the-nose moments at the end, I think this is the best Clone Wars episode yet. I like the way it shows the clones' growing discontent and the way they adapt to situations quite cleverly. Umbaran technology is still pleasantly weird, too; the novelty of the situation hasn't worn off.

Grade: A

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's pretty clear that Krell is not on the level but it is true that the Clones don't have enough proof to really disobey.


355 / 167 = 2.1
355 / 127 = 2.8
202 / 26 = 7.7
So Final Act moves almost 4 times as fast as the original did, and almost 3 times as fast if you remove those 40 episodes.
Guys please, let the master speak.

Except he didn't mention anything about the filler, Mike's numbers would lead you to believe the original anime was adapating the manga at a pace of about 2 chapters per 1 episode when in reality it was more like 3 chapters per 1 episode, it's a BIG difference Schadenfreude

Edit; MikeMyers has that Final Act pacing speed
Pacing that fast is probably going to be a mess on the content though. o.0

Guess I'll find out tonight.

from what little i've seen, i think the series exists more to tie up loose ends than anything else.

though the main storyline itself in InuYasha could probably stand some cuts since it tends to meander so it's probably not as bad as it sounds.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Final Act is a happy coincidence since it starts right around the point where the manga stops wandering around and gets to business.

That's the difference between Canon and Non-Canon™ Inuyasha. You know its canon when they are either fighting Naraku or wandering around post fighting Naraku. When they are getting stuff done it's often in a Non-Canon™ episode.
What /is/ that show

Humanity Has Declined is the name of the series, it's an adaptation of a series of light novel books

Humanity Has Declined is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the human civilization has regressed and humanity keeps decreasing in numbers. The story follows an unnamed girl who acts as a mediator between humanity and the "fairies" who are small elf-like creatures attracted by sweets and happy things, but also have the habit to cause trouble to her with their powers in their endless search for amusement.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Soo whats the schedule this week? Still AoT first?

Tonight on Toonami, Eren and friends escape from Shiganshina, Raditz reveals that (surprise!) Goku's an alien, the Leaf ninja attempt to pursue Sai, the Straw Hats make a leap of faith in the wake of Robin's confession but fuck that shit here's Luffy's backstory from episode 4 instead, and Nia sets up shop in the kitchen as Cytomander attacks from the sky. Then Inuyasha and friends are back, but there's no time to explain as all kinds of crazy shit is going down as Hakudoshi and Kagura plot to obtain some of the few jewel shards not in Naraku's possession, and we cover more than a full manga volume in one episode! Inuyasha isn't the only one back as Bleach returns to the fold after a week of retirement with this randomly chosen episode from the fight with Starrk. After that, it's a war between buttocks and nasty chesitcles with Space Dandy, Faye tells Ein a secret about her past, Pride reveals himself to Hawkeye, Section 9 is put in charge of a plutonium shipment out of the Shinjuku refugee district, Vera and the Union make their presence known in Paradigm, and finally Aku sends a ninja to take down Jack.

11:30 - Attack on Titan - 2 - That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 2
12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai - 2 - The Enemy is Goku's Brother?! The Secret of the Mighty Saiyan Warriors
12:30 - Naruto Shippuden - 45 - The Consequences of Betrayal
1:00 - One Piece - 279 - Jump Towards the Falls! Luffy's Feelings!
1:30 - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 13 - Eat Up, Everyone!
2:00 - Inuyasha: The Final Act - 1 - Naraku's Heart
2:30 - Bleach - 282 - Power of the Soul! Los Lobos, Attack!
3:00 - Space Dandy - 6 - The War of the Undies and Vests, Baby
3:30 - Cowboy Bebop - 15 - My Funny Valentine
4:00 - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 37 - The First Homunculus
4:30 - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - 7 - Pu239/94
5:00 - Big O - 20 - Stripes
5:30 - Samurai Jack - 40 - Samurai vs. Ninja

Pretty good night.
Here's my take on InuYasha:

InuYasha is sort of like a Western cartoon. You have your main group, you have your main villain, you have the villain's henchmen, and you have a plot involving the defeat of the main villain that advances very slowly because there's a ton of one-off adventures in-between. It's very easy to jump into with minimal knowledge of past events.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Things I like about Inuyasha as a whole.

1. It does emotional scenes really well.
2. Naraku.
3. It looks really good most of the time. The budget does go up for big and important episodes but unlike something like Naruto the baseline episodes still look good.
4. The ending is excellent.
5. It has the best ending songs in all of anime.
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